When we talk, you will usually judge the merits of what's said over how much it does or doesn't conform to your understanding, rather than looking at what those thoughts are doing for them.
People who question what they need to be happy begin to look at how certain mistakes in thinking may still lend to them being happier, while a factually based person would see accepting inaccuracy like that as too painful to compromise over.but I accept inaccuracy and my beliefs and self-concept have changed over time ? soo how am I more concerned with being right ?
Based on your history, rather than the self-concept you just began to cobble together, you have shown your concerns over feeling right to be a big enough deal to shut others down.
By comparison, happiness seekers tend to look at another's mistakes, rather than just their own, and question what merits those mistakes otherwise have in making them happier or otherwise more content.
you cannot generalize what "happiness seekers" do lmao, that's stupid I am a happiness seeker and I do exactly what a happiness seeker would do because I am one
everyone is different and unique, and what makes me happy is not necessarily going to be the same as what makes someone else happy