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I thought about your wife today and how you kinda fucked her over. You think she will be okay?

Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Life updates

Probably. It wasn't so much the charity that was appealing to me as it was to give away all my money, which was freeing. I'm also giving all my money to my wife. I feel guilty over what's happened. It's alright, because I don't care about money.

I've been broke and struggled through pay cheques before. It was interesting to say the least, stories and such, but I like to eat too. Man has to have money if he likes hooking up with a partner or be a provider, or pursue dreams, otherwise life won't be so interesting.

I don't think Jim is a bottom feeder. He's one of the most free persons on this forum. I'd put him in the same category as Alice and you, as an enlightened person.

Well Jim is laughing at you right now, if he were so enlightened he wouldn't have felt the urge to express that. I call him a bottom feeder cause people like me sell to people like him. Make the gains, then when the project makes noise the heard comes ( After a massive pump ) and we sell and move onto new low cap gems with higher growth potential. From what I've seen of him, he gets rekt all the time and makes most of his profit from scamming people. He's nothing like me or Alice.

As for Alice. Her and Peach hasn't been responding to my messages, which means they are either ghosting me, or Alice died and Peach is in mourning. She had a liver transplant a few years ago and takes meds to stay alive. If Alice is actually dead, and Peach never got her private keys, then there will be some crypto locked away forever in her wallet. I gave $500 to invest and she only invested $10 into this project. She will be allocated 75,000 tokens, which will eventually turn into 75 grand then do another 15x at the least. ( This project is insane ). I gave a relative and a friend the same amount and they're sitting on 5,000,000+ tokens. I'll check on her wallet every now and then to see if there's any movement. Alice is a Jew so I can't imagine they would be ghosting me. It's probably something serious going on over there. I last heard from Alice on Feb 18th of this year.

Something else frightening about this too. It's as if she wasn't meant to receive this gift from me.

You know Alice used to be a drug addict, right? I've never really cared whether or not someone is savvy with investments. In my little world, I have my own little values that I use to shamelessly pass judgement on people. For you, perhaps that's the amount of knowledge they have of Crypto. I'd certainly be a bottom feeder there.

Anyone has the potential to learn. The only thing one has to keep in mind is they have to have the intent to sell, and not have the "shit coin" mentality where they feel the need to knock other projects without knowing what it actually is. Those people get attached to projects, then chase after projects after they boom and the whales sell off.

It sure sounds like you're not losing any sleep over your girlfriend's behavior. I find that part of you interesting. It feels like I couldn't do it, even if I tried, and there are very few things I feel that way about. Although I still have my doubts about how much of it is true. If you truly think nothing of it, it seems odd that you bring it up so frequently, to say how little you care about it. I'd imagine a person who didn't care wouldn't spend much time thinking about it, and even less talking about it. A person who truly didn't care would find it perplexing that others cared, like how I find it perplexing that people care about measuring themselves against other people. But perhaps it's the others that bring it up, because it seems so odd, and because it's against the mainstream.

While I mentioned it quite a while ago, you're the one who brought it up in here and I had something to say about it.

I say bruh. If you want to know, I'm a broken man. After being fractured many times by my ladies, it comes to a point where we become callous for the sake of mental health, as long as we want it at least. Some people choose to remain weak and seek sympathy when the ego no longer serves us and needs to change. Not as easy as it sounds but once you make it, we don't let our partners disturbing habits get to us. What's worse than being triggered is heartbreak which I'm not having. I can be repulsed by my lady's behavior but I stay cool and she returns like a boomerang and we end up doing something fun.

There's also a degree of understanding, for example, when I get into a relationship, I expect their bullshit or else I won't be in a relationship at all. 

I'm also ready to lose. Had I not transformed, I'd suffer, then probably start snapping and bring ruin to my established connections. At 44 I'm not a naturally born Sigma male, I'm a created one. And I swear I'm much better off this way.

It seems extremely prideful to not allow women to upset me much ( they totally still can ) but it's not done out of pride, it's done out of wisdom.

As for that feminism thing, I think you've been surrounded by feminists who don't know what they're talking about, and I think that you've been influenced by the right-wing media into thinking of feminism as this ridiculous thing that is about singing gumbayaa under a palm tree, holding hands, and thinking everyone is the same.

I think 1st wave Feminism is fine Those are women of legend. I'm also glad women can get off the sofa and rake in some doe, or else everything will be on me, which would be a shitty thing in 2022 inflation is rough and dating kinda sux. What I think about the modern 3rd wave Feminism, it's sexist misandry and violence against men on the most part. It spews falsehoods and not facts. It's just not bright.

I also live in Toronto which is a breeding ground of degeneracy.

I understand some people who call themselves feminists mean well, but they lack so much knowledge on real matters. Women have it better than men do.

The feminism that at least I support is nothing like that. It's about encouraging women to take up important work and to get rid of gender discrimination where it exists.

People should follow their heart and take up work they want to do. Some of those women are going to end up taking an expensive course on something they don't really want to do, and have no heart and get smoked by their classmates and 'not' get hired cause they suck. The women who are really interested in, as you say, "important work" will succeed, but they'll still be up against their colleagues for job positions. Some men and women make it, some do not. 

I mentioned having 2 female colleagues. 1 of them made it while the other one didn't. The one that made it was very prideful and competitive. I had the best final project and for our final critiques, as an act of courtesy the colleague with the best final project goes last. That was me ! But no, she insisted and even fought tooth and nail to be critiqued after me. In short my final project was spectacular and I got an A+. Then the ones grading us how to check her project after mine and after seeing what I did, it most likely water her project down. 

That same girl also sabotaged my chance to work at Optix Digital right out of school.

It's not supposed to be about gender, but to be frank, in 2022 men have good reasons to be afraid to employ strange women these days.

In the end, it's only beneficial for me to have half the world's population working in their full capacity. My support of feminism is quite selfish. Perhaps there are idiots and they somehow surround you, or perhaps in Canada the system is broken. However, I recognize none of the problems that you speak of.

Modern day Feminism benefits you how ? They don't give a shit about you. If anything you'd be a pawn at their marches and protests at best, other than that you are to sit properly and remain silent while the other gender speaks. 

It's called feminism because it's female only. Some feminist say it's about equality but they do not address men's issues, which are way worse.

In modern day, it's not really white people who are being hated on, it's the white man. Women children and gay people are considered, men are not. Most men are innocent too.


Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Life updates
I think it's true that there are some biological differences between men and women, but some of it is also social conditioning.
Brain scans indicate men and women use parts of the brain differently, and excel at different tasks. Women can literally talk and listen at the same time. I watched 3 of them chattering at a party, they are talking at the same time and responding. I said to my buddy "Wow look at them" 1 of them turned to me and said "I can hear you"
Another possibility is that, over time, male-dominated workplaces shape themselves in such a way as to become more attractive to women. I'd rather support it and take a look at what happens, and then if things turn to shit, let's just all go back to this stone-age me-tarzan-you-jane-type setting where we club women to submission. I'll be the first one to support it then, but only once the evidence points to this being the fairest system that guarantees happiness to most parties involved.

 Men like having women around. 

There's plenty of evidence. Modern day feminism is incredibly ignorant, deluded and very unpopular among the majority. They took away the dislike button on youtube but I assure you, that shit is really disliked. Read comments.

Also. A submissive woman is a happy one. See Med ? Very submissive to Chapo, same with CS.

When a woman falls head over heals for a guy, she takes a deep breath and wants to be swept away. She wants the man to lead. She also wants him tall and handsome. There are reasons why 20% of men are banging all of the hot chicks. They are alphas and the woman will give it up to them anytime. Women who aren't submissive aren't as happy in their relationship as those other submissive women. Truth. That being said, I doubt your wife is submissive toward you these days.   

last edit on 4/8/2022 6:45:03 AM
Posts: 1682
0 votes RE: Life updates
Hawk said: 

Probably. It wasn't so much the charity that was appealing to me as it was to give away all my money, which was freeing. I'm also giving all my money to my wife. I feel guilty over what's happened. It's alright, because I don't care about money.

I've been broke and struggled through pay cheques before. It was interesting to say the least, stories and such, but I like to eat too. Man has to have money if he likes hooking up with a partner or be a provider, or pursue dreams, otherwise life won't be so interesting.

I don't think Jim is a bottom feeder. He's one of the most free persons on this forum. I'd put him in the same category as Alice and you, as an enlightened person.

Well Jim is laughing at you right now, if he were so enlightened he wouldn't have felt the urge to express that. I call him a bottom feeder cause people like me sell to people like him. Make the gains, then when the project makes noise the heard comes ( After a massive pump ) and we sell and move onto new low cap gems with higher growth potential. From what I've seen of him, he gets rekt all the time and makes most of his profit from scamming people. He's nothing like me or Alice.

As for Alice. Her and Peach hasn't been responding to my messages, which means they are either ghosting me, or Alice died and Peach is in mourning. She had a liver transplant a few years ago and takes meds to stay alive. If Alice is actually dead, and Peach never got her private keys, then there will be some crypto locked away forever in her wallet. I gave $500 to invest and she only invested $10 into this project. She will be allocated 75,000 tokens, which will eventually turn into 75 grand then do another 15x at the least. ( This project is insane ). I gave a relative and a friend the same amount and they're sitting on 5,000,000+ tokens. I'll check on her wallet every now and then to see if there's any movement. Alice is a Jew so I can't imagine they would be ghosting me. It's probably something serious going on over there. I last heard from Alice on Feb 18th of this year.

Something else frightening about this too. It's as if she wasn't meant to receive this gift from me.

You know Alice used to be a drug addict, right? I've never really cared whether or not someone is savvy with investments. In my little world, I have my own little values that I use to shamelessly pass judgement on people. For you, perhaps that's the amount of knowledge they have of Crypto. I'd certainly be a bottom feeder there.

Anyone has the potential to learn. The only thing one has to keep in mind is they have to have the intent to sell, and not have the "shit coin" mentality where they feel the need to knock other projects without knowing what it actually is. Those people get attached to projects, then chase after projects after they boom and the whales sell off.

It sure sounds like you're not losing any sleep over your girlfriend's behavior. I find that part of you interesting. It feels like I couldn't do it, even if I tried, and there are very few things I feel that way about. Although I still have my doubts about how much of it is true. If you truly think nothing of it, it seems odd that you bring it up so frequently, to say how little you care about it. I'd imagine a person who didn't care wouldn't spend much time thinking about it, and even less talking about it. A person who truly didn't care would find it perplexing that others cared, like how I find it perplexing that people care about measuring themselves against other people. But perhaps it's the others that bring it up, because it seems so odd, and because it's against the mainstream.

While I mentioned it quite a while ago, you're the one who brought it up in here and I had something to say about it.

I say bruh. If you want to know, I'm a broken man. After being fractured many times by my ladies, it comes to a point where we become callous for the sake of mental health, as long as we want it at least. Some people choose to remain weak and seek sympathy when the ego no longer serves us and needs to change. Not as easy as it sounds but once you make it, we don't let our partners disturbing habits get to us. What's worse than being triggered is heartbreak which I'm not having. I can be repulsed by my lady's behavior but I stay cool and she returns like a boomerang and we end up doing something fun.

There's also a degree of understanding, for example, when I get into a relationship, I expect their bullshit or else I won't be in a relationship at all. 

I'm also ready to lose. Had I not transformed, I'd suffer, then probably start snapping and bring ruin to my established connections. At 44 I'm not a naturally born Sigma male, I'm a created one. And I swear I'm much better off this way.

It seems extremely prideful to not allow women to upset me much ( they totally still can ) but it's not done out of pride, it's done out of wisdom.

As for that feminism thing, I think you've been surrounded by feminists who don't know what they're talking about, and I think that you've been influenced by the right-wing media into thinking of feminism as this ridiculous thing that is about singing gumbayaa under a palm tree, holding hands, and thinking everyone is the same.

I think 1st wave Feminism is fine Those are women of legend. I'm also glad women can get off the sofa and rake in some doe, or else everything will be on me, which would be a shitty thing in 2022 inflation is rough and dating kinda sux. What I think about the modern 3rd wave Feminism, it's sexist misandry and violence against men on the most part. It spews falsehoods and not facts. It's just not bright.

I also live in Toronto which is a breeding ground of degeneracy.

I understand some people who call themselves feminists mean well, but they lack so much knowledge on real matters. Women have it better than men do.

The feminism that at least I support is nothing like that. It's about encouraging women to take up important work and to get rid of gender discrimination where it exists.

People should follow their heart and take up work they want to do. Some of those women are going to end up taking an expensive course on something they don't really want to do, and have no heart and get smoked by their classmates and 'not' get hired cause they suck. The women who are really interested in, as you say, "important work" will succeed, but they'll still be up against their colleagues for job positions. Some men and women make it, some do not. 

I mentioned having 2 female colleagues. 1 of them made it while the other one didn't. The one that made it was very prideful and competitive. I had the best final project and for our final critiques, as an act of courtesy the colleague with the best final project goes last. That was me ! But no, she insisted and even fought tooth and nail to be critiqued after me. In short my final project was spectacular and I got an A+. Then the ones grading us how to check her project after mine and after seeing what I did, it most likely water her project down. 

That same girl also sabotaged my chance to work at Optix Digital right out of school.

It's not supposed to be about gender, but to be frank, in 2022 men have good reasons to be afraid to employ strange women these days.

In the end, it's only beneficial for me to have half the world's population working in their full capacity. My support of feminism is quite selfish. Perhaps there are idiots and they somehow surround you, or perhaps in Canada the system is broken. However, I recognize none of the problems that you speak of.

Modern day Feminism benefits you how ? They don't give a shit about you. If anything you'd be a pawn at their marches and protests at best, other than that you are to sit properly and remain silent while the other gender speaks. 

It's called feminism because it's female only. Some feminist say it's about equality but they do not address men's issues, which are way worse.

In modern day, it's not really white people who are being hated on, it's the white man. Women children and gay people are considered, men are not. Most men are innocent too.


Do you feel hated, as a black man?

Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Life updates


Do you feel hated, as a black man?

 Oh yes. And other reasons.

Posts: 1682
0 votes RE: Life updates
Hawk said: 


Do you feel hated, as a black man?

 Oh yes. And other reasons.


Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Life updates
Hawk said: 


Do you feel hated, as a black man?

 Oh yes. And other reasons.


 There are haters out there. I don't put too much thought into it really. I also have a sense that people think it's easy to take things away from me, and if they fail they kinda turn resentful. 

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