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If you ever want to be buck-broken by a white massa and got a bubble negro butt hit me up x

Lol thanks for the offer. I'm a bit afraid of that knife you're carrying around.

Posts: 2283
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If you ever want to be buck-broken by a white massa and got a bubble negro butt hit me up x

Lol thanks for the offer. I'm a bit afraid of that knife you're carrying around.

 What about having the knife on your throat while you get raped? That way you are not gay, its just rape

consumed by avarice
Posts: 56
0 votes RE: Life updates
Blue_Jay said: Yadda yadda yadda 


Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll take it pretty slow. I just had a chat with my wife, and we may still get children together, since we had discussed about that for a long time, but we'll definitely get a divorce. It's a bit of a shitshow, to be honest, and something tells me it might be a really bad idea, and I'm not going to be making any big decisions right now. What was I when we were getting married? I thought I was straight. I never considered I might be gay. I was aware of it on some level, but it never consciously entered my mind. It felt sort of like a light bulb moment when it hit me.

Sounds like you have a good thing right there. Better if you had a fling, it's not easy finding a good woman these days. They'll be taken, or spoiled or not up to standard for some other reason.

That was interesting post to read, by the way, particularly your school story. Would you still consider dating him now?

Well I never thought of dating him. I just wanted to be good friends. I thought of him as handsome though. From the tender age of 8, I had women in mind. Would I consider dating him now ? Nope. If we do meet again it'll probably turn into "so what do you now ?" I'd tell him what I've become just to see his reaction. Maybe he's a crypto millionaire too. Maybe he has a family, we both liked girls. That's the closest to being gay I've been, which really isn't gay, I just appreciated his look and character but we never really became good friends. ( I was too busy being bullied and the grass was greener on the other side )


I still find the thought of having sex with a man pretty repulsive and your story almost made me gag. I don't think dating Steve is a good idea. I feel it'd be sort of like cheating on my wife, so I won't do it, out of principle. It's sort of like following up on something that was formed in bad faith. I think I'll look for someone who doesn't want to have sex, so I can have a relationship with no sex.

You're a different kind of guy. For me if the sex isn't good, it's probably not going to work out.


Why didn't my wife figure it out, and is she a hard feminist? To answer your question, my wife's quite conservative, and so is her family. I'm much more of a feminist than she is. She's also very submissinve. However, not many women suspect their husband might be gay. I guess that's it.

On this note, I hope she does find someone nice for her. However, I don't think I'm particularly emasculated. I think this is something that you associate with the left and with the support of feminism, as you see feminism as a betrayal of men, or as being against the traditional view of men dominating women.

1st wave feminism, I agree with. In this day and age it's not really a good thing for a man to pay for everything. My personal experience with romance and dating, my girls always had jobs, one ex used to make more money than me, you don't see me complaining about it.

Gender pay gap = Myth. Seriously if this were the case, men would have a difficult time finding jobs. Now I don't doubt there are situations where the woman is being paid less than another employee who's male, but there are also males who aren't paid the same as other males in the same work space. 3rd wave feminism brings fear to the workspace.

A place where I used to work many years ago, an electric wheelchair factory. I used to build and ship a quarter million dollars worth of hardware a month, sometimes more and I made less than any woman working in the office.

When I was in College for digital animation. There were only 2 women in my class, and it being an arts college the rest of the place was dominated by women. CG animation was the college's flagship course and promised the most money and in such a place it was male dominated.

Men tend to go for higher paying jobs. In the case of high paying dangerous jobs, men go for that too.

3rd wave Feminism is filled with resentment, they encourage other women to go and do jobs they themselves have never considered to do, calling on all women to man up, and for a man to support it means they are to remain silent at assemblies and other activities. 

Man spreading ? C'mon we have balls, a man's thighs will naturally spring open when seated, and a world where men are expected to close their legs when seated means men won't be able to sit comfortably in public. It's not even a problem in public transportation and never was. This is misandry.

3rd wave feminism is a cesspool of falsehoods written by resentful Karens.

Watch Judy lay it down in the first 2 and half minutes 

This one is better

You see these submissive ( straight ) guys at these gatherings, but they're trying to get laid too. The cause doesn't consider their rights ( 3rd wave feminism doesn't address men's issues, nor does it care or even believe it exists ) Try picking up a megaphone at a feminist march and see how fast they shut you down.

Posted Image

Better to let other people live a life of anger and resentment over something that'll never change, especially when most of their current concerns are make belief. Yeah women get raped, but so do men.

Every now and then I look up teachers that had sex with their students, cause when I was in highschool I wanted to bang my English Teacher. One thing that stands out, is that 99.99999% of the cases are women banging teen boys. Now I personally have no problem with that cause I wanted that for myself, and I would high 5 my own son if he banged his HS teacher. But it's as they call it, statutory rape.

I've been around for awhile and I can assure you, the most privileged human beings on planet Earth are western women. They can lock us up on false accusations and get away with it IF, we manage to prove our innocence after getting destroyed. Other way around, not so easy.

Beware of movements that demand protection or equality these days. It sucks in people who think they're doing the right thing and those people are prone to turning bitter because they believe there's some patriarchy between men. Meanwhile many of us are breaking our asses trying to keep a woman happy.

However, I don't think masculine traits are mutually exclusive with support of feminism.

That's what they say. Never seen an example.

Despite supporting feminism, I have pretty right-leaning views for the most part, I'm very competetive when it comes to career and sports, and I'm against the current welfare system in Nordic countries, because I believe it rewards laziness. I'm somewhere in the center, and a little bit towards the right. I know of the strawman arguments against feminism, but those don't really apply to me for the most part. I do support women's rights, but I think they're primarily beneficial to me, so I justify that logically and selfishly. There's nothing altruistic about my views, nor do they come from a place of submissiveness. At any rate, I see how I might come across in a certain way, given my value system.

At any rate, I appreciate the thoughtful post. I think it's always interesting to chat with you.

 Another thing. I have a woman on my hands who lost her job during the pandemic, and I would totally LOVE, if she finally got a job. I spend more on her than I do on myself I kid you not. 

What I support if equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Many feminist ( Kamala Harris ) believe in equality of outcome, where all jobs pay the same wage. People ain't spending years in University getting Doctor degrees to then go off and do it for cheap.

Another thing. Women Doctors don't want me lol. I don't want them either cause I understand it can be awkward, but I've been to a walk in clinic before ( We actually have those here ) and the doctor was some Indian woman and she ended up referring me to see a male doctor. I'm thinking okay, not like I'd have you examine my balls but I understand.

Call myself a feminist ? Nope. My favorite women are the ones who also sees this as a cancer. And I get it. It sounds great and you believe in it. I find it cringy

Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Life updates

Yeah, I guess I can count myself lucky, in some sense.

I never really cared about what most of the people in my old class were doing or what they thought of me. I find it interesting you still think about your old classmate, though. Who knows, it could be that you're gay, too.

I think it's neat that you're a crypto millionaire. I hope it's not what you see as your defining characteristic, though. It sounds like you're suffering because you've gotten rich. I've given all my money to charity once. It was a nice feeling, like I was free. I just felt like there was something stopping me from doing it, and when I gave it all away, I felt like there's nothing I can't do.

Do feminists support equality of outcome? Feminism doesn't really have much to do with equality of outcome. There are feminists who support equality of outcome, and there are some who don't. Feminism is primarily about gender equality. I.e., feminists all agree that the two genders should be equal. Most of the feminist movement does focus around women, but one of the reasons for that is that women tend to still face quite a few issues, another reason is historical. I also support masculism, which seeks to eliminate sexism against men. So when I say I'm feminist, I mean that I want the two genders to be treated fairly.

The gender wage gap is not a myth; it's a myth to say that the gender wage gap exists because of market discrimination, but the gender wage gap is real. The feminist argument has primarily been that socialization is one of the main causes of the gender wage gap, while the opposition argues that genetic disposition is the primary cause. I spend a great deal of time studying the arguments of anti-feminists, so I know what you mean, but it's a strawman. Kathy Newman is an idiot, and she's given many people, who do not spend any time understanding the nuanced arguments, reasons to doubt the feminist movement. Unfortunately, it's airheads like these that get media visibility on 9gag and on the J. Peterson channels.

last edit on 4/5/2022 1:36:51 PM
Posts: 2394
0 votes RE: Life updates

I feel kinda sad for your wife, is she the kind to stab you while you sleep?

Posts: 28
0 votes RE: Life updates

Yeah, I guess I can count myself lucky, in some sense.

I never really cared about what most of the people in my old class were doing or what they thought of me. I find it interesting you still think about your old classmate, though. Who knows, it could be that you're gay, too.

You coming out of the closet had me reflect on the closest to gay I've ever experienced, cause it's puzzling how you've come out so late in life after all you've been through with a woman. As for my classmate, I don't think about him at all. Before I read what you wrote there, the last time I thought about him was the last time you brought it up in here which is now 3 times.


I think it's neat that you're a crypto millionaire. I hope it's not what you see as your defining characteristic, though.

At the moment, it is my defining characteristic. Every single day for 5 years straight I've immersed myself into it. I went to a party and was acquainted with a friend's friend when we started talking Crypto. For the first time ever I met someone who was able to talk to me in real time, with real pricing, knew every single project I was on. It was like finding my own species. Everyone else had to flee from us while we were talking rich stuff.

I know why you hope it doesn't define me, cause you think wealthy people get damaged and become corrupt. I don't intend to become one of those monsters, I want to be a good monster and base my happiness on the associates around me. My people and some of my people's people won't fall. 


It sounds like you're suffering because you've gotten rich.

I have this one project ( hasn't even launched yet, but when it does, the entire space will know and recognize it ) I already own 97,000,000 of these from participating in a fancy project launch. I think it'll go to $16, but it really doesn't even have to. Some people know what that means for everytime it goes up a dollar. 

Hold any sympathy you might have to offer though. I don't know at what point did I ever make it seem like I was suffering while the gates of the world are bursting open in ways it never has for me. I'm going to do something for the world, even if this legacy is a tiny grain of sand on the beach. It's going to be wonderful, and it'll strive to make the Lord smile.


I've given all my money to charity once. It was a nice feeling, like I was free. I just felt like there was something stopping me from doing it, and when I gave it all away, I felt like there's nothing I can't do.

It's best to run your own charity, so much scammers in the world. The organizations that run charities sometimes overpay themselves. We can find tons of charity scams, even United Way has some dirt on their hands. If you're going to give away all of your money, better to make sure it's being put to use as intended.

I don't find it virtuous for one to just give away all their money. I think it's better to create jobs and even better if it turns into an empire with thousands of employees. At that point you'd support countless people in their families. Then if you have a cause you can run a charity, collect money for it and also donate, and this can be done even if you're not rich and your cause raises more money. Even write off your contribution.


Do feminists support equality of outcome? Feminism doesn't really have much to do with equality of outcome. There are feminists who support equality of outcome, and there are some who don't. Feminism is primarily about gender equality. I.e., feminists all agree that the two genders should be equal. Most of the feminist movement does focus around women, but one of the reasons for that is that women tend to still face quite a few issues, another reason is historical. I also support masculism, which seeks to eliminate sexism against men. So when I say I'm feminist, I mean that I want the two genders to be treated fairly.

That place I used to work at, the factory. I know people working in there up to this day, and the gender rules have gotten intense in there. Basically it's inappropriate for the men and women to associate with one another at all. When I worked there, I used to hand in my part orders to this hot clerk. We'd crack a joke and I'm gone out the door. Sometimes she'd swing by my work station, either distracting me briefly or talking to me. We'd smile. Floor manager started making me give him my orders, and shit wouldn't get done on time cause he'd forget to place my orders and I'd be stuck building base frames for the entire floor cause my actuators or other parts were on backorder. But yes she was hot. There was also this woman that worked there with huge tits. Even in a wooly sweater. I mean just looking at her was the road to infraction, so yeah we kinda ignored that one. She used to hang out with the lesbian, and when they were together, the lesbian would watch you, like your going to check out her friend's tits. It was one of those lesnians with short brunette hair, wore glasses as her untrusting eyes would lock onto you, had a Jeffrey Dahmer feel. Very unfriendly mannerisms. Also the big man's cousin.

I boast when I say I was underpaid when I worked there. I was the only person in the entire company, that was capable of doing every single job in the factory, including engineering. The engineers wanted me to work with them, they updated the build manual because of me. I made a 3D demo and the head of advertising gave me a high 5 and asked if he can use it for presentations. Colleen's charts looked like shit cause she couldn't use photoshop too well and couldn't crop images properly. Jaggidy charts. And she never set the image mode to CMYK before printing it on a plotter. I was a threat to everyone on the floor, yet I was one of the lowest paid, as if I was working in packing. When I left that company they had to get 3 guys to replace me. I haven't been there in years and they ( other workers and sometimes the hot shots ) still ask about me.

Those ladies. All of them. Woman with big tits, lesbian, my work lady friend, the rest. Made more than me back then. I was riding the bus 3 hours a day while they all had cars. I don't complain about that. I'm just saying I've been paid lower than women ( all of them ) in a workspace, and I was the true most valuable worker. Workmates used to say I don't belong there.


The gender wage gap is not a myth; it's a myth to say that the gender wage gap exists because of market discrimination, but the gender wage gap is real. The feminist argument has primarily been that socialization is one of the main causes of the gender wage gap, while the opposition argues that genetic disposition is the primary cause. I spend a great deal of time studying the arguments of anti-feminists, so I know what you mean, but it's a strawman. Kathy Newman is an idiot, and she's given many people, who do not spend any time understanding the nuanced arguments, reasons to doubt the feminist movement. Unfortunately, it's airheads like these that get media visibility on 9gag and on the J. Peterson channels.

 Like I said earlier, it's the choices the majority of women in the job market make. Gender discrimination may happen but it's not a general issue, it's if the man/woman has the skills. Even today as this subject is frowned upon, business owners are actually afraid of angry mobs, you'd have to be out of your mind to pay the woman less. Besides, men like having women around and like women in general, what's the motivation to pay them less ? It's the man haters that are loud about what women get paid, or what they do for a living, and how they should tackle jobs that are male dominated. Go ahead I say, and it happens. Most of the time she'll gain custody of the kids or go on 1 year leave. Most women don't work overtime when it's optional. The highest paying jobs ARE, male dominated fields, and these jobs are open to anyone able to perform the tasks at head. There's a starting price and the potential increases are based on performance.

Men are more straight up, they'll ask for a raise while women commonly want things like this unfold on it's own, and if it doesn't she'll most likely gossip about it before she builds the courage to confront the boss for a raise. I said commonly. Typically women say one thing but mean another. 

I've been around awhile being human. I personally see who's going for what job over my decades. Male nurses are more common these days, before they were nowhere to be seen, and still, most nurses are female. These women never settled for the position, they went and trained for it by choice. 


Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Life updates

I'd love to run my own charity, but it takes time. I enjoy my hobbies and work way too much. It's true that I found out my sexual preference quite late, but I guess I've always known on some level. I just didn't want to face it.

It sounds like you're enjoying investing. I get how it can be fun to talk about investments. It's a bit like being in a secret league that only a few people can understand. It's the same with being "enlightened." Jim is like that, he's enlightened, just in a different way.

The reason I thought you would've suffered is that you frequently reflect on how your girlfriend's view of you has changed, how your relationships are now centered around how wealthy you've become, and how people see you as a walking bag of money. I would imagine that is lonely. Something similar happened to me. It's why I don't talk about my work too much. I don't want people to view me as a sum of my external achievements. But perhaps this is not how the people around you view you, or perhaps you don't mind it, or even enjoy it.

I've saved a total of three lives, thanks to my actions. I view that as a much greater achievement than whatever I've gotten out of my egotistical pursuits. Vanagloria is one of the cardinal sins. But there's nothing inherently bad about wealth.

As for the feminism thing, I was referring to how what you mentioned is a strawman, in my opinion. Most feminists I know don't disagree with what you said. Their point is that the cause behind the gender wage gap is primarily social conditioning. That doesn't mean that men are discriminating against women. Their point is that women are conditioned towards certain roles and that's why the wage gap exists. One could also argue it's biological, but it's a much harder case to argue, in my opinion. I think it can be both, but I'm willing to entertain the feminist stance, seeing how beneficial it has been historically and otherwise. The moment evidence suggests it's biological, I'll change my opinion.

last edit on 4/7/2022 1:44:25 PM
Posts: 2283
0 votes RE: Life updates

I'd love to run my own charity, but it takes time. I enjoy my hobbies and work way too much. It's true that I found out my sexual preference quite late, but I guess I've always known on some level. I just didn't want to face it.

It sounds like you're enjoying investing. I get how it can be fun to talk about investments. It's a bit like being in a secret league that only a few people can understand. It's the same with being "enlightened." Jim is like that, he's enlightened, just in a different way.

The reason I thought you would've suffered is that you frequently reflect on how your girlfriend's view of you has changed, how your relationships are now centered around how wealthy you've become, and how people see you as a walking bag of money. I would imagine that is lonely. Something similar happened to me. It's why I don't talk about my work too much. I don't want people to view me as a sum of my external achievements. But perhaps this is not how the people around you view you, or perhaps you don't mind it, or even enjoy it.

I've saved a total of three lives, thanks to my actions. I view that as a much greater achievement than whatever I've gotten out of my egotistical pursuits. Vanagloria is one of the cardinal sins. But there's nothing inherently bad about wealth.

As for the feminism thing, I was referring to how what you mentioned is a strawman, in my opinion. Most feminists I know don't disagree with what you said. Their point is that the cause behind the gender wage gap is primarily social conditioning. That doesn't mean that men are discriminating against women. Their point is that women are conditioned towards certain roles and that's why the wage gap exists. One could also argue it's biological, but it's a much harder case to argue, in my opinion. I think it can be both, but I'm willing to entertain the feminist stance, seeing how beneficial it has been historically and otherwise. The moment evidence suggests it's biological, I'll change my opinion.


consumed by avarice
last edit on 4/7/2022 6:32:13 PM
Posts: 298
0 votes RE: Life updates

I'd love to run my own charity, but it takes time. I enjoy my hobbies and work way too much. It's true that I found out my sexual preference quite late, but I guess I've always known on some level. I just didn't want to face it.

Still better to see what becomes of your donation when it's all of your money. Another thing about that is, when you donate large sums it'll most likely get eaten up by several people in a very short time and they'll need another donation before long. Not saying donating to a cause is a bad thing, it's just another way to get scammed.


It sounds like you're enjoying investing. I get how it can be fun to talk about investments. It's a bit like being in a secret league that only a few people can understand. It's the same with being "enlightened." Jim is like that, he's enlightened, just in a different way.

I consider Jim to be a bottom feeder in this space. Q4 of last year I assume he got destroyed cause he likes to leverage trade, BNB has yet to work out for him, neither has BCH in the past 4 years. I consider him a bottom feeder cause he doesn't invest in low cap gems, but rather gravitates toward things that have already pumped, looking to get whatever's left of what had a high market cap on the first page. He doesn't hold anything that will moonshot. I haven't discussed crypto in here for about 2 years now, particularly cause I don't like scammers and child molestors.  


The reason I thought you would've suffered is that you frequently reflect on how your girlfriend's view of you has changed, how your relationships are now centered around how wealthy you've become, and how people see you as a walking bag of money. I would imagine that is lonely. Something similar happened to me. It's why I don't talk about my work too much. I don't want people to view me as a sum of my external achievements. But perhaps this is not how the people around you view you, or perhaps you don't mind it, or even enjoy it.

This is true but I'm not sad about it. She's 1 missed payment from losing her car so I pitch in, other bills too. Last July I could have turned the same $700 into 50k. She likes to go to the cottage with her lady friend, they take the kids along. I helped her friend with investing too, but she pulled it already. They think I'm helping them but nay, I can't change them and they won't understand how a dollar is worth more to me than it is for them.

It's funny when she got the new car, Honda took her old car for $1,000, meanwhile she should have given me her old car to sell cause I jusssst replaced the alternator for $800. 


I've saved a total of three lives, thanks to my actions. I view that as a much greater achievement than whatever I've gotten out of my egotistical pursuits. Vanagloria is one of the cardinal sins. But there's nothing inherently bad about wealth.

It's not the material that's bad, it's what people do with it or how it changes them. I know one guy, we're friend's however I wouldn't want to see him powerful cause he's a complete dick. Whatever he does that's good, like a small favor, you'll hear about it for life. It's not that I don't wish him well but how toxic he'd become. Like Lord of the Rings.

The 1 thing that sux about being rich, I know my death will make my beneficiaries very happy. And that's fine I'd rather my death be celebrated, but still me falling ill and croaking is part of the plan lol. It's better when the loved ones have no idea how much you have, which I'm practicing now. 


As for the feminism thing, I was referring to how what you mentioned is a strawman, in my opinion. Most feminists I know don't disagree with what you said. Their point is that the cause behind the gender wage gap is primarily social conditioning. That doesn't mean that men are discriminating against women. Their point is that women are conditioned towards certain roles and that's why the wage gap exists. One could also argue it's biological, but it's a much harder case to argue, in my opinion. I think it can be both, but I'm willing to entertain the feminist stance, seeing how beneficial it has been historically and otherwise. The moment evidence suggests it's biological, I'll change my opinion.

 I grew up in the 80's without the internet. Back then boys and girls were just boys and girls. Whatever we liked was laid out in front of us for the choosing and the 2 genders were most interested in what was intended for them. Guy's liked guy stuff, and the girls were into girl stuff. I don't know if it was due to social engineering but it doesn't seem like it. WWF action figures were depicted to be wrestling super-stars, and guys were into that stuff. The Barbie and My little Pony and other plastic dolls were intended for girls, and the girls by a landslide ate that stuff up.

I find from a very young age girls are interested in cosmetics and beauty, or pretty things. Friendship bracelets jewelry, glitter. Pink stuff. I know each gender can be interested in the girl and guy stuff, but I'm speaking generally. There was a boy a few doors down who liked girly stuff, and today he's gay. 

Men and women ( in general ) are different, and in general have different interests. I know women who are interested in geometry but there are only a few of them. The rest of them suck at it.

Men are faster and stronger and it's probably ( not ) safe to say a neighborhood can be built faster if the contractor had a bunch of dudes building their structures for sale, while a team of ladies trying to prove a point and building a house from scratch, would be more timely and expensive. Trying to prove a point ? Oh yes, they would have to. Assembling a team of female construction workers requires a bit more time. 

People aren't forced into their career choices, and for people who settle for whatever job they landed, they're going to stick around as long as they can do it, or decide to quit and find another job.

What we see today are women being conditioned to outperform last generation, and they are encouraged to take up male dominated jobs, and be independent, and put their careers first. But women will remain more emotional than men, and won't handle being single when they're older. 

Men want to be useful to the women they love. In the modern day, ha ha ha, most of us aren't going to have her. Feminism often pushes their narrative that western women are oppressed ( Particularly western women. Feminists does not speak for women who are actually oppressed. Like the Berkas )

In another generation or 2. Western civilization will decline while Islamic nations grow in numbers. It's already happening. Those guys in the East are having multiple wives and with that comes multiple children, while in the west, our women are career focused and pro abortion.

Feminist in general aren't happy people. One of their concerns is cat calling, ( which has been narrowed down to a simple greeting these days ). Normal women have no problem with this, while the cisgendered women who never gets any male attention at all will be destroyed by depression.

I'm all for equality of opportunity, but I wouldn't go as far as to recommend women run off and do things they don't really want to do just to make a statement. They'll be unhappy. 

Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Life updates

Probably. It wasn't so much the charity that was appealing to me as it was to give away all my money, which was freeing. I'm also giving all my money to my wife. I feel guilty over what's happened. It's alright, because I don't care about money.

I don't think Jim is a bottom feeder. He's one of the most free persons on this forum. I'd put him in the same category as Alice and you, as an enlightened person. You know Alice used to be a drug addict, right? I've never really cared whether or not someone is savvy with investments. In my little world, I have my own little values that I use to shamelessly pass judgement on people. For you, perhaps that's the amount of knowledge they have of Crypto. I'd certainly be a bottom feeder there.

It sure sounds like you're not losing any sleep over your girlfriend's behavior. I find that part of you interesting. It feels like I couldn't do it, even if I tried, and there are very few things I feel that way about. Although I still have my doubts about how much of it is true. If you truly think nothing of it, it seems odd that you bring it up so frequently, to say how little you care about it. I'd imagine a person who didn't care wouldn't spend much time thinking about it, and even less talking about it. A person who truly didn't care would find it perplexing that others cared, like how I find it perplexing that people care about measuring themselves against other people. But perhaps it's the others that bring it up, because it seems so odd, and because it's against the mainstream.

As for that feminism thing, I think you've been surrounded by feminists who don't know what they're talking about, and I think that you've been influenced by the right-wing media into thinking of feminism as this ridiculous thing that is about singing gumbayaa under a palm tree, holding hands, and thinking everyone is the same. The feminism that at least I support is nothing like that. It's about encouraging women to take up important work and to get rid of gender discrimination where it exists. In the end, it's only beneficial for me to have half the world's population working in their full capacity. My support of feminism is quite selfish. Perhaps there are idiots and they somehow surround you, or perhaps in Canada the system is broken. However, I recognize none of the problems that you speak of.

I think it's true that there are some biological differences between men and women, but some of it is also social conditioning. Another possibility is that, over time, male-dominated workplaces shape themselves in such a way as to become more attractive to women. I'd rather support it and take a look at what happens, and then if things turn to shit, let's just all go back to this stone-age me-tarzan-you-jane-type setting where we club women to submission. I'll be the first one to support it then, but only once the evidence points to this being the fairest system that guarantees happiness to most parties involved.

last edit on 4/8/2022 2:38:19 AM
10 / 27 posts
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