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0 votes RE: Gay poems
Lenalee said: 
NotCS said: 
Lenalee said: 

 If you don't want your kid to possibly suffer the same tragic event that happened to you, maybe stop visiting strange men for sex and bringing her along. Maybe stop have sex on the bed while the child is awake and on it, maybe stop touching your child while you fuck a dude with herpes. Also don't let the dude with herpes masturbate on your kid. 

At this point it's not a question of if but when

 You need to stop being so naive and believing everything you hear/read. What are you two? Just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true. I have never touched my daughter during sex. That was a lie and chapo never masturbated on her. That was also a lie/misunderstanding.

But it wasn't a lie. Tryp confirmed it wasn't. Chapo told everyone that he didn't jack off that long and then he told us he vividly remembered you touching your kid while you fucked. 

It’s like the game telephone, it gets distorted. Do you truly believe I would allow that to happen?

Yes, because you think with your pussy. You don't care about the safety of your child, you care about your image and how you can ad another identify to your "accomplishments" Lawyer Mommy would be neat if you were actually competent at either.

That really says more about you than it does me. I only visited two guys and I trusted them. I no longer visit guys with my daughter

Because she was taken away from you. And both those guys have done shit to your daughter that is not acceptable.

and I plan to get married to a guy who can protect both of us and would never touch my daughter.

The guy that masturbated over your daughter? Your choosing to put your kid in a shitty situation.

You need to reevaluate the way you see this site and the people in it. No one and nothing is as it seems and you need to get that through your tiny little brain. Stop accusing me of things I didn’t do and of allowing things that never happened.

All of that happened, you're a terrible liar and unable to keep the truth from coming eventually.

Chapo even said he lied, so listen to that and the reasons for the lie and you’ll finally be able to accept the truth if you’re smart enough.

Wrong, he never said it was a lie and was telling us months ago in discord that he didn't even masturbate on her that long "just for a second."

It really just sounds to me like you’re the one who wants to rape her, which is why you’re so adamant that it will happen. I will protect my daughter at all costs and don’t ever think I won’t. I would kill someone for her and I’m non violent and I believe in God.

 You would also fake rape as long as it suited you. You would also take her from household to shack in search of men to fuck. You're going between Chapo and Tryp now and were speaking some Matt dude. You can't help yourself. Even now your "relationship" with chapo is strained and fucked with both of you fucking other people while claiming to wanting to get married. That's not a stable living situation for Jade. You're going to make her suffer because that's the type of person you are.

 Chapo did rape her I will say.

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 152
0 votes RE: Gay poems
Delora said: 

This triggered my PTSD but the rhyming is good

But just because it makes me feel a certain way doesn't mean she shouldn't

Power to you, just because people think you should feel a way about what happened to you doesn't mean you should. You have free will

 That poem was about the TiKTok guy. That’s why I called it A, instead of their shared full name. 

Posts: 152
0 votes RE: Gay poems
Delora said: 
Lenalee said: 
NotCS said: 

 You need to stop being so naive and believing everything you hear/read. What are you two? Just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true. I have never touched my daughter during sex. That was a lie and chapo never masturbated on her. That was also a lie/misunderstanding.

But it wasn't a lie. Tryp confirmed it wasn't. Chapo told everyone that he didn't jack off that long and then he told us he vividly remembered you touching your kid while you fucked. 

It’s like the game telephone, it gets distorted. Do you truly believe I would allow that to happen?

Yes, because you think with your pussy. You don't care about the safety of your child, you care about your image and how you can ad another identify to your "accomplishments" Lawyer Mommy would be neat if you were actually competent at either.

That really says more about you than it does me. I only visited two guys and I trusted them. I no longer visit guys with my daughter

Because she was taken away from you. And both those guys have done shit to your daughter that is not acceptable.

and I plan to get married to a guy who can protect both of us and would never touch my daughter.

The guy that masturbated over your daughter? Your choosing to put your kid in a shitty situation.

You need to reevaluate the way you see this site and the people in it. No one and nothing is as it seems and you need to get that through your tiny little brain. Stop accusing me of things I didn’t do and of allowing things that never happened.

All of that happened, you're a terrible liar and unable to keep the truth from coming eventually.

Chapo even said he lied, so listen to that and the reasons for the lie and you’ll finally be able to accept the truth if you’re smart enough.

Wrong, he never said it was a lie and was telling us months ago in discord that he didn't even masturbate on her that long "just for a second."

It really just sounds to me like you’re the one who wants to rape her, which is why you’re so adamant that it will happen. I will protect my daughter at all costs and don’t ever think I won’t. I would kill someone for her and I’m non violent and I believe in God.

 You would also fake rape as long as it suited you. You would also take her from household to shack in search of men to fuck. You're going between Chapo and Tryp now and were speaking some Matt dude. You can't help yourself. Even now your "relationship" with chapo is strained and fucked with both of you fucking other people while claiming to wanting to get married. That's not a stable living situation for Jade. You're going to make her suffer because that's the type of person you are.

 Chapo did rape her I will say.

 I don’t even know where that convo is, but for anyone who is still on that level, calm down! I would never fake being raped. There’s literally no reason to and I have never taken my toddler around to do it with guys. It was to marry them. That was the goal, not sex. Also, there was never a guy named Matt.

The only Matt I know is my sister’s friend, so that person’s on something or confusing me with someone else. Very inaccurate and I didn’t do anything with anyone other than Chapo, when I was going to marry him, so again, you’re wrong. Stop lying please and focus on yourself please. 

Posts: 48
0 votes RE: Gay poems


 To cry, to wonder why, to sob, and feel your heart throb. To hope and fail to cope, to miss and not be hopeless. It is the cry of a wounded heart that has realized that everything has fallen apart. It wasn’t together, but it wasn’t lost forever. Now it’s all gone and everything feels wrong. The entire theory seems bleary. The vision was tunneled and the reason was muddled.

The result was all my fault and I can’t help but blame the confusion of this flesh. The disguise is my demise, as it blocks all truth and tells only lies. I hear the unimportant, the blame and it’s contorted distortion of the path that lies ahead. The blinding half truth that leads to a full and utter failure of the transmission of news. The complete and total darkness that covers the other half, creates a never ending, long lasting destruction of the right path.


The beautiful lane created by the one who was slain gets diverted and filled with emptiness that drives you insane. There’s no going back, there’s no correction, in fact. There’s just a broken and regretful heart that’s no longer in the dark. It can see what it has done, that the lies, they have won, as the past has come and cannot be undone. It is solidified in the tears, the newly created fears, and the goal that becomes convoluted due to the path of the light being polluted.


To go back to the beginning, where it looked like winning and to find the true beginning, where the light began thinning, requires a complicated rethinking of the goal of not speaking, and the goal of the diversion to see if the harm that was intended has ended and if a rethinking of the goal of not speaking is in fact a worthy in devour. For if the black hole of lies has already led to my demise, would there be any good that could come from speaking?


The path that was darkened has now come to the light. Could that mean there’s no longer a reason for further insight? Maybe it’s the appearance of a lack of care that seems to be, that needs to be proven to not be me. Maybe I need to be there for the ones that don’t know I care, so they will know that I want to be there. I can’t just hide in the shadows and wait for them there, I need to shed some light on the fact that I care. It’s okay to care, it’s okay to be there, because the second I’m not, they’ll think I forgot.


They’ll think I don’t care and that I didn’t want to be there, but I wanted to be, I needed to be, and I even thought they could see, but I was wrong and now they’re gone and my pain, it’s all because of me. I couldn’t see that they may have needed me because I was too busy thinking there’s only one for me and only one for whom I could be. If that were true, I wouldn’t be here because I’d be up there with you. I loved and I love and I can’t stop loving.


They may not love you, but I do and that’s all that I can do. I need to be there, I need to show that I care and I can’t allow anyone else to die without me being me. What do I do? What can I do? They don’t want me and all I want is you, but somehow I need to be there, what should I do? Somehow, I need to make sure they know I care. If I’m the only one who does, maybe I’m meant to be there, just because. Now I’m scared to not speak, but I know they don’t love me, so how can I mend the two and be there and still be for you?


How can I “mingle with the darkness,” yet be all for the light? How can I care and not be willing to put up a fight? How can I live so far and still know where you are and that you’re not going to die or haven’t so far? Rash decisions, crash collisions, they all may lead to being slain, but they will definitely lead to lots of pain, especially when others don’t feel the same. It’s like how can I live without you when I know that you are doing things that could cause you to die, and if you die, I’ll always regret and wonder why, I never even thought to try to be with you so you could see that what you feel and what I say are true? 

last edit on 12/28/2023 1:07:54 AM
Posts: 152
0 votes RE: Gay poems

A New Me

I will be the new me. The one who will allow you to see. I will show you what you can get with me and how great your life could be. I won’t allow you to decide because when you die, I want to be by your side. Who will tell me when you’re dead? There’s no one who will tell me you’re not there. I’ll have to guess and that’s not fair. I’m not okay with what I found out yesterday. I’m not okay with what you say. I’m not okay with you staying away and I’m not okay with being away for another day.

I know we are not compatible or whatever, but we don’t have to officially be together. I just want to watch over you, watch out for you, and show you what God can do. I want to be with you and you can take it however you please, but I’ll make sure that no one sees. I’ll be like a ghost, since what I want the most, is for you to be free, but also be with me. I want you to stay alive and if you die, be by your side. I need to make sure that I know where you are, so you don’t die alone because you’re too far.

Posts: 2479
0 votes RE: Gay poems

"Be like me". You too can have two children out of wedlock.

Posts: 4476
0 votes RE: Gay poems

What, two children?  What's been going on?

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 152
0 votes RE: Gay poems

What, two children?  What's been going on?

 Bro 😎 I have no idea what she’s on about. 

Posts: 48
0 votes RE: Gay poems

Oh Dang!

Oh crap! I spilled the beans and there's no going back. I told the truth and no one cares, that's a fact. I wonder why I did that? I guess there was a severe lack of hope, cope, and getting back on track. I just blew up my cool persona so everyone knows why I'm a loana :) I find it funny that I couldn't fathom that I'd never have him. It's like waking up from a nightmare, only to realize that you're still there. I still care, I'm still there, it's not fair, but it's His pair. I guess I just thought I knew what I needed, but I was easily mislead and then I was defeated because the entire situation went over my head. Now somehow I'm dead.

Even though I've been saved, I somehow feel depraved, like I valued the thing that I craved, when God just wanted me to behave and show everyone how to save the love you have that He gave, for Him, and don't ever go out on a limb because you know you can only trust in Him. Everyone else is in it to win. They want to bathe in their endless sin. Just waiting for you to give in. Don't take sin for a spin because all that will do is let it in and the sin within will drag you down into a spiral until there is no ground. Nowhere to run and nowhere to be found. Nowhere to turn and nowhere to be crowned. For all sin leads to death unless you give to God whatever's left and allow Him to do the rest.

Posts: 2474
0 votes RE: Gay poems

Bump for request

last edit on 5/18/2024 6:42:09 PM
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