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1 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

Yes TC I seeked help. I wanted cognitive therapy but everytime i went in the dude kept prescribing Zoloft.

Oh jeez yeah that's no good. 

This is why Therapists in the range of Psychology, rather than Psychiatry, are a better place to start; They cannot themselves prescribe meds to their patients without going through a lot more hoops, so their general practice will try to find ways of helping their patients through their issues without them. One of them's basically a medical degree with a splash of psych while the other one's pure psych. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/5/2021 2:35:21 AM
Posts: 4
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

Jedi's and their book of disorders... Soon, the whole order of therapists shall be wiped from the galaxy under the control of the Empiiiireee hahahaha

Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

Posted Image

Envy is a disease, i hope you get better soon

Posts: 4378
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

Your face is a disease.  No means of recovery. :(

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
last edit on 11/5/2021 7:46:09 AM
Posts: 1325
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

We would say MDD is not manageable through therapy alone. It has to be medicated as well. MDD is when people don't get out of bed for half a year and can't brush their teeth etc. Often they say MDD but it is actually just bad middle grade depression. 

Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

i interact with all of you frequently and i thought u may want my opinion on your mental health. you guys know i am a real therapist and since everyone here accepts this i think this could be interesting and beneficial for you here we go. 


Xadem - alcohol addiction diagnosis maybe some avoidant pd accentuation but not enough criteria to give it

Crave - OCD

Reaper - ASPD

TC - maybe autism/ocd? people call him schizo but i dont get that vibe

Cav - Asperger

Lenalee - No diagnosis

Sug - BPD

blanc - histrionic/narc combined personality disorder

CS - Narcissistic personality disorder and polytox, maybe schizophrenia (hears voices)

Chapo - schizophrenia and ADHD

delorah - autism and schizophrenia, maybe BPD

br - autism

BT - no diagnosis but prone to depression and social isolation. watch out!

scarlett - chronic feeling of entitlement

Spatial - I think he mentioned once he has autism? But Im not sure if i remember correctly

Jim - complex case. maybe BPD? Pretty antisocial as well. Maybe ASPD actually. BPD/ASPD combined?

user - depression and alcohol addiction. 

turq - schizophrenia

tryp - depression

LiYang - paranoid pd

med - bipolar 

Xena - no diagnosis


no diagnostic process is perfect etc and there is alway an error variance, so you are free to comment or critique these assessments even though my credentials as a real psychologist still stand strong

 this is one of the most disappointing things ive ever read. failing to specify blanc being a COVERT narcissist, same with tc.

tony has to be somewhat narc even if he doesn't reach PD criteria

scarlett also seems like a narc so far, do you remember the rampage she went on to get xadem back lmao


i miss crave

last edit on 11/5/2021 1:09:50 PM
Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

also trip is a narc and a pedophile, xena is a narc and questionable on the pedophile part

Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members
Xena said:

Sug - BPD yes she said so recently

 you really needed me to say it :D is it not glaringly obvious

Posts: 1325
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

LOL blanc is anything but a COVERT narc my dear

Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: guess/state diagnoses of members

LOL blanc is anything but a COVERT narc my dear


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