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Recent e-hatred against women, black people, and transsexuals

Posts: 198

I've noticed a worrying trend on the Internet to stigmatize men who defend women, traditional family values, or black people. Being a feminist or a social justice warrior seems to be used as an insult, which seems to effectively quiet those people who vocally take issues with social problems. In the meantime, it gives a platform to agitated incels, racists, and white priviliged men.

I used to visit 9gag every now and then several years ago. It's supposed to be a platform for memes and jokes. What started off as harmless jokes about racial stereotypes and a few select idiots going crazy has slowly become a serious campaign against feminists, the left wing, and black people.

As I now understand, George Floyd deserved to die, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro are a heroes of rationality, black people are inherently violent, and trans-women are not women. Before, when people made statements like these, there were a few sane people trashing them for the racist bigots they were. However, nowadays it seems that people are afraid of being labeled SJWs, white knights, and so on. Chivalry is also dead.

It's been a pretty effective strategy in wiping out the last 50 years of progress, at least on small scales.

last edit on 4/23/2021 7:21:09 PM
Posts: 32858
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

It's a reaction against progressive shifts, like many points in history. Those with rigid ingrained values that carry the banner of traditionalism will always feel under fire when their way of life feels challenged, and demographics tend to be an easy face to attach to those feelings. 

The biggest difference now is moreover people being split into more subcultures than before, and the improved speed of transmission for information. The tendencies otherwise are recurrent and these beliefs were on some level always there, just quieter. With more people speaking up defensively from feeling cornered we're seeing a conservative bandwagon forming, again. 

Effectively, a lot of what we're seeing now is people responding to how easy it is to say something when they aren't face-to-face, and the room for those ideas to proliferate and mutate when left unchecked. The spread of -ist agendas isn't too different from memetic mutations, and I suspect years from now that the two will be compared conceptually for their similarities. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 4/23/2021 7:23:43 PM
Posts: 32858
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

Also this: 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 1923
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

Good you're developing common sense slowly, unexpected from an inbred.

Posts: 3134
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

Personally I don't see a reason for a western man to defend western women in general, they have it better than we do. We see these guys marching with feminists even though a good number of those women hate him. They also know he's trying to get laid, but is that the case ? Of course. Nature has gone too far with everything, like pain. A man's purpose is to spread his genes. These guys will end up getting friendzoned, and they will be expected to remain quiet at feminist gatherings.

Traditional family values are view as tyrannical in today's world. The young call for the government to look after them instead, as they call for laws to silence free thinkers. My ex is like this. Last time she told me she wanted a child she added that I can stay at home and take care of it while she goes to work, and how she would be more interested in them when they are older, which is funny cause I said the same thing to her. Aside from that, I honestly wouldn't mind looking after an infant but I do think it's a major red flag when a woman claims to have little to no interest in her child when they child needs a Mother the most. 

Incels are often more deserving of her hand than they guy she's chasing. Same goes for guys, in many cases we go after women we shouldn't waste our time with.

Racists are racist. Sometimes they get their way, other times they don't.  It's best not to be around them cause they'll drag you down on a count of guilt by association.

Black people kill black people more than white people kill them. They also kill more white people than white people kill them. Last year a black guy killed a 4 year old boy, after the boy's Father had the black guy over the dinner that same evening. There was no public outrage.

We have this beauty here.

Posted Image

She was a BLM activist who adopted white children. As it turned out she ended up killing the little girl. No public outrage. If the races were reversed it would be a different story, and why ? There is an agenda behind the narrative, and it's working, as those who claim to hate racism, have become very racist. 

White privilege is a myth. In the US 75% of the population is white, 12% black and the rest is other. This means most seats in the job space will be taken by white people. It can only possibly be so considering the difference in population. With that in mind, a school trying to fill a race quota will be turning their backs on most people to educate the fewer. It's also hate for the white man, and not the white woman, cause man hating is all a part of modern day degeneracy. Black men get a free pass sometimes. Islamic men, no one messes with them while they use their God given power to oppress women and gay people, instead the West is dismantling itself, and when we're good and dumb, we'll probably get attacked by illegal aliens from the middle east, and an Islamic flag will be planted on the roof of the White house.

Women in high paying jobs. When I was in college there were only 2 females in my class. The class after us had 1 female. This is also the case with other high paying fields. Because the woman is outnumbered by males she might not make it and it's not due to her skill, it's due to some other guys skill, however, there are even more males that won't make it either, but that doesn't seem to matter now does it. For example again in my ex profession, we would get hired based on how good our demo reel is. If the employers is impressed, they would then proceed to read the resume. Simply put more guys will be in the field no matter how you slice it.

George Floyd ... I never knew the guy personally, but I heard he has an extensive criminal record, one of them being a home invasion where he held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. He was caught cause a neighbor detected suspicious activity and got the plate number of the vehicle and reported it when the pregnant woman was distressed after the incident. This is all hearsay really. I also have no real way of telling if OJ simpson is guilty. Now we see hundreds of thousands of people weeping as if they knew the guy personally. Bad things happen, people virtue signal because subconsciously no one wants to be on the receiving end of the mob's fury. This is why most BLM activists are white.

Trans sports. Saw images of the aftermath of a womens MMA, and it kinda broke my heart to see a woman covered in blood with a cracked skull. It's also silly to see these guys standing at the top of the podium with gold medals. 





Posts: 32858
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...
Spatial Mind said:
Women in high paying jobs. When I was in college there were only 2 females in my class. The class after us had 1 female. This is also the case with other high paying fields. Because the woman is outnumbered by males she might not make it and it's not due to her skill, it's due to some other guys skill, however, there are even more males that won't make it either, but that doesn't seem to matter now does it. For example again in my ex profession, we would get hired based on how good our demo reel is. If the employers is impressed, they would then proceed to read the resume. Simply put more guys will be in the field no matter how you slice it.

Oh just wait: 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 3134
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...
Spatial Mind said:
Women in high paying jobs. When I was in college there were only 2 females in my class. The class after us had 1 female. This is also the case with other high paying fields. Because the woman is outnumbered by males she might not make it and it's not due to her skill, it's due to some other guys skill, however, there are even more males that won't make it either, but that doesn't seem to matter now does it. For example again in my ex profession, we would get hired based on how good our demo reel is. If the employers is impressed, they would then proceed to read the resume. Simply put more guys will be in the field no matter how you slice it.

Oh just wait: 

 I wouldn't doubt it.

When I was in college we were shocked to see the amount of women that would flood the hallways as though we were the only guys in the entire school. I think we were. That was 22 years ago. My college was based on creative communications. Aside from that my course was the crown jewel of what the school had to offer, and it was pretty much a sausage party. 

Posts: 2320
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

Facts don't care about your feelings. Love that shit.

Just look at the crime rates per capita vs race. Telling. Easy argument to win.


Posts: 32858
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

Personally I don't see a reason for a western man to defend western women in general, they have it better than we do.

You make it sound like men are the secondary gender, culturally speaking. 

We aren't there, but it could happen within our lifetime if we're lucky. 

We see these guys marching with feminists even though a good number of those women hate him. They also know he's trying to get laid, but is that the case? Of course.

Not everyone's pulling an Always Sunny when it comes to men at feminism rallies, thanks to the more modern LGBTQ mindset there's gay dudes who attend those things too you know. 😉

Nature has gone too far with everything, like pain. A man's purpose is to spread his genes. These guys will end up getting friendzoned, and they will be expected to remain quiet at feminist gatherings.

The friendzone really isn't that bad man. 

If you're only being friendly with them to get laid, then you weren't really being their friend in the first place. The best relationships come from the friendzone, as that's how you know if they are or aren't worth dating and potentially even marrying in the first place. The more you make it about getting laid, the less likely it'll happen, while if you're just cool and casual then the sex kinda just falls in your lap. 

It also helps for reducing the risks of the honeymoon phase. 

Traditional family values are view as tyrannical in today's world. The young call for the government to look after them instead, as they call for laws to silence free thinkers.

Once machines take all our jobs, we're going to need an assistance program already in place. 

The fact that we don't is what holds back progress, such as why unions fight the self-driving car. Socialism is the future if not something like it once our means of work becomes obsolete and decadent, once it's just online sexwork through VR and e-sports as our way of life. 

My ex is like this. Last time she told me she wanted a child she added that I can stay at home and take care of it while she goes to work, and how she would be more interested in them when they are older, which is funny cause I said the same thing to her. Aside from that, I honestly wouldn't mind looking after an infant but I do think it's a major red flag when a woman claims to have little to no interest in her child when they child needs a Mother the most. 

This makes sense, considering how you don't work well within conventional constraints. If you're doing freelance work, investing in stocks, or otherwise just wasting your time then why shouldn't you be the stay at home dad? 

If your ex was making the big bucks, why not? 

Incels are often more deserving of her hand than they guy she's chasing. Same goes for guys, in many cases we go after women we shouldn't waste our time with.

You sound jealous. 

Racists are racist. Sometimes they get their way, other times they don't.  It's best not to be around them cause they'll drag you down on a count of guilt by association.

I thought you said the opposite before, that being good company among them can have them accept you as a token of your kind. 

Black people kill black people more than white people kill them. They also kill more white people than white people kill them. Last year a black guy killed a 4 year old boy, after the boy's Father had the black guy over the dinner that same evening. There was no public outrage.

The fuck is this portion of the ramble? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 4/24/2021 3:27:36 AM
Posts: 32858
0 votes RE: Recent e-hatred against...

I'm splitting this post into multiple smaller ones, to help with your attention span: 

White privilege is a myth.

How would you define 'white privilege', as I see plenty of it but not usually for the reasons others spout on about. 

White people for a multitude of reasons are able to exist a little more comfortably, among them that white people have been the 'television race' for so long. It's largely with the proliferation of rap culture and internet streaming platforms that we've really seen that begin to expand into more of a spectrum. It makes traveling significantly easier on them when their cultural tropes precede every conversation. 

When it comes to the US anyway, white people also began from a higher point of wealth in this nation's history, which has had an undeniable effect on decades worth of culture that followed it. Black culture had to recover from enough of them being born and raised in slavery, which meant an initially poor diet, a different sense of gregariousness, and growing up from a lower base of cultural potential, lower wealth, segregation practices that kept people divided, older ideologies that hadn't quite died out yet, and generations of people raised to practice culturally endorsed learned helplessness. While this has been showing itself to even out when given more time and understanding, it's not fixed and white privilege still exists as an extension of history. 

It exists, but it isn't necisarily every expression of it that people go on about. 

With that in mind, a school trying to fill a race quota will be turning their backs on most people to educate the fewer.

This in the long run will help with diversifying educational potential among all races and creeds, rather than upkeeping the system that is already in place. It'll be from those who graduate from colleges that stand to utilize their wealth for the future potential of those otherwise less capable, like Will.I.Am's robotics program. 

It's also hate for the white man, and not the white woman, cause man hating is all a part of modern day degeneracy.

They have a lot to answer for historically speaking, this is a reaction to that. 

Black men get a free pass sometimes. Islamic men, no one messes with them while they use their God given power to oppress women and gay people, instead the West is dismantling itself, and when we're good and dumb, we'll probably get attacked by illegal aliens from the middle east, and an Islamic flag will be planted on the roof of the White house.

Is what they do in their own country really our business? 

George Floyd ... I never knew the guy personally, but I heard he has an extensive criminal record, one of them being a home invasion where he held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. He was caught cause a neighbor detected suspicious activity and got the plate number of the vehicle and reported it when the pregnant woman was distressed after the incident. This is all hearsay really.

That and the porn he was filmed in are things on record, but neither of those have relevance when it comes to how that cop was behaving. There's no way to excuse that guy's conduct, and it served as the catalyst for exploring very real issues. 

I also have no real way of telling if OJ simpson is guilty.

Dude literally published an "if I did it" book. 

Posted Image

This is why most BLM activists are white.

I figured it had to do with white people being less jaded over systemic change, more of a squeaky wheel clause than anything. 

White culture's in enough of a position of comfort to need to piggieback other's problems, and the point of BLM is more of an equalizing point, much like how Feminism isn't just about women. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
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