Turncoat said:I would principally enjoy debating with you over how your ideas are misguided and naive, but this probably isn't the topic for it.
PalePeach said:"Oh but its my mental illness, i have this whole laundry list ...." no.
You are being selfish.
That just shows how weak you are.
No one will want to love you as long as long as you keep acting this way.
Drug addicts are worthless, untrustorthy, and a burden to everyone they interact with.
You are worthless.
And that makes you stupid. Stop being stupid.
Quitting drugs will calm you down.
Stop doing drugs.
Stop doing drugs.
Stop doing drugs
Everyone else has to deal with you doped out of your mind ranting like a crazy person.
Just stop. Cold turkey.
PalePeach said:Ive been in your shoes and you can reach out if you want help, i know it isnt easy, but you dont even have to DO anything. You stop. Stop putting that shit in your body.
I highly doubt you've gone through this stuff if this is how you behave.
Hello Turncoat. I am in a completely different universe right now and i have 0 passion to talk about this topic. Just post screenshots of what i said yesterday. I've been up all night at work, now I'm exhuasted at school and I have an exam I'm about to fail to worry about. I will comment here again when i have something to say
Hello Turncoat. I am in a completely different universe right now and i have 0 passion to talk about this topic. Just post screenshots of what i said yesterday. I've been up all night at work, now I'm exhuasted at school and I have an exam I'm about to fail to worry about. I will comment here again when i have something to say
You barely said anything because I pushed that it be done in topic instead of in a place where you could feel safer about being allowed to insult people in a misguided fashion.
Your mistakes here now that you've established them ought to be an example of what not to do, and your avoidance of this shows how much you recognize the mistakes you have made. The pride you're attempting to carry over it though is strange, and ought to be discussed for what it is.
PalePeach said:I'm going to give her the tough love i believe she needs to motivate her.
You apparently aren't ready to if you can't even have this discussion with me here, instead preferring to mock what you see as low hanging fruit and hide in the shadows when you're targeted like some sort of opportunistic glass cannon.
You also have no idea what other people need, just what you think works from watching TV or some shit. This seems weaker than life experience projections.
she is tir0d
It's like when people say they're "just bored" when they're angry. She still seems active online otherwise.
she is tir0d
It's like when people say they're "just bored" when they're angry. She still seems active online otherwise.
you can be tired of a topic or too tired to expend mental energy while still chatting ime