In the middle of the night, when no one was watching Biden suddenly gets 100K's of votes from dead/sick/out-of-it people and harvested votes. Going to be interesting to see the outcome.
In the middle of the night, when no one was watching Biden suddenly gets 100K's of votes from dead/sick/out-of-it people and harvested votes. Going to be interesting to see the outcome.
Yep. For years they have been rigging elections. In trading a sudden spike is a sign of market manipulation. In that time frame only Biden's count spiked. Very amature of them to do that, like you'd think they'd take the fake ballots and count them in over time to make it look real.
It was 120,000+ votes used to steal Michigan. Every single count went to Biden, while Trump got 0 votes in the given time. The odds of that is greater than scoring consecutive royal flush. Barely possible, and very unlikely. Biden's crowd has no energy to produce miracles.
The US is being robbed as usual, the masses will not even believe this happened and would rather settle for conspiracy theories and they will believe Trump is stealing the election.
- Mail in ballots have a deadline. Historically, late votes NEVER mattered. Cause election night is supposed to be 1 night.
- The mail in ballots were already counted, meanwhile, long after the deadline the mail in ballots are the big hold up.
Fortunately Trump was able to freeze the counting, and the ballots will be audited, each one in 3 of those states.
People have no idea how big this election truly is in the world of conspiracy theories, cause it lines up with other facts perfectly. It'll go from being a conspiracy theory, to conspiracy.
These next 4 years will be the dismantling of corruption in US politics. Members on both sides will most likely be stripped of their diplomatic immunities, arrested and put on trial for treason.
It's been said, "People will be shocked, at how he takes the giant down".
2 term President.
In the middle of the night, when no one was watching Biden suddenly gets 100K's of votes from dead/sick/out-of-it people and harvested votes. Going to be interesting to see the outcome.
Yep. For years they have been rigging elections. In trading a sudden spike is a sign of market manipulation. In that time frame only Biden's count spiked. Very amature of them to do that, like you'd think they'd take the fake ballots and count them in over time to make it look real.
It was 120,000+ votes used to steal Michigan. Every single count went to Biden, while Trump got 0 votes in the given time. The odds of that is greater than scoring consecutive royal flush. Barely possible, and very unlikely. Biden's crowd has no energy to produce miracles.
The US is being robbed as usual, the masses will not even believe this happened and would rather settle for conspiracy theories and they will believe Trump is stealing the election.
- Mail in ballots have a deadline. Historically, late votes NEVER mattered. Cause election night is supposed to be 1 night.
- The mail in ballots were already counted, meanwhile, long after the deadline the mail in ballots are the big hold up.
Fortunately Trump was able to freeze the counting, and the ballots will be audited, each one in 3 of those states.
People have no idea how big this election truly is in the world of conspiracy theories, cause it lines up with other facts perfectly. It'll go from being a conspiracy theory, to conspiracy.
These next 4 years will be the dismantling of corruption in US politics. Members on both sides will most likely be stripped of their diplomatic immunities, arrested and put on trial for treason.
It's been said, "People will be shocked, at how he takes the giant down".
2 term President.
found this video,
These guys are fighting the corruption but need help.
This kind of corruption kinda snuck in under the radar. I had no idea it was so wide spread.
These liberals get in power and then change the laws so they cheat and stay in power, gigs up. We wise to ya now.
Best Evidence Yet of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania
You can find many videos now of voter fraud proof, This is why they did not want witnesses present.
Check this out. If this is for real it'll be beyond epic.
In a nutshell.
- The real ballots were printed by The Department of Homeland Security.
- As a part of a sting operation, each ballot was watermarked by a QFS Blockchain encryption code, invisible to the eye.
This mean every real ballot can be scanned and verified and matched with master records stored on a blockchain.
The master record for each ballot would probably contain the correct area and citizen each ballot belongs to. Long story short, any ballot rejected by the blockchain will be exposed as fraudulent.
Steve Pieczenik is a former deputy secretary of state.
We'll see.
Yep. For years they have been rigging elections. In trading a sudden spike is a sign of market manipulation. In that time frame only Biden's count spiked. Very amature of them to do that, like you'd think they'd take the fake ballots and count them in over time to make it look real.
It was 120,000+ votes used to steal Michigan. Every single count went to Biden, while Trump got 0 votes in the given time. The odds of that is greater than scoring consecutive royal flush. Barely possible, and very unlikely. Biden's crowd has no energy to produce miracles.
The US is being robbed as usual, the masses will not even believe this happened and would rather settle for conspiracy theories and they will believe Trump is stealing the election.
- Mail in ballots have a deadline. Historically, late votes NEVER mattered. Cause election night is supposed to be 1 night.
- The mail in ballots were already counted, meanwhile, long after the deadline the mail in ballots are the big hold up.
Fortunately Trump was able to freeze the counting, and the ballots will be audited, each one in 3 of those states.
People have no idea how big this election truly is in the world of conspiracy theories, cause it lines up with other facts perfectly. It'll go from being a conspiracy theory, to conspiracy.
These next 4 years will be the dismantling of corruption in US politics. Members on both sides will most likely be stripped of their diplomatic immunities, arrested and put on trial for treason.
It's been said, "People will be shocked, at how he takes the giant down".
2 term President.
Irrespective of whether there was voter fraud, the elections have been a shitshow. The media isn't being transparent about the election process. The best way to fight misinformation is with better information and transparency -- neither practices have been adopted by the media. Instead, the focus has been on taking Trump's statements out of context and ridiculing them.
It is true that without good evidence there is no case to be made.
However, there should be more transparency.
Best Evidence Yet of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania
You can find many videos now of voter fraud proof, This is why they did not want witnesses present.
Check this out. If this is for real it'll be beyond epic.
In a nutshell.
- The real ballots were printed by The Department of Homeland Security.
- As a part of a sting operation, each ballot was watermarked by a QFS Blockchain encryption code, invisible to the eye.
This mean every real ballot can be scanned and verified and matched with master records stored on a blockchain.
The master record for each ballot would probably contain the correct area and citizen each ballot belongs to. Long story short, any ballot rejected by the blockchain will be exposed as fraudulent.
Steve Pieczenik is a former deputy secretary of state.
We'll see.
Even if this were true, they could've simply disqualified Trump votes.
It was 120,000+ votes used to steal Michigan. Every single count went to Biden, while Trump got 0 votes in the given time. The odds of that is greater than scoring consecutive royal flush. Barely possible, and very unlikely. Biden's crowd has no energy to produce miracles.
I looked into this. It seems like it's a mistake on the part of the visualization software.
From what I understand:
They have the gov. voting database, which has all the votes stored. Then there are various companies that can fetch the vote counts and do what they like with it (e.g., provide visualization like the one that you linked). The website/company that did the above visualization had a bug in their software which did the counting for one county incorrectly.
So it wasn't a bug / error in the gov. voting database. Instead, it was a bug on the side of the company that did the visualization (Decision Desk HQ), as far as I understood. This would imply that it wasn't a 120k+ vote spike. The government database never had a spike like that.
So if any other company fetched the data or did visualization similar to the (Decision Desk HQ), they wouldn't have seen the spike unless they had a similar bug in their software (which would be unlikely).