I will say this topic is more contentious than a lot of people lead on, and I mean it as a scientific topic purely.
Contentious in what way?
The inference one should make from the fact that anthropological climate change is, imo, factually real.
For instance, I suggesting reading into the debate between Dr.Karoly and Dr.Happer, both respected scientists in this realm of study, whom disagree on the effects of climate change. I have found many respectable physicists, chemists, and climatologists in both camps so it's really an interesting debate. Both do not deny the reality of climate change, they merely disagree about the inferences one can make about that reality.
I checked their debate (plus a bunch of other things Happer has said) and I am not sure I'd use the word "merely" lol. He seems to believe more CO2 is almost solely a good thing for humanity because we can never release enough to actually go beyond 2C. That's not a conservative take on established climate consensus, it's basically a denial of it. He also strikes me as disingenuous in how he presents data and highlights "gotchas", like claiming the IPCC purposely hid the Medieval Warm Period from their later reports or that 'Climategate' proves scientists are part of a conspiracy. Here's a list of 'myths' Happer has argued and here's an article of his with commentary from someone who disagrees with him.
It was interesting reading the debate on whether a CO2 increase below 2C would be beneficial though. If not for the feedback loops and the continued greenhouse gas emission buildup we might actually want a slightly higher CO2 level in the atmosphere.
I am already aware of the links you've posted and previously read through them, neither were convincing arguing against his points and skepticalsceince as the project it is is honestly a joke.
Individuals such as Happer and Dyson know this area of study well, they have seen the same data as everyone else and understand it well along with what may be inferred from it. These are two physicists that revolutionized their own sciences, Dyson in mathematics and QM and Happer in optics, so they are more than capable of rigorous inference - but that's just it isn't it those inferences must be rigorous.
What issues do you take with the arguments against them, though? This makes it sound like you're just appealing to authority. Selectively.