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waht is the maximum amount of girlfirneds you can have?

Posts: 5402

1 is ok 

2 is ok 

3 is busy 

4 is many 

5 is lots


is 5 the most? provided all of them are monogamous, harem is CHEATING

Posts: 591
1 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...


Xadem said: 

1 is ok 

2 if openly polly makes you a slut, if cheating makes you a piece of shit

3 if openly polly makes you a slut, if cheating makes you a piece of shit

4 at this point these aren't even girlfriends you are just trying to fill a void inside yourself with sex and people

5 at this point these aren't even girlfriends you are just trying to fill a void inside yourself with sex and people

 1 is the most you could form a real relationship with. 3 is max that could possibly be considered "girlfriends" in shallow "relationships" with no substance. Any more than that and you are just a brojen person returning to the same fwb to numb pain inside you actually need therapy for.

The blood on my hands covered the holes
Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...
Honey said: 


Xadem said: 

1 is ok 

2 if openly polly makes you a slut, if cheating makes you a piece of shit

3 if openly polly makes you a slut, if cheating makes you a piece of shit

4 at this point these aren't even girlfriends you are just trying to fill a void inside yourself with sex and people

5 at this point these aren't even girlfriends you are just trying to fill a void inside yourself with sex and people

 1 is the most you could form a real relationship with. 3 is max that could possibly be considered "girlfriends" in shallow "relationships" with no substance. Any more than that and you are just a brojen person returning to the same fwb to numb pain inside you actually need therapy for.

 Why do you assume that a person who prefers polyamorous relationships must be broken?  What constitutes a "real" relationship that you feel excludes non-monogamous couples?  And is it about more than the sex?  Like, do you think a swinger couple aren't in a "real" relationship?

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...

Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism) thought that around 49 wives was a good number.

Posts: 1125
0 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...

Xadem just shoot for one, right now, buddy. It's challenging enough. 

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 2653
0 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...

Do these GFs know about each other? Would you be able to fulfill their emotional and physical needs? Would they have to meet all of your gfs? Isn't that just a waste of time?

Shoot for one tbh

Posts: 4588
-1 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...

Women want men to stick to one woman because they're biologically programmed to seek commitment for the sake of the well-being of offspring and themselves. Do not trust them.

Posts: 2653
0 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...

Women want men to stick to one woman because they're biologically programmed to seek commitment for the sake of the well-being of offspring and themselves. Do not trust them.


Nothing but untruths

Posts: 4588
1 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...
A Billion Wicked Thoughts said:
“Booty is so strong there are dudes willing to blow themselves up for the highly unlikely possibility of booty in another dimension,” observes comedian Joe Rogan. “There are no chicks alive willing to blow themselves up for a penis.” Women masturbate less, fantasize about sex less frequently, and initiate sex less often than men. Women report low sexual desire much more often than men. In fact, among medical professionals who treat sexual disorders, low female desire is the single most common complaint. In women, desire is much less likely to initiate orgasm-seeking behavior. Women are much more likely than men to pursue sex for reasons other than sexual pleasure. Women are more likely to report low desire as resulting from relationship difficulties and high desire as resulting from relationship harmony. According to Marta Meana, such findings “have contributed to the development of a theory of women’s desire as being substantially different from that of men.”

But why? In women, why is there such a distinct separation of the physical from the psychological?

When contemplating sex with a man, a woman has to consider the long term. This consideration may not even be conscious, but rather is part of unconscious software that has evolved to protect women over hundreds of thousands of years. Sex could commit a woman to a substantial, life-altering investment: pregnancy, nursing, and more than a decade of child raising. These commitments require enormous time, resources, and energy. Sex with the wrong guy could lead to many unpleasant outcomes. If a man abandons her, she would face the challenges of single motherhood. If the man turns out to be cruel, he might injure her or her children. If the man turns out to be weak or incompetent, he might fail to protect her from threats.

A woman’s sexual desire must be filtered through a careful appraisal of these potential risks. During human prehistory, women who blindly gave in to every sexual urge likely faced a host of daunting challenges, including—in the most extreme cases—death. Most important, from an evolutionary point of view, her children would have a harder time surviving than the children of a woman who limited the expression of her sexual urges to a strong and decent man willing to invest in a stable, long-term, child-rearing relationship. All modern women are the fruit of feminine caution. The result of this whittling away of the impulsive branches of our ancestral maternal tree is a female brain equipped with the most sophisticated neural software on Earth. A system designed to uncover, scrutinize, and evaluate a dazzling range of informative clues. We’ve dubbed this female neural system the Miss Marple Detective Agency.
A Billion Wicked Thoughts said:
On average, girls age twelve to seventeen send and receive eighty texts a day; boys send and receive thirty. More women than men use social networking sites like Facebook, Classmates, Twitter, and MySpace. Women also have more friends on these sites. (Digg, a Web site where users rate news stories, is the rare exception of a social network with more male users.) Fifty-nine percent of teenage girls call friends on their cell phone every day, while only 42 percent of boys do. The social detective appears to be located mainly within the frontal cortex, including the prefrontal cortex. The areas of the frontal cortex devoted to language are larger in women and develop more rapidly during puberty in girls than in boys. There are also more connections between the female language centers and the subcortical reward systems, suggesting that talking is more rewarding for women than for men. Female brains also have greater connectivity between the two cortical hemispheres, leading some neuroscientists to speculate that the female brain is designed for more effective processing and production of language.
A Billion Wicked Thoughts said:
Women’s cultural evaluation mechanisms appear to be especially concentrated in the middle prefrontal and inferior prefrontal cortex and the middle temporal cortex. These parts of the brain are social evaluation centers, considering what behaviors are appropriate and inappropriate in a given situation. They handle moral cognition (is this right or wrong?) and social judgment (what will other people think of me?).
Cultural information helps Miss Marple play it safe: Who does society value more, doctors or software programmers? Can I get away with wearing a tattoo on my back or will people think it’s a “tramp stamp”? Can I post photos on Facebook of me in my bathing suit or will guys think I look fat? Since women must always consider the long-term consequences of their sexual decisions, a woman’s brain is designed to evaluate the particular cultural conditions in which she finds herself.

Why is the female brain designed to play it safe? Because historically, the odds of a woman reproducing are very good. In fact, today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men. According to recent DNA analysis, through the history of the human race about 80 percent of the women reproduced. Only 40 percent of men reproduced. This means that plenty of men were able to have children with multiple women—but the majority of men never had any kids.


last edit on 9/30/2020 10:09:46 PM
Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: waht is the maximum amo...

ok i get one gnirlfend then build up 

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