People who debate on the Internet all day and have no friends suddenly become experts in getting a gurl.
From my own experience, it got better the less I was interested in a girl and did for her, and the worse it got when I became interest in her and attached. This is hard to fake though, they will test you by flirting and subtle things, women are extremely smart when it comes to these things.
Make fun of her. Call her dude or bro. "Did you say something?" while she talks to you. Call her your little sister. Compliment the other girls around her. Ask if her best friend is single. Cut her off during a conversation.Disagree with her, call her out. Refuse to do something if she asks you. Do things that a guy trying to impress give negative answers when she asks how much money you make etc.
Every girl knows what negging is nowadays so don't even try. But you can make it as if you are trying to portray yourself in a negative way to prevent her from being attracted to you. Talk about your male friend as if hes great and recommend him as if you are trying to push her towards him. ITS AMAZING. "Why is he not trying to impress me? Why is he not bragging? Does he not like me? MUH VALIDATION!!!"
I'm genuinely turned off by women that these things work on though (the majority of girls on the internet / tumblr girls and daddy issues girls). I am less of a sexist muhsogine these days and I appreciate it when a woman feels like she deserves appreciation and enjoys it. The ones who are turned on by abuse want a guy whos constantly running away from them screams of low self esteem and just make me wanna run away, yuck.
Also ignore the "just be urself" fags, they live in an ideal world where things go how they want.
this is not what any girl wants in a long-term partner but it could (maybe) work to get you laid? it must have in Jim's case for him to write this, but most girls would eventually want you to start giving them the appropriate attention and affection and commitment. at least the type of girls who are worth being in a committed relationship with because if she has commitment issues too or is a slut and cheats all the time then obviously the relationship wont last very long unless you are into that