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how do I get my adhd bae to focus more on our goals?

Posts: 478

than on adhd entertainment like video games and youtube on his phone half the day sometimes without me like doing all his side of the work for him?


he says he wants this normal life and he's wanted it his whole life and now he finally has a girl who can offer him it he has calmed down a lot since I moved in parties much less we mostly chill and hang out 


but we talk about getting our own place and him having a better job and going to school and me getting a job but he isn't focusing and it's hard for me to have the motivation to move forward too without him teammating with me

my mom might get us an apartment in her name soon but we still need to eventually take over rent and I want to get prepared for it now not later and sometimes I think he wants to just stay in this basement we are renting and working his job only a few days a week and spending money on certain things he shouldnt


lol I just bitched at him a little bit about this and he spanked me a bunch with a christmas present wrapping paper tube and said I was being bad for not letting him chill and I corrected him by saying for being a good influence

and then he brought me down food from upstairs without me asking like a good sweet baby because he knew I didnt feel like going in the house and socializing rn

I get that we are both enjoying eachother and want to be around eachother all the time but I want us both to be bringing in decent money like he wants to get me pregnant and I feel like he is procrastinating until I get a positive pregnancy test(havent tested once yet) but I want to have our own place and good jobs before I'm pregnant and he keeps saying he wants that too but how do I get him to teammate with me on this and move forward in me I really want to be in this together and working towards all the steps together not me doing it first before him 


What should I do?


edit: I'll prob end up coming up with the answer to my own question on my own in a few minutes lol usually happens like that when I'm seeking advice. it helps to write it out sometimes

last edit on 9/18/2020 9:30:52 PM
Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

I want money for us to go on a bunch of fun dates together too but what has been happening is we will spend money on that and then end up broke for most of the week which sucks


and we don't want to make money illegal ways we want to be normal civilians and not mess with all of that stuff anymore he just isnt used to it this is new for him

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

The most you can do is focus on the goals yourself by bettering yourself in a way that allows you to achieve them, through this you lead by example and hopefully he'll follow suit. 

The question though is what motivates him? Above will only work if he values himself as a provider, if he doesn't all that will happen is you'll pull all the weight while he'll continue to be lazy. Maybe he needs his ass kicked, but in reality it sounds like he's gotten his ass kicked most of his life as you have. has that ass kicking motivated him? It seems to have motivated you, you at least know you want more and have put together a plan to obtain what you want. Now its time for you to follow through, if he doesn't it may sadly be the case that he can't do to a lack of discipline. 

Work hard and commit yourself, it shows your resolve to this relationship and to yourself. Through this you'll learn the commitment he has to you and himself. If you find very little commitment its probably best to cut him lose and find someone who will commit to you, and luckily you will have improved yourself and as such could achieve all this on your own and move up the social latter. 

Just do not become his suger momma, I've seen this so many times and it just ends poorly. 

Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

He pays more than I do I'm unemployed lol my mom is kind of helping financially supporting us rn though


yeah I probably have to start making the steps first in all the ways I've seen improvement in him it has always been thru me leading by example or setting appropriate boundaries


I just wish we could do it togetherr tho but maybe he'll follow me very soon after if he sees me starting to take serious steps

and he is very very committed to me lol we spend like all of our time together

Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

we both lack discipline but I want us both to develop it and become and act like mature adults especially if we have a baby together and get married 

Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

we need help budgeting too like we both need to learn to be frugal until we have a lot of income

Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

we both think we will die if we seperate so pretty much if I really need something from him ill threaten to leave and then he freaks out and usually does what I need and vice versa, not the healthiest but we are both learning how to be in a serious committed relationship

he.........pimped out most of his exes and cheated on them tbh and we have found that that will not work in this relationship lol we get heartbroken too easily by eachother

last edit on 9/18/2020 9:52:49 PM
Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

ultimately the easy low effort instant reward lifestyle isn't going to work, and that's what drug dealing lifestyle is and what me being lazy and not getting at least a food service or cashiering job is sooooooo kind of have to move forward at this point do or die / self-destruct destroy each other

last edit on 9/18/2020 9:57:05 PM
Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

I'm going to have to take the first steps on my own and hope he follows soon after kind of already knew but I've been procrastinating too I'm so used to doing things the easy way because of how depressed I was but now I have true love and each day my depression is lessening 

Posts: 478
0 votes RE: how do I get my adhd ba...

also he needs a psychiatrist and to get a script if adderall probably higher mg and stop stealing mine lol

last edit on 9/18/2020 11:27:17 PM
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