Bitch ass nigga evil what is wrong with you?
Hurr durr i do bad no no no I am bad.
Also you sound pretentious with that obscure music thing too, very important to mention, that's facebook tier.
Either way. "Make ammends" kek. Are you even in a position where you *can* make ammends? You know you can't save someone from drowning if you can't even swim right?
First, you learn how to swim, and you start swimming really well. And then you can help others. To try to help before that is pure retardation.
Anyhow, jump out of the pool of self-pity, focus on doing good NOW, regardless of the past, and ignore it. And when you've managed to do that shit, think about making amends. Like donate to the homeless shelter or some shit, who cares really.
Of course, I have a very good article that can help you cope with your feelings atm, it is worth a listen I would say.
Other than that.
Stfu self-pitying nigger retard faggot pretentious cunt. Tits or gtfo, livestream it and do a flip.