Nothing in your life is a problem? Doesn't that strike you as unrealistic, that you either have to convince yourself that you have the biggest problems or no problems at all?
All lives have problems, and it's healthy to notice that. It's when people do it as a form of self-indulgence, as validation towards themselves, that it can get out of hand. There's nothing wrong with noting the mild to medium toils in your life, in fact many do as badges of honor, but if you are more prone to this "Nothing is Wrong" vs "Everything is Wrong" black & white binary then I'd imagine you being much more prone to stressing the fuck out when compared to other people.
There's nothing wrong with having problems in your life, and I think it'd help you build a tolerance versus it's poison if you let yourself look at them. After enough exposure all pains become more tolerable, the question is moreover how to expose yourself to it without it killing you. Gaining a thicker skin will in the long run mean you burning through less energy in social situations.The point is I'm doing everything right to correct my problems hun, not that I don't have problems
That's fair, but I still think you'd be shocked less by the stressors of life if you let yourself be a little less carefree.
and it's not true that all pain becomes tolerable, it can have a very detrimental affect on many peoples psyche and destroy lives to the point of no recovering. Why do you think people commit suicide or become addicted to drugs that end up killing them?
Do you see yourself as one of those people, one of the ones who can't take it?
No I see myself now as a person who isn't going to intentionally, even subconsciously as long as it comes to consciousness, self-harm and self-sabotage anymore as long as I truly have control over it
Self-harming if it cuts you deeply is bad, but things we take for granted like Exercise are also a form of self harm in that you break down your muscles, feel the singe of lactic acid, and then the muscle rebuilds stronger than before.
You often have to break things down if you want to build it back stronger, and constant pressure can also amount to calluses that make it easier to take skin-deep pain.