We have some good news, her white blood cell count is through the roof which means she has an infection. Her mom has the same types of autoimmune disorders as her, a few years ago she had an infection in her small intestines and it triggered the autoimmune flare up. They are treating her now for the infection and going to look in her intestines to find it and cut it out. If the same thing is happening to her, she should get start getting better immediately. Just in case it is the liver itself and not an infection causing a flare up she is at the top of the liver transplant list for the east coast. If treating the infection doesnt work she could get a transplant as soon as tomorrow.
She is still loosing a lot of blood. Her brain isn't getting enough oxygen and she is unconscious again. They are going to put her on a respirator. If she does have the surgery I may be able to go in with her dad to see her for 4 hours either before or after. They are watching her vitals to see how she responds to treatment to the infection.