no, thats right, criminals sometimes die. so stop complaining about it. white people are killed more by cops than blacks. those are the facts.
BLM is just a bunch of snowflakes. fucking riots, so dumb
I get what you're trying to do, it's not really working because then you have to discard your previous statement:
Sven said:you know, we've all had run ins with total dick cops. but they do serve a purpose in society. instead of reducing cop funding like the dumb ass democrats, how about we get them some psychological training so they don't get triggered and start shooting/choking when someone insults their mom.
they have got to deal with worst most dangerous people in society. their job sucks and it attracts a certain type of bully-ish person. female cops are the worst ;)
no doubt, if cops break the law they should be prosecuted and yes background checksIt's not that blm are a bunch of snowflakes, it's that you're not willing to look past them(the color of their skin) to the real issues that they're protesting which is police brutality. Let's take Chauvin for example: he has previous complaint records- from pulling a woman out of her car to shooting civilians that allegedly had a gun- just a few, and yet was never disciplined and continued to use excessive force until it killed someone.
Surely you've seen this video right?
The two cops involved were suspended without pay. Their 57 fellow officers resigned from the unit, not in horror of what had happened but in solidarity with their 2 fellow officers that were suspended without pay.
Their union is very upset that they were suspended:
The union representing Buffalo police officers told its rank-and-file members Friday that the union would no longer pay for legal fees to defend police officers related to the protests. The union is upset with the treatment of the two officers who were suspended.
"Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square," Evans said. "It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."There is something very wrong with our police. BLM is bringing those issues to focus once again.
"There is something very wrong with our police. BLM is bringing those issues to focus once again."
ok. but i only see a few issues that you are pointing out.
how do we know there really is nation wide police brutality? is this a local issue or everywhere?
just because one or two people get killed by a triggered ass hole cop does not mean there is nation wide police brutality. what does the data say? is there any data? are they hiding the data?
hey im all about justice, but when BLM causes rioting, death and destruction due to one guy getting killed by a cop, kinda seems anti-productive to the cause.
It's a nation wide issue, I spoke about qualified immunity- which is basically that it shields officers from lawsuits if they did not violate a "clearly established" constitutional right under federal law.
What that means is that unless there was already a clearly established right- using floyd- that cops cannot kneel on your neck as a way to incapacitate you, you will not be able to hold them accountable. A lot of the stuff they are doing is 100% legal because no one has been able to successfully sue since it is nearly impossible.
If there isn’t a past precedent the officer should’ve known about, they will not be prosecuted. In court, you can allege any difference in almost identical cases and the court can rule there’s no established precedent. A lot of states tend to keep police misconduct records private or inaccessible to the public.
In December 2018 Inglewood police department destroyed over 100 records dating back to 1991 days before a new state law would have allowed the public to view these records. Gee, that seems a fishy doesn't it.
BLM didn't cause rioting, death and destruction and it wasn't just the one guy. In 2013 - 2015 the protests were largely peaceful, individuals protested in various peaceful way and even now most of these protests are still peaceful. Much of the rioting has to do with opportunistic individuals that set of chain reactions and you have to remember that a lot of people have gone through several things already- as you pointed out: coronavirus, loss of jobs, inability to qualify for unemployment. People are angry and lashing out.
Let's not put the blame solely on BLM.