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BohemianRhapsody said:
Now in real life we are likely a quite complex, perhaps even embattled person. But, nuance is boring and thus, we throw it out the window and subconsciously (or consciously) select the traits we want to have on full display and convienently cut out what we do not want simply because we CAN.

We do not know these people that well, we put in our little cartoon character-esque avatars onto our little square boxes, we use false handles, we are in a sense, more in control or our identity online than we are of our real life ones.

I disagree. 

This format gives us a seemingly endless amount of choices, and those choices taken show much of who the person behind the account is. Interaction also betrays much of who they are, too, by pulling at moments they hadn't written a script for; realness through forced improvisation. 

It is through the contradictions of what they choose to show, choose to hide, and can't help but show that expresses much of who a person is. In real life, there's things they can't cover that can actually shroud their truer natures reflexively, while online it's oddly more raw through it's limitations. 

Sure facial tics can work as hints of truth vs lies in real life, but in lieu of that we have typing tics or habits that surface as their emotions betray them. Follow their tendencies and you'll learn a lot about the "real" person, as people can't help but be like themselves, limited by the frame of their minds and the experiences they can appropriate for future method acting through similar themes. 

"Give a man a mask and you'll see his true face." - Oscar Wilde

Now, sit and ask yourself- how many of you cried when Kenny died in South Park numerous times? Nobody!

Funny story: The show tried having Kenny stay dead for a while, replacing him with the likes of Tweek occasionally. There was a pretty widespread protest towards their choice that even made it's way into newspaper articles, eventually culminating with Kenny coming back to life no questions asked (until the Cthulhu episodes anyway). 

And SC users, are much like scriptwriters for their own personal characters themselves. So, when you inflict harm on a feller SC-er, or watch it happen to somebody else- it's hard to feel bad for them for the same reason- they were a written up persona and that lack of humanity, an uncanny valley persay- made it very hard to feel any empathy and thus, we fail to comprehend the full human before our eyes due to the script they concocted. 

I feel like this about life. 

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,"
- William Shakespear

And as long as everybody keeps up their scripts and continues the repetitive self-flanderization that simulates inhumanity that need not be empathized with- that shall be the nature of this place.

My complaints lately have been around the opposite: People are hiding themselves away too much now. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 6/14/2019 1:25:03 PM
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind
Blanc said: 

they criticize everything I do and say to no end 

and a.m. perceived as selfish and narcissistic for only keeping to myself and my own threads 

You need to work on your active listening, imo. 

It's how others get people to pay attention to them anyway. 

I prefer to spend my free time on other things what’s so wrong with that 

It's your justification for failing in this area. 

There's nothing wrong with that in practice, but using it as justification after social blunders is liable to sink your position even lower. 

oh “you’re being a victim” no I’m talking about something larger here this isn’t abojt me idc about my reputation I never have 

But... you were just monologuing about it, and then continue to do so. 

It's literally a giant "victim" speech. 

I’ve just always wanted sc to be a place where I could be free from the worry of judgement and perception and just say and do as I pleased without trying so hard about it “to be socially acceptable or normal” 

So you want the freedom to do as you please... without them having that same freedom? 

And I felt free at first here and now it’s the opposite the community has become so restrictive and filled with hatred and criticism

That's still an expression of freedom.

You'd aim to restrict that? 

and I’m not allowed to have friends 

Why not? 

there is just no justice here and no one running things properly 

What is "Justice" to you? 

This place is more like an ecosystem than a court system if you ask me. 

and yet yet they come to me with their bull shit opinions about me as if they know me

You talk about people you know nothing about as well, very assumptive-ly. 

and I’m just sitting here like thinking do they really not realize I don’t care about what they think? So self righteous and drunk on ego to think that their rude comments they enjoy making so much really have any impact on me 

...they think you care because you occasionally chimp out and rage at the individual components of your own unpopularity. 

Your mouth is sometimes faster than your brain. 

Like like you said it becomes a game to play and they got lost in the game but meanwhile I’m living in real life

What even is "real life" at this point? 

 so for for that reason I won’t explain or reply to any bull shit comments I get in reply to this 

Will mine be taken as bull shit, or keeping it real? Posted Image

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 6/14/2019 1:46:32 PM
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind
Good said: 

This is interesting, but i would not say that people are playing a character exactly, but rather that they show more one part of themselves over another.

Like your examples: both the first and the second characteristics are true.

I usually consider what you have explained, after this many years of being on the internet, i've talked with many different people. For example Luna: I liked her and  I felt bad for her all the way up until she started acting dishonest out of jealousy. Same with Primal, until she started lying to me.

Here I am more myself then usual, because i can only act fully as myself irl around my irl friends. Other people find me too eccentric on certain topics and in certain situations(in other context, i am eccentric, just not too eccentric).


So when I say I do not like blanc, it is your real life persona i dont like. I wanted you to know this. At a party, my group of friends would avoid you, because if we dont we will end up talking and someone will have a bad time. That does not mean you have no value, it just means you are obnoxious.

 I probably should have used the word characterization rather than character. I think they choose character traits already there and amplify them to being the whole of their personality. It's kind of like the phenomenon on TV known as "flanderization".


TV Tropes said:
FLANDERIZATION: The act of taking a single (often minor) action or trait of a character within a work and exaggerating it more and more over time until it completely consumes the character. Most always, the trait/action becomes completely outlandish and it becomes their defining characteristic.
My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind
BohemianRhapsody said:
Now in real life we are likely a quite complex, perhaps even embattled person. But, nuance is boring and thus, we throw it out the window and subconsciously (or consciously) select the traits we want to have on full display and convienently cut out what we do not want simply because we CAN.

We do not know these people that well, we put in our little cartoon character-esque avatars onto our little square boxes, we use false handles, we are in a sense, more in control or our identity online than we are of our real life ones.

I disagree. 

This format gives us a seemingly endless amount of choices, and those choices taken show much of who the person behind the account is. Interaction also betrays much of who they are, too, by pulling at moments they hadn't written a script for; realness through forced improvisation. 

It is through the contradictions of what they choose to show, choose to hide, and can't help but show that expresses much of who a person is. In real life, there's things they can't cover that can actually shroud their truer natures reflexively, while online it's oddly more raw through it's limitations. 

Sure facial tics can work as hints of truth vs lies in real life, but in lieu of that we have typing tics or habits that surface as their emotions betray them. Follow their tendencies and you'll learn a lot about the "real" person, as people can't help but be like themselves, limited by the frame of their minds and the experiences they can appropriate for future method acting through similar themes. 

"Give a man a mask and you'll see his true face." - Oscar Wilde

Now, sit and ask yourself- how many of you cried when Kenny died in South Park numerous times? Nobody!

Funny story: The show tried having Kenny stay dead for a while, replacing him with the likes of Tweek occasionally. There was a pretty widespread protest towards their choice that even made it's way into newspaper articles, eventually culminating with Kenny coming back to life no questions asked (until the Cthulhu episodes anyway). 

And SC users, are much like scriptwriters for their own personal characters themselves. So, when you inflict harm on a feller SC-er, or watch it happen to somebody else- it's hard to feel bad for them for the same reason- they were a written up persona and that lack of humanity, an uncanny valley persay- made it very hard to feel any empathy and thus, we fail to comprehend the full human before our eyes due to the script they concocted. 

I feel like this about life. 

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,"
- William Shakespear

And as long as everybody keeps up their scripts and continues the repetitive self-flanderization that simulates inhumanity that need not be empathized with- that shall be the nature of this place.

My complaints lately have been around the opposite: People are hiding themselves away too much now. 

 Yes some real stuff may SHOW implicitly but I am referring to the explicit presentation. I also disagree about the world being a stage, as I am very real.


My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

The dramafest seems a lot less pronounced lately. I'm assuming that has to do with what users are active now; a lot of the traditional shit-stirrers aren't around. And most others are keen to the antics at this point.

As far as what we decide we are doing with our identities here, that varies a lot. Some of the people that show up act painfully contrived, which is why it's a tradition to haze the new folks; to make them drop the charade. I know that many aren't cherry-picking what they put on show, at least not more than you would with a real life friend. It seems to me a lot are even more honest than they are in person, which is why they worry about friends & family finding out about their activity here...

Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

The dramafest seems a lot less pronounced lately. I'm assuming that has to do with what users are active now; a lot of the traditional shit-stirrers aren't around. And most others are keen to the antics at this point.

As far as what we decide we are doing with our identities here, that varies a lot. Some of the people that show up act painfully contrived, which is why it's a tradition to haze the new folks; to make them drop the charade. I know that many aren't cherry-picking what they put on show, at least not more than you would with a real life friend. It seems to me a lot are even more honest than they are in person, which is why they worry about friends & family finding out about their activity here...

 Both the real life and online presentation sums up to a whole, which is what I am more focused on. Some people do it more than others though, like Xadem and TPG; they do this more than say, Turncoat.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

*face palm* TC if I cared about reputation then why would I make the speech in the first place if I knew people would perceive it as victim-y...


all I did was come out and speak my truth 


thanks for being so understanding. 


see it's just fucked because then I react to the criticism and then that reaction in and of itself is continuing to be criticized 


look, I don't care what you think about me. and I don't have to prove that to you- nor anything. 


just get off my case dude. 


im not arguing for restriction I was just talking about the "social climate" as things are today on SC from my perspective, I was agreeing with BR that things are negative and toxic and a lot of people agree with me so... 


I wasn't arguing for anyone to change, if that's what you got from what I said then you missed my point entirely... 


that post isn't about "them", I talk about them as subjects yes but only serving as a purpose for supporting a larger point 


I don't care what people do I clearly stated I'm aware it'll never change 


I was just talking about what I was about personally and my perspective on the social climate 


and you come at me with a pitch fork like "YOU CANT EXPECT ANYONE TO C HANGE 4 U " 


like dude.... it wasn't about that. 


I talk about larger concepts which I stated..... it's hard to put into words but when I'm speaking I'm always thinking of larger concepts implied or drawn from the smaller details I provide.... I'm not really into the petty nonsense as I stated 


I'm more about the heady intellectual conversations like BR started here in this thread 


I intended it to be an intellectual conversation about a larger concept but I can see how it would be misconstrued I guess 


like I said I don't have the same talent for explaining things or writing like BR has... I suck at communicating my thoughts clearly 


and being kind of ADD or including too much information (rambly) I uh... thihngs can get distracted from the intended point 

last edit on 6/14/2019 5:05:12 PM
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

Turncoat has his own unique side, although I do disagree with some of his mentality.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

I will rescue this topic because Cawk spammed it to the ground


My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 42
1 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

from what i've seen, this place is not that healthy for some.

can't take it too seriously

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