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SC and Theory of Mind

Posts: 2278

As we are all aware, SC is no stranger to the internet bloodsports seen so prevalently in this information era. The flames of drama give light and heat to this forlorn corner; a blood supply preserving the life of a community that only thrives in hypertension, and quickly fades in hypotension. This dependancy on drama keeps the wheel turning, but only due to what this online setting allows as a consequense of its nature. Apply the same penchant for beligerance to any physical adult setting excluding a prison yard, and you get a situation that is unstable and apt to fall apart at any time. Keep in mind that I say adult setting because this type of dog eat dog dramafest DOES occur quite often in child settings, namely a mostly female high school cafeteria table.

I think that perhaps, SC (and alike websites) are the perfect petri dish for this kind of sentiment and environment to cultivate. Both for what users are able to view of themselves and of others. Now in real life we are likely a quite complex, perhaps even embattled person. But, nuance is boring and thus, we throw it out the window and subconsciously (or consciously) select the traits we want to have on full display and convienently cut out what we do not want simply because we CAN. We do not know these people that well, we put in our little cartoon character-esque avatars onto our little square boxes, we use false handles, we are in a sense, more in control or our identity online than we are of our real life ones. So we put these elements together- the exhaggerated character traits, and avatars, the handles- and at that point we may as well be on the cast of an adult swim cartoon.....

and that's EXACTLY what others will see as well. Now, sit and ask yourself- how many of you cried when Kenny died in South Park numerous times? Nobody! Because he wasn't human. He was scripted by a writer to be outlandish, insane, and humorous. And SC users, are much like scriptwriters for their own personal characters themselves. So, when you inflict harm on a feller SC-er, or watch it happen to somebody else- it's hard to feel bad for them for the same reason- they were a written up persona and that lack of humanity, an uncanny valley persay- made it very hard to feel any empathy and thus, we fail to comprehend the full human before our eyes due to the script they concocted. Theory of mind; which is the knowledge of other people as a sentient feeling with their own unique processes- is therefore voided in the wake of this percieved inhumanity and henceforth, the insatiable slugfests; user on user, man on man and man on women in a vicious fight to the top of the chain..... are almost seen as..... fun. And as long as everybody keeps up their scripts and continues the repetitive self-flanderization that simulates inhumanity that need not be empathized with- that shall be the nature of this place. I mean, think about the personality cult of forum members when put up against the reality of their everyday lives-

TPG- The legendary shitpost extraordinaire child genius OR the socially awkward autistic boy who turned to a literal pedophile when friendship eluded him elsewhere.

Xadem- The shartmaster shitposter in chief OR the depressed man in rural Belgium struggling with substance abuse.

CS- The insufferably disgusting narcissist OR the very mentally ill women who seriously needs help.

Turquie- The self contradictory autistic denial sperg women OR the overweight and socially underdeveloped girl turning to the web for attention whether negative or positive.


Me- The narcy, occasionally spastic aspergian who likes to write long ass posts OR the (self-admittedly) mostly socially uninterested yet bored too much man who, despite being on the cusp of huge and exciting changes, STILL has to come on here and write tomes and talk shit to alleviate his insufferable lack of stimulation outside his (very wonderful) marriage.

Who are you more likely to want to ruin? The firsts, or seconds? I'd take a chance at the latter.

Marinate on all this for a bit, and leave a genuine idea in the comments below.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 833
1 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

Out of the five you've mentioned, I see nothing wrong with TPG, Xadem, or you, you all seem like good fellows. I don't know that much about Turquie, so I have no actual opinion on them. 

In regards to CS, I can't sympathize with them, whether they be the second or first, they admitted to being a pedophile, and whether they were a victim or not, I can't see them as human. 

I agree mostly with your post and your predictions, I came on here a few months ago because of similar reasons, though what I've become now is just someone who likes to see the discussions that go on. I don't view myself as a narcissist or a sociopath. However, the topic of my mental condition isn't something I would want to be a topic nor discuss. Regardless, what I do here now and why I come here, is because I do genuinely find the conversations interesting, and at times when I get angry and frustrated I come here, especially when it's late and I have thoughts on my mind that fuel my anger.

Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

Out of the five you've mentioned, I see nothing wrong with TPG, Xadem, or you, you all seem like good fellows. I don't know that much about Turquie, so I have no actual opinion on them. 

In regards to CS, I can't sympathize with them, whether they be the second or first, they admitted to being a pedophile, and whether they were a victim or not, I can't see them as human. 

I agree mostly with your post and your predictions, I came on here a few months ago because of similar reasons, though what I've become now is just someone who likes to see the discussions that go on. I don't view myself as a narcissist or a sociopath. However, the topic of my mental condition isn't something I would want to be a topic nor discuss. Regardless, what I do here now and why I come here, is because I do genuinely find the conversations interesting, and at times when I get angry and frustrated I come here, especially when it's late and I have thoughts on my mind that fuel my anger.

 I can understand with the CS thing. My position is that she ought to be permanently in custody of mental health professionals.

I think for me I come back for as I said, being a very bored person and also- the same repetition in the fabric of the site the personas on this site create for it (as called out in this post) appeals to my strong penchant for sameness. Autistic I know, but there's nothing wrong with a pinch of genius.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
last edit on 6/14/2019 3:52:13 AM
Posts: 9478
1 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

You write beautifully. 


This is everything I’ve wanted to say but I don’t know how to put it into words, so... thank you for saying it 


ive been thinking it and I think a few others are starting to as well, I call it “waking up.” 


With this change kf structurr and heirsrchy has led to these awakenings and realizations... for lack of a better word. 


Keep writing you have very interesting well written content, like you have a serious talent for it idk if you know but not everyone can just write like that so naturally. 


Youll be missed when you get off to doing bigger and better things! 

Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind
Blanc said: 

You write beautifully. 


This is everything I’ve wanted to say but I don’t know how to put it into words, so... thank you for saying it 


ive been thinking it and I think a few others are starting to as well, I call it “waking up.” 


With this change kf structurr and heirsrchy has led to these awakenings and realizations... for lack of a better word. 


Keep writing you have very interesting well written content, like you have a serious talent for it idk if you know but not everyone can just write like that so naturally. 


Youll be missed when you get off to doing bigger and better things! 

 Thank you, I was not sure how many people thought it, and the task of fully describing it certainly requires a lot as theory of mind itself is a very wide-spanning topic and applying it to things such as personas makes it even more difficult to find the exact words.

I first began seeing it on old SC though, and subtley nodding to the phenomenon with things like SC show and some of my other stuff. Delora kind of opened my eyes when she told me that before we talked as our real selves she saw my SC self as way different than me in reality and actually disliked me at first. That took me into the thought stream that helped me come up with the things I wrote here.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

Yeah that’s why I made a YouTube video response to one of my threads trying to show the person behind the screen and break all the down 


show the real human being and show who I really am 


but yeah people just criticized that 


they criticize everything I do and say to no end 


and I’m held to such a high standard of perfection but everyone wants something different their own idea of perfect 


They dont understand how to respect someone’s personal space in this way. The way I see it we are all just friends hanging out like one big party, as any natural social setting would be 


but to them I’m put on this weird pedestal and boo’d and mocked and told how to be in order to please them? And it’s incessant 


and it’s like... at a party with friends you wouldn’t do that shut 


i wish people would just respect each other’s space a little more 


I started more and more just keeping to my own and not involving myself with the matters of others here because I just got sick of the drama and didn’t want to be involved at all 


I prefer to spend my free time on other things what’s so wrong with that 


but then when I keep to myself to stay out of the bull shit and “the heat” I get criticized for keeping to muself


and a.m. perceived as selfish and narcissistic for only keeping to myself and my own threads 


I talk about things that are deeper to me in long paragraphs and people just say I’m trying to be edgy or poetic or dramatic or want attention for being depressed or whatever when all I was doing was expressing my thoughts or talking about my day suddenly that’s selfish and not allowed and I’m not allowed to write long paragraphs because that’s boring 

and then I post different kind of content regarding interests from other areas and I’m perceived as shallow because they think that’s all I’m interested in.


I have depth I’m a real human but people just write me off and then they blame me for that and say it’s my fault 


even now people will look at this and criticize what I said here and tell me how it’s makinf them perceive me


oh “you’re being a victim” no I’m talking about something larger here this isn’t abojt me idc about my reputation I never have 


I’ve just always wanted sc to be a place where I could be free from the worry of judgement and perception and just say and do as I pleased without trying so hard about it “to be socially acceptable or normal” 


And I felt free at first here and now it’s the opposite the community has become so restrictive and filled with hatred and criticism and I think it’s for the reasons you mentioned 


like you explained the psychological theory behind why exactly that fecelopped



all I do when I post content or say stuff, I’m interested In being progressive, inclusive, etc, and like a community. Interactive, etc. 


but instead it’s just turned into a big roast fest 


and I’m not allowed to have friends 


oh oh and then when I react to the way I’m being treated I’m just crazy or spoiled or what have you 


and they just use things I say as a reaction against me as well



i would love for the cycle to end but I don’t think it will and I  I have had to accept that my circle of friends here is small and I’m not in with the popular crowd anymore because it’s been over fun with an attitude of rudeness toxicity negativity bullying behavior and indifference that isn’t rewllt

wjqt I’m about 


there is just no justice here and no one running things properly 


people say they want no system but the very people who say that aren’t the ones with all the power 


and the things they do to remain in that place just disgusts me and I have no interest in being a part of what they’re about 


and yet yet they come to me with their bull shit opinions about me as if they know me


and I’m just sitting here like thinking do they really not realize I don’t care about what they think? So self righteous and drunk on ego to think that their rude comments they enjoy making so much really have any impact on me 


they don’t because the personifs coming from I don’t even value or even like in the slightest... I wish better for them I do but I know the harsh reality is they likely won’t change. 




Like like you said it becomes a game to play and they got lost in the game but meanwhile I’m living in real life



they don’t realize what losers they look like to me and the the real life negative repurccsioms theyre only bringing on themselves by behaving such a way 


and I’m so tired of having to explain myself to people who do nothing but criticize and misconstrue me and who don’t have me in their best Interest 


so for for that reason I won’t explain or reply to any bull shit comments I get in reply to this 

last edit on 6/14/2019 5:11:08 AM
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

I was just trying to have fun and be silly on the internet but people straight up ruin this place with their toxic bull shit

Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind
Blanc said: 

Yeah that’s why I made a YouTube video response to one of my threads trying to show the person behind the screen and break all the down 


show the real human being and show who I really am 


but yeah people just criticized that 


they criticize everything I do and say to no end 


and I’m held to such a high standard of perfection but everyone wants something different their own idea of perfect 


They dont understand how to respect someone’s personal space in this way. The way I see it we are all just friends hanging out like one big party, as any natural social setting would be 


but to them I’m put on this weird pedestal and boo’d and mocked and told how to be in order to please them? And it’s incessant 


and it’s like... at a party with friends you wouldn’t do that shut 


i wish people would just respect each other’s space a little more 


I started more and more just keeping to my own and not involving myself with the matters of others here because I just got sick of the drama and didn’t want to be involved at all 


I prefer to spend my free time on other things what’s so wrong with that 


but then when I keep to myself to stay out of the bull shit and “the heat” I get criticized for keeping to muself


and a.m. perceived as selfish and narcissistic for only keeping to myself and my own threads 


I talk about things that are deeper to me in long paragraphs and people just say I’m trying to be edgy or poetic or dramatic or want attention for being depressed or whatever when all I was doing was expressing my thoughts or talking about my day suddenly that’s selfish and not allowed and I’m not allowed to write long paragraphs because that’s boring 

and then I post different kind of content regarding interests from other areas and I’m perceived as shallow because they think that’s all I’m interested in.


I have depth I’m a real human but people just write me off and then they blame me for that and say it’s my fault 


even now people will look at this and criticize what I said here and tell me how it’s makinf them perceive me


oh “you’re being a victim” no I’m talking about something larger here this isn’t abojt me idc about my reputation I never have 


I’ve just always wanted sc to be a place where I could be free from the worry of judgement and perception and just say and do as I pleased without trying so hard about it “to be socially acceptable or normal” 


And I felt free at first here and now it’s the opposite the community has become so restrictive and filled with hatred and criticism and I think it’s for the reasons you mentioned 


like you explained the psychological theory behind why exactly that fecelopped



all I do when I post content or say stuff, I’m interested In being progressive, inclusive, etc, and like a community. Interactive, etc. 


but instead it’s just turned into a big roast fest 


and I’m not allowed to have friends 


oh oh and then when I react to the way I’m being treated I’m just crazy or spoiled or what have you 


and they just use things I say as a reaction against me as well



i would love for the cycle to end but I don’t think it will and I  I have had to accept that my circle of friends here is small and I’m not in with the popular crowd anymore because it’s been over fun with an attitude of rudeness toxicity negativity bullying behavior and indifference that isn’t rewllt

wjqt I’m about 


there is just no justice here and no one running things properly 


people say they want no system but the very people who say that aren’t the ones with all the power 


and the things they do to remain in that place just disgusts me and I have no interest in being a part of what they’re about 


and yet yet they come to me with their bull shit opinions about me as if they know me


and I’m just sitting here like thinking do they really not realize I don’t care about what they think? So self righteous and drunk on ego to think that their rude comments they enjoy making so much really have any impact on me 


they don’t because the personifs coming from I don’t even value or even like in the slightest... I wish better for them I do but I know the harsh reality is they likely won’t change. 




Like like you said it becomes a game to play and they got lost in the game but meanwhile I’m living in real life



they don’t realize what losers they look like to me and the the real life negative repurccsioms theyre only bringing on themselves by behaving such a way 


and I’m so tired of having to explain myself to people who do nothing but criticize and misconstrue me and who don’t have me in their best Interest 


so for for that reason I won’t explain or reply to any bull shit comments I get in reply to this 

 Different experience, but similar concept as to my own treatment. The dampening apathy does not reward authenticity as one has to care enough to not copy to be authentic and in their shallow view, caring is weak.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2890
0 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

This is interesting, but i would not say that people are playing a character exactly, but rather that they show more one part of themselves over another.

Like your examples: both the first and the second characteristics are true.

I usually consider what you have explained, after this many years of being on the internet, i've talked with many different people. For example Luna: I liked her and  I felt bad for her all the way up until she started acting dishonest out of jealousy. Same with Primal, until she started lying to me.

Here I am more myself then usual, because i can only act fully as myself irl around my irl friends. Other people find me too eccentric on certain topics and in certain situations(in other context, i am eccentric, just not too eccentric).


So when I say I do not like blanc, it is your real life persona i dont like. I wanted you to know this. At a party, my group of friends would avoid you, because if we dont we will end up talking and someone will have a bad time. That does not mean you have no value, it just means you are obnoxious.

Cheery bye!
last edit on 6/14/2019 6:15:21 AM
Posts: 1110
1 votes RE: SC and Theory of Mind

This is true.

What you gotta do is provoke people enough until they show their honest self. And then hurt them if you don't like them.

A shadow not so dark.
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