Turncoat said:Exactly, not right now.
If you were though, what are your terms and restrictions? What can they do and not do as your "other"?Well, that would have to be discussed between my significant other and I.
So you mean to tell me you don't have terms of your own, dealbreakers, lines you can't see your "other" crossing that, in turn, you have the same restrictions over (or maybe you don't if you're an alfa).
Obviously, no cheating.
You say "obviously" like cheating only means one thing.
Is she allowed to flirt with other dudes for example? Would you be comfortable with her having male friends she's on hugging and cheek kissing terms with?
I might be down for a threesome or more, but not like a polyamorous relationship, just as like an occasional thing, as long as my partner and I consent.
How would you expect yourself to feel if she ends up having more fun with your third person than you do, if they say they love eachother mid-thrust?
Can you take that?
I wouldn't expect them to do the whole "expected thing of women" if it is a female. If we're living together, then we would have shared responsibilities and take turns doing things.
How would you feel if a woman paid for your food at a restaurant?
I guess for the most part I'm a chill person.
The idealism of your self-concept is, there's a difference.
Turncoat said:What about using sex as social liberation?
I know you said "you don't care" about that further along, but what about it's a problem exactly?I don't view it as a good way of dealing with stress.
That's not the only reason to do it, wtf? There's way more reasons to fuck than stress relief and money, tons more.
You're a virgin aren't you? Still have this idea that sex is all Disney and junk? Do you call it "Making Love" when you're with a partner?
I feel like using it as such, especially if it's with more than one partner, could be detrimental and bring about feelings of guilt.
That's pure projection, plenty of people don't feel guilt over it when it's agreed upon (or even if cheating).
YOU would feel too much guilt, of your own design.
Others can, but I'm not really interested in having sex with multiple different people. Maybe at some point, but it really doesn't seem like something healthy.
Why isn't it healthy to follow even older fashioned ideologies than your own?
The idea of "spreading one's seed" has gone through many different chapters, and your notion of human shame in sex is entirely conditioned into you by puritanical notions of society and culture.
Puritanical methodology is unnatural, nurturing a childish insecurity. It was initially made as a way to push religious zeal and ensure converts as children, but it has little place in our modern society beyond nurturing insecurity so that it may never grow past itself.
Turncoat said:So I take it you feel the same about factory work, and media jobs in general?I'm speaking about objectifying and abusing women. I don't see it mentally healthy for the pornstars.
You really loath elaborating.
You can't just say "It's unhealthy" without explaining why, that's stupid. EXPLAIN yourself, describe to me how it affects the dopamine centers of the brain instead of insulting everyone by figuring that this is enough.
Turncoat said:What's wrong with sex as commerce?
Does using someone like that in turn make you feel used?I wouldn't know if it'd make me feel used. I never fucked a prostitute. I am against it, because I don't view it as healthy.
Omfg stop using that word, it means nothing without going further.
Is it STD risk, is it lazy, is it decadent, what makes it "unhealthy"? This could mean literally anything.
Given how prostitutes are generally treated, and the fact that there are a lot doing it only to survive, I don't view it as a good profession.
What, you think it's like how it is on Taxi Driver?
There's "soft grooming" and "ideological grooming" now, not all of it's a ringed backhand to shock the product into compliance.
There's high class whores out there with matching price tags and standards, and as porn and prostitution becomes more commercial they worry about the health of both the clientel and the servicer. If we made it legal, there'd be less STDs, less Pimp abuse, and a sense of respectability towards the profession.
To contrast I have slept with a prostitute once while I was traveling, I've otherwise fooled around with multiple people while not anything official, and I had a long term Friends-With-Benefits who I'm otherwise still friendly with. I also while engaged to get married fucked a woman who herself was also engaged, and following that both of our relationships dissolved and we ended up dating each other.
It really doesn't mean anything beyond what you attach to it and the immediate context's risks. You're likely just holding yourself back and saying you have a code from being too shook up about the female race, giving yourself excuses as justifications towards your own weaknesses.
Turncoat said:Drop the "justs" and elaborate?
What makes it so depraved in the modern age, the availability?It's depraved being of the hedonistic nature
What's wrong with enjoying yourself?
Hedonism is just once you've taken it too far, typically taken as a banner of convenience philosophically. If you do it within reasonable limits, if you can measure yourself instead of descending into the deeps, what's the problem?
it's depraved because the fact that sex sells, that women are practically products.
No, people are products. You're bisexual, I'm sure you've seen how men are treated within the porn industry?
If you want to go on about "abuse in the industry", the men have it worse. Men are typically forced to start their work with gay sex, having to work their way up to fucking women, even if they're straight. They get paid less, have higher demands put on them, and they don't even get to be the star of the show, often with their heads cropped out of frame.
If your head is cropped out of frame, that makes it much more difficult to build a porn portfolio for future work (tattoos help, as do identifying marks). Women own that industry, but the times are still transitioning past patriarchical money values.
It's availability over the internet has made it worse, even kids can easily stumble upon it, and I don't view it as healthy.
Use WORDS, be DESCRIPTIVE. You aren't a caveman, nor a parrot.