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Main problem I have with Materialism: It tends to cost money. 

 Spend responsibly.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: I think that materialis...

I'm not a philosophy expert, but I think materialism is bad when the material things are seen as ends themselves, and not as means to an end.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 833
1 votes RE: I think that materialis...


(I screwed up the quoting, can't be bothered to try and fix it.)

I wouldn't call Marxists as "jealous of others success" I guess you could find some that misinterpret Marx, especially the ones that are basically liberals who don't actually know anything about Marx, only enjoy calling themselves a communist because it sounds cool, and it's provocative. Marx and Engels, and the others weren't "jealous" of the bourgeoisie because of their wealth, the argument is that they inherently exploit the proletariat through Marx's labor theory of value. 

This is a basic example, (I'll post some videos by Marxists in case anyone's interesting)  you go to your employer and you sit down and you discuss your work terms, let's say you are paid 15 dollars an hour, even for every hour you are paid 15 dollars, you are still generating more wealth than what your are being paid. Especially consider you'd be added to a work force along with others. There are better explanations by others that could give a more concrete example, my excuse is that it's 4:45 AM currently for me.  

Furthermore, most Marxists especially ones under the views of Leninism and beyond agree that Capitalism is inherently imperialistic, not through the means of militaristic force, although some would say that is the case with America, but also through the means of the market. It is seen that over time the rate of profit falls, and thus Capitalism is seen as an unsustainable system by Marxists, and so what must the bourgeoisie do? They must expand their markets, through other countries such as the third world ones, like with Multi-National Corporations who gain cheap labor and more resources from their interference in Third World countries. 

Marxists would also argue that Capitalism isn't necessarily innovative, as with a lot of important things, such as the internet, computers, those things came from state research, companies only took the foundation from state research and expanded onto it. 

Here are some videos I would recommend, I was going to try to explain each individual one myself, but I feel that would be failed at terribly.

As for materialism, of course I consider Marx to be a big proponent but Alice already explained that. 

The goal that Marxism wishes to achieve is simply a stateless, classless, moneyless society in which the means of production are communally owned, such an idea society would be post scarcity and mostly automated industrial wise. It's just that there are different sub-ideologies that have different means of achieving said society. 

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