I did this a few days ago. Told my family about it too, so now I'll look like a whimsical hypocrite if I don't hold to it. You'd all get to make fun of me too. I've been far more useful to those around me, and they seem to appreciate it.
I even got most of my room cleaned up. To give perspective, I let it bomb out for nearly 2 years. It rains through the ceiling and the floor boards are fucked. I'll probably get evicted by our landlord. Regardless, I have a sense of optimism for the first time in a long while.
Excellent :)
The first things you'll notice when the substances are no longer distracting you, and you run out of hobbies and other things to distract yourself will be the tension in some of your relationships. (The same thing happens when people lose weight, finish school or switch tax brackets, bc humans are such petty creatures. Been there done that.) Your friends and family will change for the worst, so don't let any of them drive you back to dependence on your substances again.
You might have to walk away from some for long enough for them to get used to the new you, and from others permanently.
But stick with your goals, and remember that it's them, not you ;)
Fae will be very helpful. Try to spend more time with her if you can.