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0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
People are hypocrites. Jim is WAY nastier than Primal, and it is very possible that he is a kidnapper, and they FLIPPED out over his justified permabannin. ls upon the people who pounced on Luna for abandoning them.

 Once again, this is simply not true. 

 There was a dedicated pool of users who opposed the Jim ban very openly. Maybe you are not one of them, but Xadem, TPG, and Scarlett for starters highly opposed Jim being banned.

 As trolling from time to time, and this is not an example of 'dragging Luna through the ringer'.

All four of us along with tryp would speak to Jim when mods were asleep and once they arrived and banned him we'd laugh at him. The only time unbanning Jim was seriously discussed was by tryp two years after the fact because Jim was starting to have constructive dialogues with many of us, this was ultimately decided against in a peaceful manner. After this it is a fact that Inq was more lenient with Jim, which eventually lost him his modship. Not even this triggered us despite viewing him as a good mod, we openly joked about it and multiple satirical threads were made. Jim was really a none issue as it pertains to Luna. 

Luna was dragged through the ringer because she can neither take criticism nor a joke. 

 I took it all as serious.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2893
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
Good said: 

 My point is, I could make a site and have the prerequisite be to ban people who have hurt delora forever, and people would be up in arms about it. It's really about Primals popularity that you are not getting backlash. People are hypocrites. Jim is WAY nastier than Primal, and it is very possible that he is a kidnapper, and they FLIPPED out over his justified permabanning. This thread is becoming more about the flaws of others' perpsective than yours, TFI. 

I am exposing the favoritism and disregard for SC ideals upon the people who pounced on Luna for abandoning them.


Jim is nastier, but he has not been nastier while just being online, you have to consent and go to him yourself irl. And he has never lied about his persona, while Primal was our 'friend'.


I agree, if I wanted to perma ban TC or Alice, I don't think people would like it at all.

But thats how life works BO. People are not equal. Primal harasses nearly everyone and this is why she is banned from all other forums, despite her claims.


She picks some favorite people who she never attacks, like she picked me and it seems you, and delora. She seems to pick them depending on how naive they seem or if they seem like victims to her. I do not have another explanation. To her I've revealed a lot more of myself, so its possible this is how she sees it.

But this might be off topic, but it can explain why people don't care so much about Primal. Her primary positive was that her harassment was just entertainment for most. And it explains why you don't understand why she is disliked and no one cares, you were special, as I am to her.


I always thought its unenviable she will up her harassment game(since it comes from her delusions), me and Sturm had talks with her about it when we were friends, but she didn't budge. However no one expect her to betray us.

 Well, where's the FULL story at, with every detail? I will read if you can take the time to type or link it.

Full story about what? How she went crazy?

One day someone emailed Sturm that Primal is accusing her of random things online and then she got a lawsuit. Then Sturm monitored Primals posts and once I got how serious she is, I made a bot to monitor primal automatically.

I do not know all the small details, it didn't happen to me and i didnt ask for a novel. I trust my friends. Primal was our friend, but she was crazy. I have a principle, never trust an unstable person and I neglected it. I will never neglect my principles again, even tho we didnt think she is that crazy. I have never neglected my principles before or after.

Not to mention not everything can be said, when there is a legal case.


The story of Primal and our friendship is years long. The story of her going mental is really not long, even with all the details. She just came at Sturm out of the blue and we have been debating over and over how it probably happened. We have a few theories.

Before all this, she would go on MHG and accuse a random schizoid, that was pretty fun overall, of being in a narc ring, because he said the word spice. She would go at random users for saying something bad happened in their lives and accuses them of lying and being BPD. She would go on SC and think her ex was there and somehow involved in a narc/pedo ring. There is more that i forgot. We tried to reason her out of these delusions. But it seems it got much much worse, once we stopped talking with her for a while(there was no specific reason, we all didn't talk for a while, life happens).

In any case, Sturm would know better the details.

Cheery bye!
last edit on 6/2/2019 8:05:05 AM
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...

Good has been quite consistent actually, I largely stay out of the Primal situation but I don't think he'd even go this far if it wasn't so serious.

And this is coming from Primal's biological son, might I add

Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
Xadem said: 

Good has been quite consistent actually, I largely stay out of the Primal situation but I don't think he'd even go this far if it wasn't so serious.

And this is coming from Primal's biological son, might I add

 Is that a shitpost, the son comment?

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2893
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...

(it is (i hope))

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
Good said: 

(it is (i hope))

 It's Xadem, 99% chance of it being a joke.


My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...

No I am literally her child 

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
Xadem said: 

Good has been quite consistent actually, I largely stay out of the Primal situation but I don't think he'd even go this far if it wasn't so serious.

And this is coming from Primal's biological son, might I add

 That's how I feel about it. 

If anything, we were hypocrites under Luna because she constantly crossed the line and we did nothing but laugh it off. In this case, Good has drawn a line in exchange for his software and I'm more than willing not to cross it because it means having a none-volatile site owner with one very clear boundary.

The Primal drama is way over my head anyway, wtf does Taylor Swift have to do with any of this?!?

last edit on 6/2/2019 8:09:56 AM
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
Xadem said: 

No I am literally her child 

 Prove it algebraically

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
last edit on 6/2/2019 8:09:50 AM
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Is the banning of Prima...
Xadem said: 

Good has been quite consistent actually, I largely stay out of the Primal situation but I don't think he'd even go this far if it wasn't so serious.

And this is coming from Primal's biological son, might I add

 That's how I feel about it. 

If anything, we were hypocrites under Luna because she constantly crossed the line so many times and we did nothing but laugh it off. In this case, Good has drawn a line in exchange for his software and I'm more than willing not to cross it because it means having a none-volatile site owner with one very clear boundary.

The Primal drama is way over my head anyway, wtf does Taylor Swift have to do with any of this?!?

 Yes quite true. We know where we stand with him, plus Good told us in advance what his demand was. 

As far as I've gathered, Primal is convinced that Taylor Swift is on SC anonymously, and on PF as well. She's been hunting for Taylor for a while now and wants to blackmail her for money. It's the shit that's beyond comedy at this point. 

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