The problem is that you have misinterpreted what Hell would actually be like. first of all it is never guaranteed that you would be capable of recalling memories in hell
If you can't recall memories, then your suffering will never mount on itself. How is one to be punished if they can't even remember what they're being punished for?
God wants people to be purged of the knowledge of Good and Evil, of their Humanity, of their independence and autonomy, similar to the spirit-robots he's made that we refer to as "Angels". Satan meanwhile is perfectly fine letting us amass wisdom, history, passion, and these are more easily built on the back of experience, of memory. Even The Bible refers to "Wisdom as meaningless", referring to how it makes for more weight to carry while otherwise not bringing you any closer to God. Satan meanwhile loves these long term concepts, for that is the sort of suffering he's been going through for longer than we can comprehend. "Misery loves company" and all that.
When the battle between Heaven and Hell happens, it'll be as Evil Colleagues fighting a war against Naive Children (Recall the story of Lot, and how retarded God's Angels were. That's going to be the nature of his army.)
These are all the Bible verses on Hell:
being burned alive, eternally lonely without the ability to experience love joy or any form of satisfaction forever. literally unending, constantly, forever and ever with no breaks or opportunity to escape. you would not get to think about anything except being tortured constantly and even if you were able to recall memories there would be no pleasure in recalling past memories, because you wouldn't be able to experience any form of pleasure at all
While SMBC uses this as an argument against Hell, I see it as reason to suspect that newbie souls are conditioned into disturbing fetishy demons who no longer see it as suffering in the long run.
It's like being hazed as inductees for a fraternity, eventually you're fucked with so much that you want to do the fucking.
You come across foolish if you truly would not try to save yourself from that by doing whatever you had to do to prevent it
Wanting to go to Heaven just for "the reward" is itself sinful through missing the point.
I also still see that as better than going to Heaven.