You're missing the point, and you clearly didn't have corona.
Nope. You're missing the point.
The point is that you sitting there in another country telling me that you know more about my body than I do is absurd.
It's less about your body and more about Corona itself. You aren't the only person who's been like "Zomg I got sick, it must be corona!!11", and you never even got a diagnosis. You had the flu, it was January, this shit happens.
You're using this as a platform to diminish the impacts of the virus, peddling irresponsible behavior not just to us, but also your family. This is almost on par with Rudy Gobert's sheer gall and irresponsibility. Even if somehow you did have it, how you're handling the situation is deplorable when we aren't even sure if it can be contracted more than once or not (Japan's reported a potential re-infection, and many sources go on about it's capacity to display minor symptoms while otherwise remaining dormant in your system).
You aren't handling this matter with nearly enough concern, and it's liable to get other innocent, well meaning people sick. Take some responsibility.
And the other point is that you can't tell me what to do.
Other than just now over insisting that you "take some responsibility", I otherwise haven't.
Even if you were qualified to dispense legal and medical advice in your country (and you clearly are not lol)
You have even less idea than most of this forum when it comes to this virus, and your posts are the proof.
You still wouldn't be qualified to tell me what to do on my side of the border.
So stop tryinta pretend you know more than I do and stfu already.
Are you seriously fighting for the right to spread disease?
Thank goodness you don't have HIV.
This forum has already spent years telling me they wish I was dead lol
And I've spent a good bit of time telling most of you the same thing.Idk why you're pretending to give any actual fucks about me, now.
I certainly don't give a shit about most of you.
I would still LOL and applaud if most of you were to die :D
This sentimentality is unrelated to the problem at hand.
Seriously, stop being retarded and give this a serious look. Even if it turns out to not be as bad as the news has been going on about, that it was just a work of confused, paranoid sensationalism, this is still showing how you'd react in a scenario of unknown variables (foolhardy).