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0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

@ Alice:

It was finished.

However, it was an outbreak story, and will now require massive rewrites before I try to send it to a publisher.


There will likely be thousands of hopefuls trying to publish their corona diaries, now.

I highly doubt the thing will get published.

~ shrugs ~


Maybe I'll get lucky on the stock market in a few months  ;D

last edit on 3/23/2020 9:38:37 PM
Posts: 9485
0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

I’ve been filming the experience somewhat. I probably should pick up the camera more often but, I’ve just been catching the funny moments when I can. 

showing the odd, eccentric family I have and the comedic way they respond to these unusual changes in environment, circumstances, etc. 


It really is comedy gold so, I should document more of it. 

I wish I could of documented the day the stock market crashed (the really bad oil day when it plummeted and they were talking about Saudi Arabia and Russia on the news) 


my parents were in a hysterical frenzy that day. It was hilarious. but after a few hours of it I couldn’t take the arguing anymore and had to go home to get some peace.


luckily they argue on a daily basis and scream at the tv, every morning usually now. And especially around 4:30 when the president comes on to speak. 

then we get a little break (sort of) and then once it’s time for dinner the antics really start. 

I wake up to them arguing and slamming doors in the morning, or my mom screaming on the phone (she talks really loud) 


and while all of it is hilarious, and I’m trying to form a sort of, comedic spin tv series on it, only catching the funny parts- there are times where this is all more terrifying and sad, than funny. 

my only goal here is simply documenting the human raw experience, and making light of a situation that, generally is scary. 



on a sadder note all fun and games and antics aside- my friend in Italy passed away of CV yesterday morning. Which is why I hadn’t been posting much. 

I was in a bit of a depressed shock state. Sort of waving through the days in a fog. Disoriented. She’ll shocked. That and everything else going on, I got a little overwhelmed and started having a panic attack. 

and then I cried through all of last night in bed, waking up, crying and then falling back asleep. Because I kept waking up over and over again to sort of like, “what’s happening?” Oh yeah... corona virus... oh yeah... Enya died :( ... and I just felt incredibly sad for enya and hopeless about everything. 


He was a young, extremely healthy man. He lived in competition rural vineyard in Italy. It’s very difficult to get to a main city where there is public gatherings markets etc from where he was. And there were no other houses around him. He did have exposure to other people obviously before the lockdown though, and he passed away in his home of the corona virus yesterday morning. 

I wanted to update but I just didn’t even know how to say those words at first. 

*pours one out for enya* 


may he Rest In Peace. 

and everyone else who is affected by this. 


i don’t know what else to say. Just keeping stress down by enjoying minimal distractions and, resting a lot. 

my family is prepared more than prepared can be. My family is also making contributions to fighting the spread of the virus with their companies. They have shifted from manufacturing their usual stuff to supplying crucial medical supplies. 

so majority of the day does consist of, phone calls about those items. People harassing us for, hand sanitizer and, UV lights. With responses like, “we already sold the last ones to this hospital, but more will be coming.” 

when? No one knows. 

at this point, I can’t even order a bag of cookies and know when it’s going to get here or if it even will. 

It’s a lot of mayhem. People are angry, about the financial situation as well. Arguing about the economy and saying we all need to get back to work. 

And I just simply said, “maybe we might have to fathom new ways of doing things for a while.” 

Financial experts are screaming, get back to work! But scientists are screaming, stay inside. 

I will always favor the side of health care experts personally, but I think it is possible for us to find a happy medium where we can support each other equally.

I’ll just be glad to make it out of this without having contracted CV.

last edit on 3/24/2020 1:26:28 AM
Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

lol you're in your 20s. You won't catch it. If by some strange fluke you do, you'll recover quickly.


And if you rlly want people to believe that you knew the one guy in Italy in his 30s who died of this thing, you might want to give him a boy's name. Enya is the female Celtic pop singer who did the LotR soundtrack. I had to do a doubletake bc I thought you were saying she died.

Enzo. Enzo is a boy's name. Or Frank, Tony, Giuseppe, etc.

And yes it's ok to use an extremely common name when naming Italian characters. They have a tradition where the firstborn boy is named after his (paternal?) grandfather, and the firstborn girl is named after her grandmother (not sure which one.) It gets a bit confusing for non Italians at large family gatherings  :D  This naming tradition has resulted in certain extremely common names becoming even more common.

Posts: 2647
1 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

36. 36 people in their 30s and 40s have died of C 19 in Italy. Assuming that just over half were male, that makes 19 to look for. By telling us that he lived in a rural vineyard, you've just given me exactly what I need to look the guy up with very little effort.

So don't tryta bullshit me this time.

It's ok if you want to use these threads to write fiction. Some of your stuff is even readable enough to get published. I would recommend the Romance genre for you. It's steady work, and you're prolific enough to crank out the volumes and volumes required to keep your publisher happy and make a living at it.


But kindly don't use these threads of yours to preach at me. I thought this was an actual thread for people to document their actual experiences with the virus.

Posts: 2818
-1 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

Blanc would be a fantastic romance-drama novel writer

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries
Xena said: 
Blanc said: 

Lemme go back into more detail.

It started with a tiny sniffle, barely noticeable for 4 days after Chinese food. I thought I needed to sweep or smthg. It was the sniffle I usually get when my house is dusty. Not even cold like.

Then BAM. Painful hacking cough, and fever so I could barely get out of bed, accompanied by snot for days. Every minor ache I normally ignore in my teeth, back, head, and every minor fracture I've had that's healed funny suddenly hurt 3 times as much. My lungs were ON FUCKING FIRE.

It was like a cold on top of the flu on top of bronchitis on top of a festering sore that's oozing pus and just this side of going septic. Maddeningly raw, yet somehow strangely itchy. I wanted to open up my chest and claw at the inside of my lungs to get the fucking infected feeling out.

I barely ate or got out of bed for 8 days. I'm just glad I was already off for my Xmas vacation, or I would have used up most of my sick days. I had a pretty sucky New Year's, tho.

Even after I was able to stand again, and go about my usual business, a slightly more mild obnoxious cough hung around for another 2 weeks.

I still don't quite feel normal, But I nearly have my singing voice back.

 This is the flu 

Yep, she's not reporting the major symptoms. Even survivors end up worse off physically. 

the corona virus is extremely difficult to get through food and highly unlikely if you’re suggesting it came from the food of a Chinese restaraunt.

Yeah... the sheer amount of heat applied to their otherwise pre-prepared, preserved food, is significantly less likely to transmit it. 

The plastic containers holding them however can persist for like what, 48 hours after contact? 

 WTF Turncoat? I said I felt like my lungs felt like bronchitis on top of a festering sore that's about to go septic.

Sorry if your pain receptors are fucked and your festering wounds make you horny.

But pneumonia like (pneumonia and bronchitis feel very similar, btw) symptoms are corona symptoms.


Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

lol ikr.

I wrote a big post about how it's not the Chinese or the food, but the buffet table and the fact that the restaurant was a big chain buffet with training seminars where every staff member in North America shows, and an international crowd in there that night (Xmas Eve.) I ended the post with the fact that CV can live on metal for up to 72 hours.

Ofc nobody quoted that post lol

My mom always told me not to argue with crazy people if I don't want to look like one of them  xD

Posts: 9485
0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

Guys, please do not take chloroquine or hydroxychrloroquine, or azithromycin on your own without a doctor overseeing the prescription. 


don't just go out, get these drugs, take them yourself. you could die in less than 24 hours from taking the wrong concoction, or from taking these drugs separately. 


people found that chloroquine is found in fish pet stores as something to clean tanks with, bought it, and took it independently of any doctors recommendation, after having contracted CV. 


within in less than 24 hours one man was dead, and the other woman is in the ICU holding on for dear life. 


you can't take this, without the z-pack (azithromycin) or it is deadly. 


spread the word, I heard people in Italy are stock piling the drug. I'm sure it's not the only place... 

last edit on 3/24/2020 4:13:07 PM
Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Quarantine Diaries

I heard it was Nigerians, actually.

That would make more sense bc those are anti malarial drugs.

As far as I know, you can only get those drugs over here if you're going on vacation.

And we're not allowed to go on vacation anymore.


Nobody on this forum is going to buy that shit. 

None of them are even at risk for the virus (if they're telling the truth about their ages.)

Most of them are also too obnoxious to be in touch with their elderly relatives lol

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