Not that this if proof of anything, but it's concerning how much of your past is "I can't remember", especially when you narrate much of it like it was loud and chaotic emotions in your head while your body did nothing.
Well, I would say that considering most of my life was spent on a computer, that could be contributing to the fact that I don't remember a lot, but I swore I remembered more before, and sometimes I remember more and more. I can try to remember things, it just takes a lot, but it feels like not much necessarily happened.
I'm guessing the family doesn't agree with your life path? Is that what makes it "restrictive"?
Well, no they don't, it was restrictive before hand. Also, their dependence on me is annoying.
How'd that go?
Well, I wasn't the only one, and a group of people comforted me, and her friends warned me of what she was going to try to do. I felt betrayed and destroyed, then grew hatred of her but later forgave her.
Exactly, it's the perfect time to work on yourself.
Who are you even mounting a defense against at this point?
No one? In what way is there to work on myself or a need to?'d really like to believe that, huh?
Putting distance between them and you does not mean they don't still live in your head. Being truly "forgotten" is unlikely.
I didn't put distance between them and I, I rose above them. They aren't as great as they made themselves out to be in regards to me. Their actions were pathetic.