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0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

You’re correct about there being a distinction between major depression for example and being wholly apathetic, they created a separate diagnosis and treatment plan for it. 


Because it’s not depression, it’s actually something called dysthymia, which was removed from the dsm in recent years but, there are people who have had this issue. It’s, different than depression... i will try to find a video on it i remember seeing that helped me understand the distinction and what it was like. 

Posts: 1662
0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

I'm like, the worst Shaman/Witch Lol

I have all this knowledge and understanding but dont share it with them and just laugh at them struggling and suffering lol, deep in their egos and the dramatic stories they tell themselves

And I don't use it to help myself because I like being in between worlds and dead inside and sinking deeper into death and my soon to be freedom. It doesnt matter if I die soon although I want to, Im letting it happen naturally so I can learn everything there is left to learn before its my time

last edit on 1/19/2020 2:44:06 AM
Posts: 1662
0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...
Blanc said: 

You’re correct about there being a distinction between major depression for example and being wholly apathetic, they created a separate diagnosis and treatment plan for it. 


Because it’s not depression, it’s actually something called dysthymia, which was removed from the dsm in recent years but, there are people who have had this issue. It’s, different than depression... i will try to find a video on it i remember seeing that helped me understand the distinction and what it was like. 

 Yeah, Neither are the cause here tho

last edit on 1/19/2020 2:48:26 AM
Posts: 9488
-1 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

I cant find the original video but there is loads of videos on it um, apparently it’s being called persistent depressive disorder 

Posts: 9488
0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

It’s hard being mixed up and figuring things out, but give it some time and give yourself some credit for the small accomplishments you’ve made. It’s not all going to come together and make sense and resolve itself at once it will take times and come together in tiny pieces. Which is why therapy is important, not so much the diagnosis at sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about labels too much at this point unless a professional seems to think otherwise. 

Posts: 1662
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See? this is a perfect example

Posts: 1662
0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

blanc is perfectly exemplifying the stupidity


and so then I feel -.-


and that's that Lol

last edit on 1/19/2020 3:06:58 AM
Posts: 1662
0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

Its funny because, I'm not sharing my enlightenment with any of you (and its partly because its something you have to experience yourself otherwise you cant understand the information) but its 99 percent just so that I can look down upon you all and laugh


but like most of the time it isnt even funny. its just -.- youre so stupid

last edit on 1/19/2020 3:11:08 AM
Posts: 1662
0 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

Pretty much SC contains the chronicles of my spiritual awakening. Its been happening all along but super escalated the past few months in major ways

Posts: 94
1 votes RE: Why does nothing on SC ...

Do you want SC to affect you?

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