Turncoat said:
I mean did you go out to hang out with people, did you go to any particular websites?

 I only really went out with my grandfather. We'd go to bars together, he would get a beer, and I'd get a kitty cocktail and play on the machines there. In school I'd hang out with friends at Recess especially my best friend. Any particular websites? Well as a 9 year old, I did enjoy Club Penguin for some reason, and found myself joining some weird club penguin army group, which got me on a chat site called xat.com. 


Turncoat said:
What sort of childhood would you have preferred?

 I suppose one with hunting involved, hanging out with others more.  Where I could've excelled at everything more so than everyone else. I mean for a time I did take karate lessons and drum lessons, when I was 10, but I stopped because of the gas cost from the location of both places, and when my mom and I thought about going back, we learned that the night prior to deciding to go back, my karate teacher died of a heart attack, and then my drum teacher three months prior died of a stroke, and so it just didn't work out. 


Turncoat said:
High energy feelings are never a "just", this is you trying to minimize it's weight.

 Well, I don't remember why I was shy as a kid, I also recognize that I was depressed as a kid, but no real reason. 


Turncoat said:
What sort of things would you say you learned from within a Catholic School structure?

 I don't really know, I guess normal school stuff, if I'm honest I never paid too much attention to the bible shit, because it didn't really concern me as a child. I still said I believe in god and jesus but that was about it. I even didn't care for lint. 


Turncoat said:
What was your class clown style?

 Well, in public school where it originated, I guess I'd do goofy voices, and then I used to shake my head really fast and make noises and people would laugh. 


Turncoat said:
Do you think you might have underestimated your importance in your friend circles, or is it just obvious that you were a forgettable person?

 I guess I viewed myself as a forgettable person, but that's definitely not the case with my friends, since they still want to hang out and talk to me, one of them cried when I was leaving college to go to the military. 


Turncoat said:
Is there a reason why you find it easier to describe yourself in relation to things instead of directly?

 Not necessarily.