I really hope this gets through your retarded calcified pineal gland head but I doubt it
Stop speaking on others experiences as if you are the one who dictates what is and isnt valid for them lol
You arent. You're powerless over that sorry hun
both the rules of science and rules of logic are just more human made rules, extremely limited by the human brain which doesnt even have access to experiencing more than just 3 dimensions
Yet you think following those sets of rules gives you some sort of higher ground. It fucking doesnt ahahahahahahaha, it limits the fuck out of your experience of life tho;) like, severely
This is what I think you are missing about those of us who have had religious or supernatural experiences- we are all fucking skeptical at first LOL, it is our experiences of the supernatural that lead us into being openminded to the supernatural
you just seem to have....not had any. sorry, sux for you but its not our fault that youve had no spirtual or supernatural experiences. we go to the spirit realm after we die and there are much less rules there. it is much more abstract, and we can create and manifest anything we want much more easily
in that realm, is where earth and the solar system 3d human experience was created, and all the religions and gods and goddesses and archetypes and they were passed down to us in the 3d realm. but you are too skeptical to understand advanced concepts like that at a soul level. you're cut off from that
This is what I think you are missing about those of us who have had religious or supernatural experiences- we are all fucking skeptical at first LOL, it is our experiences of the supernatural that lead us into being openminded to the supernatural
you just seem to have....not had any. sorry, sux for you but its not our fault that youve had no spirtual or supernatural experiences. we go to the spirit realm after we die and there are much less rules there. it is much more abstract, and we can create and manifest anything we want much more easily
in that realm, is where earth and the solar system and 3d human experience was created, and all the religions and gods and goddesses and archetypes and they were passed down to us in the 3d realm. but you are too skeptical to understand advanced concepts like that at a soul level. you're cut off from that
bump for Turncoat
Stop trying to tell other people what is and isnt real for them. You simply dont know. You're ignorant, you have no spiritual experience and probably a super calcified pineal gland
You're the one that hasn't done real research on it. This is a religion, not a game.
There is a reason most of us are religious and or spiritual and ts not because of "wishful thinking", its because of being tapped into that other realm, the one we go to when we die where also everything "material" is created. its created in the spiritual realm
you can choose to reduce and limit your experience of life to rules that you set for yourself like science and logic and just write everything else off that doesn't fit within those super strict reductive rules as "hallucinations" but thats fucking dumb as shit and i'll tell you that time and time again. its stupid lol
You're all delusional
Shut the fuck up
You rape victims need to quit living in the past and move on
Ehhh live a little.
What, do you think looking into it would make you believe in it or something?
There is a reason most of us are religious and or spiritual and ts not because of "wishful thinking", its because of being tapped into that other realm, the one we go to when we die where also everything "material" is created. its created in the spiritual realm
you can choose to reduce and limit your experience of life to rules that you set for yourself like science and logic and just write everything else off that doesn't fit within those super strict reductive rules as "hallucinations" but thats fucking dumb as shit and i'll tell you that time and time again. its stupid lol
You're speaking in the New Age tongue instead of the Wiccan one. At this point your main escape is towards purposely vague things, all just so that you can't be corrected. If you're going to claim you're Wiccan, you ought to understand your own religion's source material.
You want mysticism in your life but you aren't willing to put in any of the work needed for it. As an anti-mystic I've seen more of it than you have.