Eeek you're right, who am i to argue with The Successful Psychopath...
a quick search for him brought up this page... which made me lol
Eeek you're right, who am i to argue with The Successful Psychopath...
a quick search for him brought up this page... which made me lol
Good sir
Hearin you ar a suxessful psykopath and travel on the buses, I hav been hopin you mite do me a favor.
I hav an moochall perculiarity with you, good sir. I to travel on the buses though bein a batchelor for all my life I am no suxessful psykopath.
By perfession I work at Virginia State Colony. It is good.
Thankin you for admishon I hope.
So, Turn you said there were only 2 members chatting? So exclusive that there are only 2 members? It's like the Wizard of Oz; don't mind the man behind the curtain.
You revealed that you invited yourself, so as to continue the chain untraced. 6 degrees of separation, huh? Next thing you know you'll need a dead drop. haha
Upon further examination I found some chatter going on with a few others. Barely anything has been said in around a week's time beyond a small bit of chatter in one channel on the 18th and someone asking around for another user yesterday briefly. Apparently this was founded late June to early July, so it's still pretty new, complete with it's share of empty channels. Edit: I take that back, #boredom appears to have some recent activity.
It's basically a chat client handled through They seem more casual and less narcy than Cirk was trying to make it appear with a fair deal of snark. The community is indeed invite only, but people who are already inside can invite others. The self-invite was mostly to test the process.
Freyja stated: source post
Still no excuse for that spelling though. It's just cringe.
Yup. Cirkle Jirk lol