I know that Jim's original point was that women are just the worst. I think that both sexes have it hard.
Esther Vilar wrote The Manipulated Man in 1971. I think it would be great if she rewrote it with today's changes. She had 8 clear points that her books touched upon:
1.) Men are conscripted; women are not.
At least in the USA, as soon as a male reaches age 18, they are usually forced to enlist in a selective service in case of a draft. This affects males ages 18 to 25, who are required by law to sign up within 30 days of their 18th bday, but they have until their 26th bday to finally sign up. This does not mean they're joining the military, nor are they obligated to any military service unless there is a national draft. I say forced because failure to do so will prevent them from getting many government jobs, loans, and access to a lot of colleges. It can also lead to up to 5 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $250,000. There's not really much of a choice there.
I think that sucks. Women don't have to do that- they aren't forced to do that, but only because our role in all of that is to pop out more babies to enlist.
2.)Men are sent to fight in wars; women are not.
Per the selective service, males would be sent to fight. However, women are now able to enlist by choice- yes they are not drafted but again that's because our role would be to pop out more soldiers but as women we are now able to enlist in the army, chair force, and marines and many do so. Unfortunately there is definitely some wariness in entering as unreported and reported rapes are enough to scare some away, yet there are women enlisting.
"3.)Men retire later than women (even though, due to their lower life-expectancy, they should have the right to retire earlier)."
That's really up to them now. There are people now retiring at the age of 30. We've come a long way with technology that anyone with code/technical know how and a great idea can do a start up and if its really successful, sell it off and retire. Union(construction afaik) are really the only way that both sexes are paid the same. Outside of that, women get paid less than men still, and looking further women of color get paid less than white women. Women, especially single mothers, are still going to be working just as long as men until retirement.
"4.)Men have almost no influence over their reproduction (for males, there is neither a pill nor abortion - they can only get the children women want them to have)."
Just like women that get their "tubes tied" or tubal ligation, men have the option to be sterilized via vasectomy. Women have birth control and abortion but we still face criticism for using either with it being deemed unnatural by 'God' as the argument. Men can use Condoms and soon their will be a male birth control for which trials have already started. There's Vasalgel- injection, Gendarussa and Anti-Eppin agent, both pills so soon that'll be a thing yay.
Also men can now have children via surrogate mothers. Though that would still include the female DNA in there, they are working on 86ing that, borrowing the same technique that was used with Dolly the sheep but more testing is needed.
5.)Men support women; women never, or only temporarily, support men.
Uh like in relationships or in the work place or...?
6.) Men work all their lives; women work only temporarily or not at all.
Not so, its 2016, I'd say women work just as much as men.
7.)Even though men work all their lives, and women work only temporarily or not at all, on average, men are poorer than women.
Because men were expected to maintain and financially support the woman back then. It was a virtue that a man would work a soul crushing job so that his family would have a roof and food but now women are doing their share too. They are head of the house and can, along with their significant other, support their family. Because now its much more acceptable for women to work(except also not) that women can work the same jobs or hours that males could. The only problem is that most men would be frustrated to be the househusband and this somehow emasculates them? As if it were a bad thing to be? To be kept by a woman is somehow translated to not being a "real man"?
8.) Men only "borrow" their children; woman can keep them (as men work all their lives and women do not, men are automatically robbed of their children in cases of separation - with the reasoning that they have to work).
Single moms, bro. They also lose out and in today its now both parents getting double jobs to make ends meet. Its no longer just a male thing to support the household, females also see the need to help and gladly do so. It affects children to have both parents out and working, but unfortunately that's the world we currently live in.
Vilar wrote this book, which is basically being used as a bible of sorts for those with MGTOW leanings, in a time where women were more restricted and from the point of view of the white woman. She doesn't touch upon abuse, upon the fact that women are taught to basically compete against other women, not for jobs or accomplishments but for the attention of men. She sees being kept as a household wife a true joy to stay at home safe and to bond with her children while lamenting that man can't do the same yet agrees that a man is not a 'real man' if he is not out working and supporting the family.