The Anti Ed Coalition stated: source post
Edvard stated: source post
you will give out anyone's information in order to bolster your position here..
What a fucking liar you are, Sugar.
So... no concrete examples?
Afraid she only could come up with 2: Tony's info, which was already public, and an email from years gone Piless, which I only shared with her, in private. So yeah, good observation you made.
Turncoat stated: source post
Edvard stated: source post
You've betrayed more trust here than I have and you know it, no matter how much you dress it up.
You really have a boner for the word "trust".
Why are you sexualizing this you perv?
So now you changed the tune and say I spazz out against people I am on good terms with?
I'd say it's closer to the barrier between the two being paper thin.
If someone I am on good terms with actively tries to push my buttons and get under my skin like you did yesterday for example, I won't be on such good terms with them anymore. What is abnormal about this?
Last time I checked you were telling everyone how unfair I am for favoring those people lmao. For ego supply. Keep your story straight.
It's a pretty straight-forward story imo.
So which is it? Do I spazz out on people I am on good terms with or do I favor them unjustly? Maybe this story is straight in Turncoat land.