My childhood took place all over the world, thanks to my dad's job we never really stayed in one country for long. Never grew roots in one country or felt like I had a home-country. This was really a double edged sword, while I felt empowered from having traveled the world and felt like I could go anywhere, I lacked the stability and comfort of having a definitive home country or even a place I could call home for sure.
I have a large blank spot in my childhood, I can bearly remember the years 0-7 and have a very bad memory of the years up to around age 10. I Was born in Sweden but moved to the states at age 4, spent 6 years there. I was told I was an extremely angry child at least until some time in second grade, the school had some proficiency tests in logical thinking and math and I scored well and was put in some sort of special "gifted" program for some subjects. Not entirely sure how it worked but in non-science subjects I wasn't that great, seeing as I didn't know a word of English when I came to the states I was on the low end on that scale.
Played with the neighbourhood kids in the woods adjacent to our houses and in the backyards. I was also forced by my dad to do at least two extra curricular physical activities at any one time. Tried pretty much everything, did some fencing, american football, soccer, gymnastics and karate are the ones I remember (like i said parts of this time in my life is a blackout). We used to have these games where all the kids would fight each other (we had to make sure who was strongest and in what order we came) the angry little kid I was back then used to really love fighting people like that and my special move was a headbut to the chest.
Another vivid memory I had of from our neighborhood gang was when a kid who was in our group but three years older didn't invite me to his birthday. For some reason this made me really angry and I went over there despite the fact that I wasn't invited and found him surrounded by kids from his school and not our gang! Unsure of how to react I ran towards him in full speed, he saw me and started running, the chase continued 1.5 laps around his house before I got to him. He wasn't fighting back (at least from what I can remember) so I spun him around and jump-headbutted him between the shoulderblades. He started crying and I was scared of what would happen if people found out about this (my parents especially) so I ran away.
I also remember locking in my little sister in the crawl space beneath our house on her birthday and although I didn't want to keep here there (it was only meant as a quick joke) I started to fear what would happen to me when my parents found out. So I was in a lose-lose situation, if i let her out I'll be punished but I can't keep her in there forever. It took until supper until I finally gathered the courage to face the consequences.