Well a child has low cognitive function. I doubt you as a fetus had any Ill intent. If the reason was blood type incapability then she needs to blame herself for mating with a man of different blood type. I wouldn't hate or resent a fetus or child for almost killing me. I mean they are born of me and the man I choose I determined their DNA. So guess what imma love that child. It is selfish to have a child. It's a little person born because I wanted them born. Baby <3
Nice one Cricket. No matter the intent assumed or otherwise, with the birthing of one's offspring, the final outcome is beyond the parent's control.
@MissB, Child's cognition is not the question at any point in time, nor intent as that was not under the child's control. And your choices would be yours and the reasons for them as well, but of another to assume the same is a projection and many other variables may come into play such that the internal workings of the mother and her ability or not to relate to her child may be affected, positively or negatively.
Wonder what the % of children born into the world were wanted vs they just sort of 'happened'
Very kind of you MissB. I can assure you, I happy with the mother I have..
My mother did the best with what she had. Pretty good considering what she had to work with and where she came from. So...there are others that will benefit from your thoughts.
Without an inner landscape, it's a little strange to bother discussing what is not present. Not even for the shitz and giggelz of it, is it worth your or my time.
REB stated: source post
Some people are so fucking dense they deserve to be shot. They deserve to be dissected alive, their intensities slowly pulled out, wrapped around their fragile little fucking necks and hanged by their own entrails!
I feel so hollow, inside it feels desolate. Damn... I can't wait to join the military and get out of this shitty fucking life. I want to feel death touching me on the shoulder, lurking in my shadow as the sun of Afghanistan blares down on my left side. I can't wait to shoot some towel heads and REMOVE KEBAB.
My parents are fucking morons. They should have no say in my life, because they're literally fucking retarded. Besides, I could move out of this house any time I wanted to. Who the hell do they think they are? They can't regulate my life anymore. Telling me how to dress, how to comport myself in public. I'll slice their throats as they sleep. I'm superior to them in every way. The fool cannot lecture the genius.
Fucking filthy spear chucking, no good niggers in my town need exterminating. Fucking refugees from Somalia, fucking Somalia. They sit around, smoking dope and doing nothing all day. I bet they claim their welfare checks as well, it funds their habits. All refugees need to either be sent back or shot, especially those filthy fucking analbanians.
I wish the Nazis had won the war. I wish I could have lived back them and fought alongside the British free Korps, and had the privilege of praising the Führer. Hail hitler! 88!
I'm probably gonna keep making these posts to just vent my frustration with this world. I guess I'd like to talk to people, for people to take an interest in my life and feelings. I'd say they've been neglected for too long. But whatever, I'm independent. Ive successfully dealt with all my problems without any external help, just me and myself. Man I really wish I had fucking guns.
Lmao XD
Hey Wooster, Primal and the right wing fanatics. Is Islam to blame for how this guy thinks too? If not, what is?
One of you was very excited and looking for "proof" that islam was to blame for the Orlando shooting (edit: nevermind, it was this guy XD). Still, I'd like to hear you comment on Jo Cox's murder. How much better do you think your "side" is?
No religion is not to blame for extreme or criminal behavior... It has to do with the person.
Someone can read a book and think damn I should kill people because back a thousands of years ago this character in my book, god killed people. Someone can read a book and think damn I should love and be meek because back a thousand years ago this character in my book, god loved people. It has to do with the interpretation. I think people make the book fit their views good or bad to highlight and use it as an excuse to just do what they really want to do. It is their scapegoat. It justifies themselves to their conscious so they do not break down. It really does have to do with the person.
Some people save lives in the name of the sacred texts. Some people take lives in the name of the sacred texts. In the books there are contradictions. It says stuff like "Turn the other cheek when you get hit", "Do not be hypocrites", "Be friends with whores instead of stone them to death", "Help strangers,", "Give to the poor", "Abort children with a magic syrup if you suspect your girl cheated", "You are not special so be humble"... Then is says stuff like "A man who does not provide for his house is worth than an infidel", "Punish the infidels", "Do not waste sperm", "You are chosen"... In the end it goes to how the individual interprets it. It is a scapegoat for the person to act our their character harmful or helpful.
A lot of murderer are atheists. A lot of murderers are Muslims. A lot of murderers are christian. A lot of murderers are Jewish. A lot of murderers are Hindu... Guess what there is murderers everywhere haha.
I am not saying people can not be influenced out of fear. I doubt that guy who killed gay people was afraid. I am talking about people who were in the nazi army. I know a lot of them were afraid and being controlled. I know some controlled nazis even tried to help as much as they could. I mean even sneaking a peace of bread makes a difference in those times.
Defenders, Resisters, and Witnesses
Here I wrote a summary about something I learned in a book.
In the book there is mention of the defenders, resisters and witnesses. The author manages to get the point across that these defenders that stand against the atrocities are just ordinary individuals. These individuals have fears just the same as everyone. The true acts of courage happen when they lend a hand to those in need despite their fears and knowledge of the consequences. The act of resistance perpetrators attempt to minimize the influence of any opposition. This leads to the limitation of knowledge. Information is distorted or hidden away under lock and key. The ones who stand against the regime are persecuted and silenced.
This does not suggest that the work of the resistance is in vain. The work of one can provide enough motivation to lead more to break from the flock. The importance of the resistance is not in the size of the deeds. The perpetuation of small seemingly insignificant gestures goes a long way and at times is even the difference between life and death. The actions that can save lives can be as simple as concealing files or sharing a loaf of bread for someone in need. The one first demonstration of kindness goes a long way.
The best part of all is that these individuals are have no superpowers or sainthood virtues. The fact that these individuals that save lives are just ordinary individuals with the same fears and doubts as the rest of the world is the reason they should be remembered. There is reason to celebrate when ordinary individuals pass on extraordinary benevolence.
Edvard stated: source post
Still, I'd like to hear you comment on Jo Cox's murder.
Jo Cox's murder? The killer, a diagnosed mentally ill person, hadn't even a fucking clue who Jo Cox was, let alone about her politics. That's how far removed from politics / current issues / life in general he is / was. I take it you're not much better off either, low-info Edvard. I suggest you give a try at literacy.
Even Jo's friends & family are openly outraged at how low the left stooped to spin her death to their nasty political agenda.
And that's about as much time & effort i can be wasting on you, Ed. I'm not paid for educating the imbecile here.