sounds like jim
It reads like parts of it are meant to sound like Jim on purpose though, doesn't it?
what do you mean?
It's his sorts of words, but put in places he wouldn't normally put them. It feels like as much of a red herring as the Xena choice that's likely there to start drama.
I would deride you for being paranoid, if it weren't so darn hypocritical of me to do so. So many gestalts that churn up like demented chimera.
I'd say it's closer to crackpot theories this time than paranoia. What's the worst that can happen with said theories anyway, being wrong?
Firemeetsice - God of the New World
The worst that can happen with said theories is HAVING YOUR FACE!
I can't keep up with who "poodle" is on any given day so who knows.
Who am I?