I'm a bit torn when it comes to categorizing/labeling you.
Individuals have the habit of conforming themselves to labels they identify with, so it's best to go without.
Most of the community is very stereotypical. You don't fit in.
I don't need to be a stereotype. I don't need to fit in. I don't do these things in my life offline. Why do them here?
I'm curious why you are here?
It will be a year this fall when I found this place and first logged in. I don't recall the specifics of how I found the forum. I think I felt like I was looking for something, though I don't recall what that was anymore. I think I might have found it here. Maybe it was a sense of understanding and acceptance, or being able to speak openly and being myself without being thought of as an insane person.
I can tell by your posts that you truly do care about others and you derive pleasure from helping others.
Lack of affective empathy doesn't necessitate a lack of ability to care about another's well-being. It also might be less of a pleasure derived from helping others and more of pleasure derived from fixing something.
Have you ever considered doing some local charity work? You would be surprised how rewarding just a few hrs a week can be.
I have regularly participated in local charity and volunteer work over the years.
I would assume you are possibly a educator of sorts ?
My primary role is as a researcher, but, yes, I also teach. If you've been on here for any amount of time, you've likely heard me go one about grants to try to buy out of teaching responsibilities.
Sorry my curiosity has gotten the best of me +)
Don't apologize to me. People apologize too compulsively these days.