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ImNotHer stated: source post

What is the meaning of forgiveness?

Is it hard for you to forgive?

Are you against it?

Is there something you did that you wish someone else would forgive you for?

What about forgiving yourself?


Forgiveness means to intentionally retrieve any resentment and erase anguish pertaining to another's actions/mistakes. It is an important reflection of the malleability of emotion, because it can be allowed to expire when given right to. 

I don't know if I've ever really forgiven anyone. 

I'm not against it, I do know it's important to do so for personal growth in some situations. 

I'm manipulative, I haven't needed to depend on forgiveness. There are many ways to 'erase' mistakes. 

I haven't forgiven myself, haven't yet felt a need to. 

Posts: 489

Forgiveness was an illusive concept to me. I couldn't understand the difference between forgiving someone as opposed to getting over something. I could easily say I forgive, but found that the feeling was temporary and resentment would surface in waves. You can get over something short term, and remain in a position that enables more damage to be done because of another misunderstanding of what it is to forgive- that forgiving someone means you continue to be part in their lives.

It's not enough to get over something. Because all that means is that for the moment, you're emotionally detached from the memory of it, so that you can carry on with daily life. Forgiveness is letting go of the pain a reflective memory brings and replacing it with compassion and understanding that allows you to no longer take it personal. Then you can move forward and not have to look back. You won't have to remember whatever it was, because it doesn't matter anymore. And when you continue to distance yourself from people who will only do further harm, it won't be out of fear or need to punish, but because they have become like a mist passing over your stream of consciousness with a barely noticeable sensation.

Forgiving myself is much more difficult. I am a perfectionist and set high standard for myself when it comes to people I care for. If I breach their trust in any way, or know that I have caused them great pain, I will beat myself up for years over it, when the memory of it is trigured. For the longest time, this was my only compass for knowing who really mattered to me, and who didn't. I am learning how to change the way I see failure now, and also what steps I take to right past wrongs so I can feel satisfied that I did my very best. So forgiving myself is becoming easier than before.

There is someone dear to me that I long to get forgiveness from. We are working on that together, and she is starting to come around. 

Feeling remorse doesn't always lead you to change behaviors that hurt people. Saying sorry doesn't mean you won't fuck up again. Knowing how to change is as complex as the human brain. Mindfulness doesn't come easy and change is hard work. I know the difference from ones who hand out empty sorrys from ones who truly feels remorse. So the bottom line for me is are they trying to do better? Not whether or not they are succeeding at it.

Posts: 10218

Xena stated: source post

"Sorry" is just smthg people say when they want another chance to fuck somebody over again.

A classic. I'll say my own later.

Posts: 10218

ImNotHer stated: source post

What is the meaning of forgiveness?

To allow one back into your inner life once you've attempted to throw them out of it. 

Is it hard for you to forgive?

I never expect to have to. Either they haven't crossed the point of me pushing them away in the first place, or they've pushed me hard enough that I won't ever have the room to do it. There's little to no grey area there, as I'll take a lot before saying "enough". 

There's a few in my past I have not forgiven and never plan to forgive, and these people are exceptional in that way. Unlike others I've met who claim it to be draining to not let things go, I don't. I am perfectly fine with not forgiving a person as that means that they are no longer a part of my life, no longer a painful inconvenience that'd serve to bring me down. It's better this way for someone like me, as I make that line hard enough to cross to warrant it's justification. 

It seriously takes a lot for me to feel the need to kick someone out of my life, as I tend to find it easier to accept who they are and work within that to get the things that I need. 

Are you against it?

Some people need it to find closure, to quell their own inner dialogue about the dramas connected to it. I'm not against it, and I'll play along with it if it's what they need to continue, but I don't really work within that schematic when it comes to myself. I don't take it seriously in a relatable way, but I recognize that they need it and that, if I am to get things back to status quo, that I'll need to put the effort in sometimes. It usually happens over a miscommunication, misunderstanding, or a sensitivity, so it's not usually that much work to fix. 

With the sort of company I tend to keep, it doesn't come up too often. What behaviors I've expressed have usually had reasons they could recognize behind them, so the lack of mystery tends to make for less reason to apologize. In many cases I'm telling others to not apologize to me, that it's a wasted effort when I'm not expecting it, and from that, strangely, a closer relationship tends to develop from it. When they don't think things will hurt me, the talks can become more real instead of fearing the emotional minefield that most people make socializing out to be. 

Is there something you did that you wish someone else would forgive you for?

While I'd not expect someone to in the same light as my refusal to do so when pushed to that point, I really thought this would be a yes, but I can't seem to think of any examples. I talk out the problems that exist and fight for closure instead of leaving things unresolved, and don't find myself in situations where a a demand for an apology is needed with most people. I thought that I might want that from my ex-fiance, but then I remembered that we really split apart from the relationship being a toxic rerun as opposed to a matter of "sorry". 

I don't tend to do much that pushes the need for forgiveness unless they're close enough to feel like family, and that's been very few people. People knowing who I am tends to have them either get over themselves or move on otherwise. I typically prefer the company of those that don't need that sort of constant validation personally.

What about forgiving yourself?

If it's towards myself, it's me dealing with me, and I don't really tend to think of myself in a way where I'd ever need to say sorry to myself. While there's guilt from time to time about past actions, it's always been about what happened to another, while what self-blame there's been hasn't ever been about forgiving, it's been about either becoming better than that or accepting it about myself. 

Forgiveness just isn't the sort of thing I think about unless another person wields it as a requirement for their own functioning. Towards myself, I just aim to correct it. It's not like I could ever kick myself out of my own inner life unless I were to dissociate from myself that hard

Posts: 1121

Cadaver stated: source post

I have done nothing worth being sorry for or meriting forgiveness, not to myself nor anyone else.

I wonder if your sister would agree. : P 

Posts: 755

ImNotHer stated: source post

What is the meaning of forgiveness?

Accepting what has happened can't change and letting it go. 

Is it hard for you to forgive?

I am inclined to say 'no' but upon reflection I do hold onto things. It depends on the transgression, little things don't bother me and I forgive fairly easily. But with intentional betrayals, esp. if I don't understand them, part of me can hold buried resentment even after forgiveness. Takes time. 
Edit: I am able to detach from those who don't matter to me very quickly. If I spot bad character I can move on and ignore someone with no second thought. 

Are you against it?

No. Forgiveness is liberating. 

Is there something you did that you wish someone else would forgive you for?


What about forgiving yourself?

Hard to do. Guilt is a strong companion of mine. 

Posts: 160

My mothers weird... There was a time she asked me for forgive her. I did forgive her... Then she does me wrong again. All she had to say is "You forgive me once then that means you forgave all my future wrongs". It is a false statement. I do not forgive the future wrongs because I have forgiven a past wrong. 

Posts: 1566

Turncoat stated: source post


Is there something you did that you wish someone else would forgive you for?

While I'd not expect someone to in the same light as my refusal to do so when pushed to that point, I really thought this would be a yes, but I can't seem to think of any examples. I talk out the problems that exist and fight for closure instead of leaving things unresolved, and don't find myself in situations where a a demand for an apology is needed with most people. I thought that I might want that from my ex-fiance, but then I remembered that we really split apart from the relationship being a toxic rerun as opposed to a matter of "sorry". 

I have found that even if there seems to be an understanding and many reassurances that all is good and even if the other part really means/wants it, sometimes, they still are not over it. But at that point it really is up to them, you just need to be understanding and keep giving them reasons to feel like its all good(even if they know/want/rationalize that its good, they don't feel it).

Posts: 557

I found this in a video...


Forgiveness is a power play. 

There is someone who does something wrong to someone they care about the person might say they forgive the person. It means that this person is just saying "I judged you to have been a bad person for your behavior.  I think you are okay now,". It is a power play because the forgiver wants to decide when the individual feels guilt or freedom from guilt. It means taking on the role of a judge in their life. 


Forgiveness is not someone deciding that someone screwed up and now they are judged to be adequate to remove them from their guilt. It is not a punishment to be served. It is not an audition for forgiveness. 

It is possible to give true forgiveness. It means not expecting or wanting the person to work up merit and worth. It means not having them beg or audition for approval. In true forgiveness the heart has to accept the person rather than the ego to approve or disapprove. It means accepting their own vulnerability. It is understanding the feeling rise from their perception of an interaction. 

In depth forgiveness is when the person understand they projected anger on someone based on their experience. It is coming to see that under the anger there was fear and sadness. It is when they acknowledge they did not feel right when everything went down. In order to have true forgiveness the person must forgive themselves for their negative emotions. It can't be blaming the other one for their emotional state. It is seeing they reacted with anger because they could not dig inward at a fast enough pace. It is a person who learns to forgive themselves for their emotions. It is seeing that they forgive themselves for not having the power and ability to show someone the way they want to be someone to behave. It means letting go of the fear that they are not able to show someone the way they want to be treated. 

It should be mentioned there is anger against the person. It just just one layer of the feelings the person experiences. 


It is not right for someone to beg for forgiveness. It means they want the other individual to take responsibility for how they feel. It means they are waiting for the opportunity to be relieved of guilt and their imagined punishment. In other words it means they do not want forgiveness. It shows the person they just want to be free from their pain. 

In the case when someone wants real forgiveness it is different. It is not wrong to feel guilt for ones conduct. It is better to not put the responsibility of their own emotions on someone other than themselves. It is not about seeking approval to deny their own feelings. It means accepting what is in their own heart and in the heart of the person they care about.

If anyone wants real forgiveness... they are missing the point. It comes to a point they would rather know how the other person felt rather than how easily they can earn forgiveness. 

Posts: 115


Somebody's missing me again.


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