my comments always seem funnier when you quote them :D
re: based on. i mean i quoted you word for word.
thanks for the clarification. so there were only 2 instances when you initiated assaults while your baby was in the house? are there any more we don't know about? just giving you the opportunity to admit it first ;)
No. I assaulted one guy while my kid was upstairs in her playpen.
The other guy came to the door a few weeks after I told him to leave the first time (He left peacefully the first time.)
He came back and assaulted me.
Get it? He came to my apartment and assaulted me. He initiated the assault.
I hit back and threw him the fuck out.
And again... nobody but you gives a fuck anymore.
It's about time somebody cut through the bullshit and asked me for the truth.
My reason for coming to these socio forums in the first place has been buried under all these failed trolling attempts by all these obsessive crazies.
Did I ever tell you what the reason was?
lol Mee.
You're not following me around to thread after thread asking me about this stuff.
Do you realize that this, our most recent "make stuff up about Cake" threadjack began on the 3rd page? We are now on the 7th page.
That's 4 pages of people repeating crap that I've refuted on probably over a hundred pages on literally dozens of threads over the last 2 years.
Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Can I just!!!!!
if I bought a pack of cigarettes to smoke, along with a lighter like why do you think I'd share something I bought with my own money? I assume if you buy cigarettes you should know that you'd have to light them up somehow and most convenient stores will throw in the matchbook in for free.
Someone not wanting to light your cig up with their lighter, which uses fluid to ignite like those cost money- why would I share that? Especially to some homeless person that I don't know? I feel like Xena isn't the kind to ask, and the fact that she feel like people should be doing things for her is hilarious and super entitled.
Xena was the homeless lady that you bought food for, only to have her screech at you for not giving her money instead.