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Are you a racist?

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Posts: 360
Are you a racist?

Edvard stated: source post

The fuck does 1972 have to do with anything?

Well it was cca. the 1970s  the last time that any ‘leftist’ line of thought could have been construed as something remotely ‘novel’ or ‘reformist’.  


(Not that i have much recollection of the era as an infant at the time, other than the overwhelming dystopian dreariness of it all on the arse-side of the iron curtain.    The ugliest form of human history, communism.)



So, are you a racist now, Father Ed? 


(Go on, go on, go ON, GO ON, GO ON 111!!!!!!!!1!)

C'mon ed  lighten up

Posts: 1566
Are you a racist?

Yeah, here is a video to help you out eddie:

Posts: 5426
Are you a racist?

moonshine stated: source post

“Conservatives”??  -  who the hell is a conservative here?   Or do you think i am a “conservative”?   You’re even more imbecile then than i ever credited you with.


Lest you haven't got the memo,  we don't live in 1972 anymore.  Since quite a long while.

The fuck does 1972 have to do with anything? The studies are about political views held by the right wing, and your stance against immigration is literally quoted on there.

Your amydgala's so big I can see it from here, woman. :D

Posts: 74
Are you a racist?

I found the other study

Recent enough (2014) and a very good read.

It's not like the human brain changed in 2 yrs. Sorry, but stupid argument of the guy who said the studies are too old.


Posts: 489
Are you a racist?

Whoa. I forgot all about this thread. LOL I should read it!

Posts: 1566
Are you a racist?

potato head stated: source post

I found the other study

Recent enough (2014) and a very good read.

It's not like the human brain changed in 2 yrs. Sorry, but stupid argument of the guy who said the studies are too old.


Unfortunately i dont have the time, or patience, or interest, to read 54 pages of this. I gave it a glance, but i have a headache too, so fuck it.

moonshine stated: source post

That piece you linked  - already in the first paragraph there’s the muddled-up statement: 

“the supporters of innovation and reform, sometimes referred to as liberals”  


In the clinical, dictionary-definition sense “liberal” may have originally referred to ’supporters of innovation and reform’,  but  in practice ‘liberal’ means the polar opposite of all that, since a long time.  The correct term for “supporter of innovation and reform” would be ‘libertarian’ (of the so-called “right wing” kind).   Since ‘liberalism’ fully aligned itself with  the socialist / leftist line of  ideology,   liberalism has become the most regressive, retrograde,  illiberal force since state-communism  collapsed.      

 So i find it difficult to give credit to that study, unless it clears up the terminology - i see it even mentions the cavaliers vs roundheads in the intro, a good example of socialist illiberacy but i doubt the author meant it that way.  Haven't read it though, just glimpsed thru the beginning.


ThenFuckit stated: source post

a good deal of xenophobia. This obviously means fear of change and the unknown.

“Xenophobia”  (aka ‘involuntary, visceral repulsion of foreign-ness’)  - is probably the most misused, misinterpreted, incorrect buzzword of the time.  Sure it is an existing condition affecting an extremely small number of the population (the true xenophobes) - but i have to come across yet someone who would feel repulsed by the mere idea of someone else being French, Icelandic, Japanese, Australian,  Croat, Flemish, Welsh, etc. etc.   If that was the case, people would never leave their own countries - not even for a holiday.  

‘Xenophobia’ is simply a meaningless term employed by the bigots to shoot down any rational, factual  discussion.   Of course it always pops up when legitimate issues are being discussed,  such as the effects of 3rd-world mass-migration on resources etc. 



Yeah, but those tricks don't pass by me. I ignore them as they are irrelevant. I just use the word for its definition. There are people that really are afraid of other countrymen for no good reason. And these people are in large numbers.

Edvard stated: source post


moonshine stated: source post

“Conservatives”??  -  who the hell is a conservative here?   Or do you think i am a “conservative”?   You’re even more imbecile then than i ever credited you with.


Lest you haven't got the memo,  we don't live in 1972 anymore.  Since quite a long while.

The fuck does 1972 have to do with anything? The studies are about political views held by the right wing, and your stance against immigration is literally quoted on there.

Your amydgala's so big I can see it from here, woman. :D


As if fear of getting raped, stabbed, killed, robbed, blow up and after that the government covering it up, lying to you, the media, the world, the police and you getting no justice and still being faced with the same reality of getting raped, stabbed, killed, robbed, blow up is something that should not worry you.

Posts: 32
Are you a racist?

Does this answer your question?


Posts: 1566
Are you a racist?

here is a picture

it is relevant

Posts: 3246
Are you a racist?

You need to take the Stanford-Binet or Weschler to get a good idea of your IQ. Online tests are shit,

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