MissCommunication stated: source post
Mirage stated: source post
I'm not going to be an edgy FGT and just say yes, I am.
Which races do you find inferior to your own and why?
That's only one of many forms of racism.
MissCommunication stated: source post
Mirage stated: source post
I'm not going to be an edgy FGT and just say yes, I am.
Which races do you find inferior to your own and why?
That's only one of many forms of racism.
"Ever since I came out and spoke my opinion on racism. There have been a few people that just can't get over it. Everyone is a racist in some fashion. If you claim you are not a racist then you are a liar. Look up the definition of racism. Its not just black and white. The only difference between you and me. Is that i'm not scared to voice my opinion. Even tho you are safe behind your computer and no one knows who you are. You are still afraid of being labeled, if you speak of racism. I don't understand it.
My views on black and white racism is this.
Racism has nothing to do with who's in power. And there is no institutionalized racism in the USA. The president of the United States is black. The most powerful man in the western world is a black male. He's been elected twice by consensus of the people. Obama attended public school in America, he was then able to attend Harvard University, and was able to attend law school.
He then became a senator and then became the president of the country. There is no institutionalized racism. There are no 'barriers' keeping black people from prospering in the United States. 93% of homicides against black males are committed by other black males.
The Asian community doesn't do that, the Jewish community isn't doing that, the Hispanic community doesn't do that, and the white Europeans don't do it either. Black people are keeping THEMSELVES down and blame white people because they can't face the fact that black people are a inferior race. Blacks use racism as a crutch to fall back on when life throws them a curve ball. If the white man were to leave the United States. Our country would become what Africa is today a inferior nation.
The black man has more opportunities to excel in America than the white man does.Here is a prime example of black racism that is so deep rooted it is blind to the truth and the obvious.
The Trayvon Martin case. The blacks were so blinded by there racism that they couldn't even see that George Zimmerman was a hispanic. In there eyes he was the white man. They didn't want to hear the facts of the case. There racism wouldn't let them see the obvious. The courts had no choice but to free George Zimmerman. It was self defense. The black community wanted so bad for George Zimmerman to be found guilty so they could say. "You see America" They wanted this to justify why they do what they do."
Systematic (speaking to WW3):
"What has you so interested on this topic.
Racism is pretty cut and dry if you look at it from a general angle. It's part of human nature initially spot out differences within one another. I imagine some remnants from the nomadic, tribal days are still present in most people, originating in the periods of time where if someone looked different than you it was probably a member of a rival tribe. Plenty of rituals and aesthetics were adopted within the tribes to distinguish themselves as part of a said group. There's a reason the few existing tribes today still pierce their flesh with bone, intentionally scar their faces, arrange their hair and tattoo themselves in a very unique fashion that's almost always exclusive to that group. I'm convinced something as large scale as skin color would initially, bring out some subconscious behaviors. We are however past those times and generally people can comprehend skin color doesn't always make a person fit certain stereotypes.
Today's racial bias stems from ignorance, intolerance and the lack of comprehension that the persons reactions to racism only prolongs/amplifies the tensions between the two races. People fail to understand modern racism is a cycle, one that requires both parties to complete and reset."
"lol, what a joke. Stop with the backpedaling and cowardice. LetGo is asking you direct questions and you're just evading them. The truth is my "motivations" or "biases" are irrelevant in this concrete and narrow case. We are talking about something as trivial as IQ tests, and as soon as I say they suck, you accuse me of only saying that in order to "protect" my "fragile" ego since it is "transparent" I scored "mediocrely" in them, lol. But from my perspective you're merely judging me by your own low standards! As if I had any need to "protect" any egos whatsoever lol. This conclusion can only come from someone who hallucinates about "fragile egos" every night before bed, and who then ends up developing a ridiculous nerousis which projects "fragile egos" to anyone who dares say something sucks. But all this shit is between you and your shrink, so let's not get into that now.
By the way, to anyone who cares to know, the test I've taken was this one:
And I got a score of 138 (out of 175), which they say corresponds to the "gifted" score, but which is still considerately distant from the "genius" score (7 points away). I am aware that there are more types of IQ tests, but as whole I'd say they're all more or less like this one, which is to say, not adequate to identify real geniuses.
And the reason for this is simple. Just go and take this test and see what the majority of all those questions amount to: maths. So, basically, what these morons are telling me is that a shut-in fuckfaced autistic loser who juggles equations back and forth everyday for 20 years, but who can't even look you straight in the eye is, or should be regarded as, a "genius". Unbelievably hilarious. The morons who make this test don't even know the difference between a genius and a tool. I mean, sure the guys who score the highest in these tests are indeed great at whatever these tests evaluate (i.e. math) and are no doubt useful to society, but a genius is a LOT MORE than that. A genius is a lot more than a mathematician. A lot more than an engineer, a scientist, an artist, a traveler, and every fragment of man who takes pride in labeling himself with any of these categories. A genius is, quite simply, a COMPLETE human being. Something which autists and all kinds of cripples are most certainly not.
So this takes care of this particular IQ tests non-problem. I wanted, however, to get a bit deeper into my earlier conclusion that, if I remember correctly, went like this (or somewhere a long the lines of):
ain't there gonna be no nigga genius
Unfortunately I'll have to leave this for another time, because this reply already took long enough. BUT stay tuned, because I'm not just bringing niggas next! I'm also bringing Jews! And a stunning conclusion to the "nature vs nurture" debacle! And perhaps a few more lols. Stay tuned!"
"Everyone is subjected to bias. From personal experience, I'd say America is one of the least racist countries in the world. We're known as a racist country (theracist country, really), because our racism is constantly under domestic and international scrutiny. We're the most culturally blended country in the world. We have more to face, more to talk about. And we do talk about it. Which is far better than many places. If there was as much ethnic diversity in other countries as there is here, you'd be hearing far more tales of racism from those places. Racism is something we're constantly working through, where other countries ignore it. Because they have that luxury, for the moment. They won't always. And the more that these relatively insular countries have an influx of immigrants, the more they're going to have to face the unspoken reality of severe racism."
"Although the environment could account for th IQ difference in race, I do not think we should rule out biological explanations completely.
The differences in brain sizes between races disappearing accounting for socioeconomic variables could also mean that brain size causes the socioeconomic difference between the races in addition to the socioeconomic variables causing the brain size dispairity between races."
My response:
"As you had read, research is "showing that racial differences (in birth weight, brain volume, IQ) vanish when the data are controlled for socioeconomic variables." You propose that racial genetic makeup may cause socioeconomic differentiation, thus affecting IQ averages. What would be a specific example of a biological propensity toward a socioeconomic stratum, and where could we find evidence of its existence?"
Fuck, I thought I had enough time to cover all the viewpoints, but I don't.