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Posts: 3645
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

1) I'm not sociopathic and never claimed to be. All the talk of my mental state came from you people weaving stories trying to make me appear more like TK

2) I'm not on welfare and was not proud of it for the brief time I was. And yet you people go on and on about my employability as if you're  trying to make me appear more like TK

3) I'm not attracted to children or even teenyboppers. Boys over 17 and women over 25, thanks. And not if they're really immature. And yet you people go oon and oooon with your teenybopper rape fantasies like you're...what was it again? Trying to make me more like TK was it?

4) Sex =/= gore and cannibalism. Ew. Just ew. Don't. Even.

5) TK considers herself 18 forever. I am nothing of the sort.18 fuckin sucked for me. I wouldn't mind being 27 forever. But I'd be delusional if I thought I could be that and get away with it. And again...  I caught Sugar asking me all kinds of ridiculous questions about my mental age. As if she were trying to make me appear more like TK.


So really... what exactly do we have in common? We're both 43, single and female.

Oh wait... Reaper considers herself a trans man. nvm.

Ok. So we're both 43 and we have similar taste in music. Sometimes. Sort of. But even that's a stretch.


Erm... by that reasoning, I'm more like SensitiveSoul Lite, dontcha think?



Posts: 3645
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

This is abuse?

Try harder. lol

Posts: 10218
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

Yet interestingly you feel the need to stick around instead of pick a place where you won't be a prime target.

First it was PF, then here. I think you enjoy the abuse.

To clarify: I forgot to log her out of her account before saying that.

Posts: 3645
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

More like, we're on a sociopath forum and there are always pedos around in places like this. I almost always speak out against it when I read about it.

In their infinite lack of cognitive and affective empathy, a bunch of sociopaths saw that I don't like child molesters.

Then they all went "hey... let's troll Xena. Child molesters disgust her. Therefore being called a child molester will prolly make her trigger. Heeeeyuk"

Posts: 3645
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

It looks like these morons have added pedophilia to their list of things TK does

that they're trying to foist on to Xena.


For the 800th time...

I'm not TK.

Posts: 380
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

Edvard stated: source post


TheCrowOnTheFence stated: source post



TK IS A SINGLE MOTHER.  And has been repeatedly accused of being a pedophile.  Where's the love, Ed?  Why didn't you defend her? ; D

Do you know who accused her most rabidly? Unsurprisingly, Sugar. When she did, I did defend TK and told Sugar she's gone too far. You know what Sugar did? Got butthurt with me in pm, threatened and gave me countdowns, told me I am a narcissist defending TK for ego reasons, sexualized an Ed/TK relationship, and repeatedly told me to lay off her playtoy and don't intervene. It's the same reaction she has now, when Xena is concerned.

Even so, this thing with Xena has been going on and on for weeks. I don't remember TK having to face these sort of accusations for so long and of this intensity.

You're right. TK was not accused for weeks, it was years.

Yes, Sugar did go at TK and TK did go at Sugar. Constantly. 

But at one point they did stop, and they did call truce of sorts. They talked it out and were quite civil towards each other. Remember that? Remember who started trying to get them to fight again? So far as to say "Sugars trained you well." 

 I suggest you take a few steps back and rethink how that made you look, and how tasteless it was that you had enjoyed watching Sugar and TK  go at it and now how you're trying to look like you've all the right to say: But I'm not as bad as you

Posts: 1892
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

Intersting... I would say 27 was the begining of my peak years.  I will never be as fast, strong, and resilient as I was from 27 to about mid 30s.  27 sounds good...

Posts: 3645
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

Don't do that to yourself. Enjoy your last 5-8 years of being hot.

You'll have plenty of time to hate your body after you turn 35 and it gives you good reason to do so.

Like decades. So enjoy what you have now, before it's gone.

Posts: 161
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

Gah, don't make me depressed!! The thought of what is to come just makes it worse...

I am going through hormone treatment atm which I reckon is kinda speeding stuff up a little. I've always looked younger than I am, but even tho I've still got a baby face my skin has aged a LOT the past few months :(

Posts: 161
[ARCHIVE]Xena/Terra Story Time!

I agree that everyone is subject to bias of some form or other, but do tell us o wise one, why is it you don't examine your own? You state these opinions, then make lame attempts to psychoanalyse those who disagree with you instead of actually backing up your own arguments. Ed's opinion comes from his own PoV just as yours does, what exactly makes yours superior? It's like you don't understand the concept of arguing XD

back on topic, the obsession w Xena kinda mystifies me, I don't see anything particularly interesting here tbh, and it actually kinda creeps me out the way some got completely obsessive over it. I'm normally pretty good at sensing blood in the water both online and irl, and I don't really see it here. 

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