Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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Posts: 3882
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

"I keep seeing you struggling with this, and it's as cringey to me as Mee's tone or TK's posing. It's what we do here, isn't it, call people out when they make fools of themselves."

You're right. You're a fucking idiot ed. I've used one of the most blatant forms of sarcasm and you took that as genuine flattery. You tried to just now grill me for it by also backing it up with petty shit that happened years ago. You're too eager to get at me, I dont know when and where but im sorry I rustled your jimmies this fucking bad.

"See you as a threat? Fuck, you surely take this "online womanizing" business seriously, don't you."

It's the only explanation for how someone would overlook that blatant sarcasm. What went through your head when you saw this:

We'll have 3 or 4 children we'll traumatize between our various domestic violence disputes and after our divorce you can chase me for child support while I skip from state to state under a different name. True love

That's definitely my serious attempt at flattery ed and I meant everyword of it(SARCASM)


Posts: 5426
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

See you as a threat? Fuck, you surely take this "online womanizing" business seriously, don't you.

I keep seeing you struggling with this, and it's as cringey to me as Mee's tone or TK's posing. It's what we do here, isn't it, call people out when they make fools of themselves.

Posts: 10218
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

Edvard stated: source post

Systematic stated: source post

Psh, that's a given. No man is going to serve you that stalker dick(it'll keep you coming back) like I can

Why do you keep hitting on Sugar in this cringey manner? Don't wave if off a a joke, it's became a pattern now. You've both been around for years, yet this started right after she repeatedly humiliated you, called you a sissy and showed a huge lack of respect to you. I'm no Freud, but it's pretty obvious you trying to bond with her now in this over the top way is a desperate attempt to patch up the hole she tore in your narcissistic ego.

He might fetishize embarrassment. 

Posts: 5426
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

Always shinning a new light on things, haha. I saw it as a way to regain some control after being pawned, but hell you could be right. Syst seems to still have a lot to learn and accept about his sexuality...

Posts: 3882
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

"You think "you're taking Sugar away from me?" XD You said you cured your delusions, but...there's a lot left there, Syst."

Im shaking my head, so hard at this shit right now bruh. I dont know what's worse, you not catching that sarcasm or assuming me asking sugar to be my baby moms is my serious attempt at courting her

"I am now reading the thread where you were hitting on Turncoat thinking he was female, and I remembered how you ran into Freyja's pm when you thought she was Alia to talk about your issues and charm her with flattery. "

I had no intents to flatter her. We made casual conversation, outside me saying "I've heard a lot about you" nothing I said could even be noted as flirting. Ed man, you really see me as a threat dont you? lol

"Then there was the Pray business... You're not cut for this Don Juan business Syst, why even keep trying..."

I should just leave it to the pro's like you. You're probably at least at 400 women now right?

Posts: 5426
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

Systematic stated: source post

You're really reaching for this one or actually upset im taking sugar from you. Me and Sug have reconciled our differences close to what'd be a month ago now. These joking gestures came along side the attention WW3 and other puppets have giving her recently with the influx of threads. Just, lol ed.

You think "you're taking Sugar away from me?" XD You said you cured your delusions, but...there's a lot left there, Syst. When you came asking me if there was a thing between Sugar and I (right after you had a paranoia fit thinking there was a thing between Angee and I), I told you that wasn't the case.

I am now reading the thread where you were hitting on Turncoat thinking he was female, and I remembered how you ran into Freyja's pm when you thought she was Alia to talk about your issues and charm her with flattery. Then there was the Pray business... You're not cut out for this Don Juan business Syst, why even keep trying...

Posts: 3882
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

"She's free to do so and she even might, but that doesn't change what I see with my own eyes."

So even if sug tells you, we reconciled our differences and this isn't any attempt to get on her good side in fear of my ego being shredded to pieces but instead we were joking, you wont listen to her? 

What you saw was a chance to take an easy shot at me and you were too eager to see blatant sarcasm that no one on this forum has trouble seeing. I'm stuck with two explanations for your behavior:

  1. Either you're actually that fucking retarded to not get the obvious joke
  2. I upset you and you've been waiting to call me out on something, in your hurry you overlooked the joke


Posts: 2658
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

It's sad to see some people struggle so hard with getting old and losing their mojo lol

Posts: 5426
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

It's not isolated man, I was having a chat with Sugar weeks ago when you first started with the "Marry me Sugar" stuff. I just thought things got too cringy for me to keep silent at this point (must have been the stalker dick thing). This flirty joking you've suddenly started after she tore you a new one repeatedly just stood out for me, and I know you well enough to see where it comes from.

Posts: 3882
I pleage allegiance to sugar.

"It's not just what you said in this thread. Your attitude has changed towards Sugar after that drama, and if you wave it off as joking or sarcasm you're just proving my point."

Talk to sugar about the matter and tell me how hard she laughs in your face

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