Good thing you're in Australia, the male dominated business tycoons here the US wouldn't even let women have one day! Had to make it a shared holiday with pancakes... practically telling the American women, "bitch, it's your day so get in that kitchen and fix me some panckes." Ridiculousness....
WW3 stated: source post
I don't think this is the best analogy. For electrical adapters, the ones that are the most versatile work the best regardless of gender. Since the key analogy does not apply to electrical adapters, it probably wouldn't apply to humans either.
It's not something I actually believe, it's just a catchy quote I remember being thrown around years back when I originally heard people discussing this topic.
For myself, the only reason I'd worry about someone who gets around a lot is the increased risk of them spreading disease. It's favorable otherwise to have an extensive history, as that tends to translate to having more experience and sexual confidence. A nymphomaniac I dated for a while during college made for very interesting company, and is responsible for quite a lot of the experience and sexual understanding that I still carry with me now.