I highly doubt that, but you're welcome to brag about it with further details.
I would rather not. I need to get my story strait first and separate my emotions from the whole ordeal. the lowest point is relative of course and everyone will have there own definition, so the lowest point from my prospective is different from another persons. I will say that I had been five days with almost no water, and no food at all. I was also very close to hypothermia.
through videos of unfortunate people showcasing their suffering. The delusional ones are the best
do you have any examples, that sounds interesting
Honestly though, it'd be so nice if I didn't have to worry about it.
you don't have too worry about it if you don't want to. Like you said pain and suffering are the truest form of human expression. If you want too you could easily murder someone. The odds of you getting caught for a motiveless killing of a stranger are very very low.