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Xena stated: source post

Sociopaths enjoy torturing people, so likely would have continued giving the fake electric shocks for their own amusement bc sociopaths are also easily duped if they think they're causing somebody pain.

If you're going by Theodore Milton's model anyway, sadistic tendencies are mostly prominent in only a subtype of it (Malevolent). Beyond that, while the building blocks for sadism are there, they don't necessarily need that trait to be present to be considered ASPD. It's more about being unphased by the costs that personal gain might carry.

Posts: 6

I know haha.

I do genuinely mean if he wants to take the questionnaire, he can. This forum must have drawn you here for a reason, and with the name being what it is, I thought it would be a good place to request participants. 

Posts: 6

Hi! Thank you very much! 

Please go ahead and complete the questionnaire if you would like to

Posts: 1581

He's being sarcastic.

Posts: 57

I will be taking your questionnaire, mostly because I love questions about myself and you can't stop me, but also because I think Sociopath-like traits in Borderlines is an understudied thing. So that you may remove my inclusion if it would screw with your data, I am most likely, the only person who answered "Other" in the gender category. I consider myself male, but my vagina tends to make people classify me as female, so there's that.Also, I would like to note that my education level is NOT an accurate indication of my intelligence. I quit high school for stupid kid reasons (I was about to turn 18, but was only in 10th grade because my family moved around a lot in my teens) and never went back for my degree because I found someone to support me financially before it became necessary. I am, however, demonstrably more intelligent than AT LEAST half of all high school graduates, and, just to give an iea of where I actually AM intellectually, I had a college-level of English literacy in seventh grade (I only know this because they gave our entire school aptitude tests when I was in middle school). In the interest of honesty, I'm absolutely rubbish at math, in that, I could probably compete with a middle-school child at best. Everything else, though, I believe if I were tested I would achieve MENSA scores. 
No, I'm not a Narcissist, THAT I have been tested for, and found negative, thanks. I just have an unapologetic appreciation for my own brain.

Just a note, I am a Borderline+ (Borderline Personality Disorder for those just following along) and I've thought that either my BPD empathy disturbance is in the range of "severe" or I might be ASPD co-morbid because something is definitely "off" there, lol. If nothing else, perhaps my responses will be an interesting inlusion or contrast to your ASPS stuff? Borderlines are pretty much (and this opinion comes from lots of informal stufy of psychology and about 12 years of amateur/informal research and subjective experience with multiple Borderline subjects including, but not limited to, first-hand from myself) what would happen if you injected Sociopaths with a come-and-go emotional disturbance, lol. At least those of us with an empathy disturbance.
UGH!! Gods I wish I could afford to go to college, but if I'm being completely honest, I know myself and with my personality, any more knowledge of psychology than amateur and I might actually be dangerous to others...

+My BPD is undiagnosed, but 9 for 9 on the symptoms can't mean nothing, lol. I'm high-functioning, would probably be considered moderate-to-lower-functioning, but I've managed to manipulate my way into a situation where I don't have to support myself financially. Honestly, I sought counseling for pre-alcohilism about ten years ago -kicked it, yay- and because of the OTHER problems I have, I was given Risperdal, I'm definitely not schizo- phrenic or typal, so that almost exclusively leaves Borderline (I read up on what Risperdal is Rx'ed for and the only close fit was Borderline), which matches my symptoms but the woman never shared her Dx with me, I assume because she was a sliding-scale, whoever-walks-in-the-door therapist, as opposed to a one-on-one'r.

Please excuse any grammatical errors or typos, I am quite drunk.

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