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Posts: 158
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

Impressive, you managed to say something positive about all on the list. Farewell.

Posts: 10218
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

Spatial Mind stated: source post

But not Sugar ! I'm glad she doesn't let Ed manipulate her into attacking others like some other trixies on this block.


Posts: 1201
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

outright refusal to respond wholly to statements made by others and a mere 'that's a lie' can also be seen as defensive. cough ;)

Posts: 1121
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

I agree.  But in the cases to which I'm referring, it's not so much about pointing out these things, but actually making them your argument.  I have no objection, as long as there's substance surrounding it.

Posts: 1201
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

are you trying to seduce me?!

Posts: 1259
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

To be honest, if you were actually interested in 'closing' this debate you have had multiple chances to clear things up and be more on point. Instead you prolong it. What I see are combative people unwilling to stop arguing.

I think what Ed's getting at is that you make it sound as if there's more to this than just exaggerated flattery. Is there?

And regarding him treating you as one package... You are not identical, but you argue in sync and your arguments flow together in a very seamless manner. So I don't think treating you as a package is a strange way to go about it.

Posts: 1842
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

Just leave.

I wasn't even on your stupid list.

Only Eddy gonna miss you because he has separation anxiety.

Posts: 5426
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

This is basically my one and only point in the Haart debate: "The majority of people out there have a sensitivity to kids being mistreated, and also like to say nice polite things about others, especially when departing. I suggest you should psychoanalyze yourself why you thought that was hypocritical or insincere from haart."

TheCrowOnTheFence stated: source post

I never said anything about Haarts reasons for leaving.

How the hell can she mess with people/follow some hidden agenda if she leaves like she said she would, mm? I explained it clearly enough, twice, that talking about ULTERIOR motives involving tricking people here into the "dangers" of flattery implies her not leaving the site in the first place in the manner she said. You don't have to say smth to make it obvious, Crow.

I certainly never called her a hypocrite.

"Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations”
Yeah you did. Own it up instead of backtracking. Yes, I said backtracking, and it makes you seem disingenous and scrambling.


I called you a hypocrite.  Having trouble getting over that, are you?

Unable to continue arguing against my point, you go ad hominem trying to shift the attention on me and discredit my point by saying I only made it because of personal ego-related issues. You do this in your next reply too: "your lingering frustrations with my candidness towards you recently.”, and the one after it: "Are you still scrambling for justifications over being confronted the other day?  You need to learn to let things go." So don’t talk to me about repetition when you're yapping at me like that. And after all this you have the audacity to say this shit to me: "As for our last argument, it's utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand, and by bringing it up once again, you are proving two things.  One, that you clearly haven't gotten over me insulting you."  Lmao!


Why would you think this (Crow and Turn vs Haart) is personal, Ed?

Purposefully or stupidly misunderstanding this point twice now. I called you out on your bullshit, you assumed I had smth personal with you. But you called Haart on her bullshit, does that mean you have smth personal with her? You don't? Well that must be a dumb assumption to make then. Get it now?


He tends to spend the majority of time "exposing" the tactics of the opponent and trying to discredit through personal attacks

The majority of time I spend arguing with you goes into clearing up things you pretend to misunderstand. Following close is indeed the time I spend pointing out your faults in argument, because they piss me off for rendering the whole conversation dishonest, and I keep hoping that you'd give up pulling a lot of those crappy tactics if you knew I can see through them.


which would explain why he's so defensive towards people he sees as intellectual snobs and so ready to preamble any argument with a disclaimer about his own lack of knowledge/intelligence

People who have been around know I appreciate and respect the smarties around here, and I like reading sound arguments from them. Where did I make disclaimers about my own intelligence, though? I don't think I'm stupid at all.


Which would account for his extremely frequent and seemingly random use of words like "evasion", "deflection", "projection", "backpeddaling", etc....

Give me examples of where I used such terms wrongly. I can back up each and every one of those claims with examples.


in hopes that anyone reading (or perhaps even participating) will not be paying enough attention to disagree.

The fuck? Your posts are way longer than mine, people are way more likely to lose focus and just nod in agreement to the stuff you say, than to mine.

Posts: 1121
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

Litany stated: source post

If I ever desert, I will post a picture of my arse with the caption 'This is what I think of all of you'.

Because that's the world in which you wish to live.

So sweet of you, to think of me. <3

Posts: 137
Arseless Chaps (Goodbye)

If I ever desert, I will post a picture of my arse with the caption 'This is what I think of all of you'.

Because that's the world in which you wish to live.

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