A clarification for the Kiwis: There actually is one other rule. For whatever reason it's not published on the website or stickied, but we can't help that.
Dox information of someone on the site may be taken down at the request of who it belongs to. It's the consensus that was agreed upon by the group here, and it's been enforced without problem.
Michael Prey stated: source post
I think it's too much to ask people to cease doxxing her, so she's taking the sane step of cutting ties and moving on. Virtually everyone has significantly embarrassing episodes in their youths, and this long one will be hers. In the meantime, she's finally relinquished her end of that arrangement.
Which means I'm now the defacto "King Michael" of sociopath-community.com, or at least what remains of it. The first action I'm taking is to immediately extend an invitation for Turncoat to return, with no strings or obligations attached except to remain the same objective mod he was here. Turncoat, if you're reading, you're welcome back as mod anytime you'd like.
The second is to remove all bans on everyone.
The third is to abdicate after a fashion - the site will return to being largely unmoderated except for that one eternal rule on the site. Turncoat did a fine job of enforcing it while keeping everyone content for the most part, so in the worst case of Turncoat declining to return I'd still seek to formalize the guidelines he abided by whilst a moderator.
Welcome to the new reign. ;)
juicy bits stated: source post
turn would have let up any other dox
he's just sucking michael's dick now by deleting luna's dox
too pussy to upset michael
Nah they take dox down if you're faggot enough to complain about it and Luna has thrown a massive enough hissyfit over it already. Turncoat is a cool guy and a great friend, and he needs your support and guidance. Don't abandon him.