" Why not just find a forum that caters more to people like yourself then? "
For the 8000th time, dipshit...
You're repeating your same stupid argument over and over...
It's not about me. It's about what luna wants to do with HER FORUM It's only your forum because she allows you to be here. I'm only here bc she allows me to be here. It's not our job to punish luna if we don't agree with her.
If we disagree with her we can advise her constructively as peers and equals.
And that's all.
She owes you nothing. She owes me nothing. And I certainly don't owe you people anything beyond a repayment of what courtesy has been given to me, one individual member at a time.
Again, as I stated on the Forum Renaming thread:
You people can make your own damn forum if you're so inclined.
I'm staying until luna gives me the word on her new forum.
" The irony is that you usually stay online for a good deal past your supposed need to leave, and you continue during such times to avoid points. "
You're such a whiny baby, Turn.
When I tell people I want to go to bed at 5am it's my own fuckin business if I change my mind bc I had too much coffee or w/e.
Yeah I'm tired of arguing your same 3 stupid BIASES
They're not even points.
You people are too fuckin broke and lazy to do anything about what great tech wizards you are.
(Except for Fuckit. Your translations from your Slavic mother tongue have always had a misspelling that I look for when I think I see your puppets. I nailed you last night. ;) No. I know durn well you're not wooster or Tryptamine. And I know durn well you could rebuild this forum. So why the fuck are you still over here arguing with me?)
What you're trying to do is bully luna into doing all the work for free so you can sit on your lazy asses and troll each other all day.
You know durn well that if any of you accepted the full responsibility of being forum admin, everybody would hate on you all the time, too.
So stfu already.
Piss or get off the pottie.
Make your own forum, or start showing luna the courtesy she deserves for running this place for free.
I don't think she or anybody expects you to agree with her all the time.
Just don't attack her like she's an incompetent kid and a fuckhole when you don't agree with her.
Is that so difficult?