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Posts: 3645
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Bipolar and schizophrenia will show up on EEGs and MRIs, yes.

Other types of mental illness won't, but that's what questionnaires are for.

btdt as well. Nothing.

I'm not mentally ill.


Posts: 10218
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Xena stated: source post

Um... yeah. You just call me crazy every time I disagree with you.

More of resorting to this explanation? It seriously looks more like what you tell yourself than what you're trying to tell us.

Again, it's how you went about it, not the mere act of disagreeing. Writing it off as "They just don't like what I have to say" is ignoring the entire point here in favor of your own spin... again.

Xena stated: source post

I have insomnia, so I've had my head checked numerous times  by qualified healthcare professionals.

So you're just extraordinarily sleep deprived to the point of appearing schizophrenic? 

How often do people refer to you as crazy?

There is actual quantifiable proof to counter your bored forum going armchair shrinking.

So what is your explanation for your appearance of scatterbrained insanity? We're all seeing it like this for a reason beyond "Lol, they don't agree with me and are butthurt over it".

I don't have schizophrenia and I'm not bipolar. Those 2 disorders are measurable with machines, didn'tcha know?  My EEG came back normal.

Machines can make mistakes, and there's always room for you to be lying here. With how defensive you're being it showcases that there's at least something going on here.

Posts: 3645
Is Xena Schizophrenic?


I don't rp dicksucking either.

Posts: 19
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

i agree

Posts: 131
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

I think xena said she was diagnosed with ADHD once which could account for "disorganized typing,she's all over the place and perhaps even word salad"

Posts: 631
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Ugh. You and your longwinded arguing. I see 6 paragraphs, so I'll number each to break them down.

1) Turn resorting to the "I know you are but what am I" defense.  rolls eyes

2) ^see above.

3) " So you're just extraordinarily sleep deprived to the point of appearing schizophrenic?"

You have a point in that I did not explicitly state the causal relationship between my insomnia and my EEG. I'll clarify that now.

   I have insomnia. Insomnia can be caused by numerous things. Therefore a visit to the doctor was in order. The EEG was part of a very thorough checkup to assess my overall health and possible underlying causes.

As an afterthought, the tech told me that I'm not mentally ill, at least. Her tone sounded playful.

Years later when I studied first year psych formally, I made my own mental note that certain types of mental illness are unmistakeable on those types of scans. You were the psych student. Pull up the research to refute me if you think you can. And find smthg better than your vague assertion that "machines can make mistakes."


4)" How often do people refer to you as crazy?"

Outside a small group of people on one forum who all talk amongst themselves about this that and the other member? Almost never. Not on other internet forums and not irl.

5) If I appear insane to you and a few others here, it must be your issue.

I'm not offering a reason bc I don't know your minds well enough to make assumptions like that.

In the rare cases where others have disagreed with my viewpoints and called me crazy, they were always uneducated rednecky social conservatives who, when I pressed them for info, could only come up with "You're a single cat lady with 2 kids and no husband. It's unnatural. Why aren't you married? What's wrong with you?"


6) Turn resorting to the "you must be lying" defense, and putting spin on my corrections to his incorrect statements again.

Correcting incorrect statements is being defensive? k. Every academic who refined somebody else's theory must have been defensive, then. The entire Copernican Revolution was defensive. Darwin, Gregor Mendel, Watson, Crick, Wilkins and Franklin were all just being defensive. 

rolls eyes again

Posts: 631
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Leviathan stated: source post

I think xena said she was diagnosed with ADHD once which could account for "disorganized typing,she's all over the place and perhaps even word salad"

I'll paste this one from chat bc I have to go soon.

  • Didn't xena say she was dx with ADHD that would be why she's scatterbrained
  • 5:04  Jose K Savage: yes, but she forgot
  • 5:09  Cake: I most certainly did, levi. ADHD is not a mental illness.
  • 5:10  Leviathan: Depends on how high you are on the spectrum
  • 5:10  Leviathan: And even then a very minor one
  • 5:10  Cake: ADHD is a perceptual issue that has to do with being unable to filter out noise and other stimulus
  • 5:11  Leviathan: I'm aware I got it
  • 5:11  Cake: It's technically classed as a learning disability, akin to dyslexia
  • 5:11  Leviathan: Not the hyper part
  • 5:11  Leviathan: Its not just a learning disability it effects everyday life
  • 5:12  Cake: Yeah, my H was dx'ed a long time ago. I might only be ADD now
  • 5:12  Cake: It can. Some of us are still able to manage a job and a life. Some of us need drugs to cope

and yes, my wpm count is crap. I abbreviate my statements in chat to a point where they do sometimes come across as nonsensical. I also frequently lag behind the convo so that my posts are irrelevant by the time I post them.

I believe the required wpm count for a tech help job is smthg like 80wpm to make sure that reps can keep up with live chats.

I'm doing between 30-40wpm (when I have a proper keyboard.)

Posts: 159
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Sugar and Angee?  = Cumdumpsters and broken records of the same shit day in and day out. Xena is not any different sucking dicks and RP the moron extraordinaire Jim. Haart pulls the whine of female advocacy out of his/ her ass when it seems to suit  some bullshit for a thought train.

So the question of intelligence being related to any of the above mentioned females is a  gift on your part.


Posts: 631
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Wrong again, dear.

I don't rp dicksucking on this or any other forum, or over pm.



haart is probably  the  most awesome person I've ever met in one of these shitposting dens. Her presence here still begs the question: WHYY?!?

She's in my top 10 most awesome people I've had the privilege of meeting online. (That's a compliment, haart. 5 of the 10 were famous. Like most of the people here would recognize them if I were to namedrop. One other would likely be recognizable to the older Swedes.)

Posts: 1121
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Sugar stated: source post


ThenFuckit stated: source post


Turncoat stated: source post

Was she mentioning it nearly this much before Dynastia started doubting it?


Yes, always. If its not work, its chores.

I disagree, although sometimes she would say chores. it was more 'have to take the kids to school/make their dinner', and always sounding somewhat resentful about it.


Yeah, I don't know if she's ever gone on this way about work.  As you said, it's usually the kids.  She's only defensive about work when it's been recently questioned.  She's more defensive about her mental stability than anything.  Makes me wonder how many times that was questioned before we came along. XD

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