I've been looking over her posts and there's been a pattern that feels... eerily familiar.
She shows bizarre delusions about the people here, goes into conspiracies that spin out of nowhere, there's disorganized typing, elements of word salad, she's all over the place similar to how an episode can appear. There's elements of paranoia that surface over the strangest of things, and the explinations border on crazy in appearance. Along with it is a good amount of zeal following these loose associations.
I know it sounds like a joke, but I think she might legitimately show signs of it.
Turn, what you and the other PDs are failing to grasp is the spin of my moral compass.
You folks actually do have a set of ethics. It's based on clannishness, but it's not too awful.
Mine is rooted in a hatred of this doxxing you people enjoy so much.
It disgusts me. We have this "Xena's crazy" discussion every time I defend somebody who's been doxxed.
I know schizophrenics too, kiddo. They're nothing like me.
That's just your opinion of my behaviour. You've never seen the way I behave in person.
A dx requires several hours of rl observation for a reason.
You can't dx somebody based on whether or not they like somebody on a forum.
I'm surprised at you. Didn't your psych profs teach you that sometime in first or second year?